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Ah. I was trying to scramble various combinations of crudely misspelled manure with leaves in English and Elvish. :D
'Tis e'en so!
1. Bold grey takes direction for her. RINGLO: Sauron’s speciality loses humanity for a flower. MORANNON: Lament mingles with horse colour. Loses note but adds direction, for a sombre portal. FELAGUND: Leaf mingles with crude form of fertiliser, but the result is high and Noldorin. CELEBDIL: Old English chill mingles with bitter liquid, but loses note at the peak. ERKENBRAND: Hesitate, know, mark him. 7. Here interweave many tales, if French direction meets the Aylesbury rockers. 8. Quaint tile around the mountain. P.S. Don't overthink the remaining clues. The answer may be there, not synonymised. ;) P.P.S. Duh ... Dung backwards is not Gund but Gnud, I've just realised. The clue was better before I changed it. 'Almost backward' would work, I suppose. P.P.P.S. Galadriel, that's quite an image! The Lady of the Wood takes a more 'hands-on' approach to the preservation of Lorien's beauty. |
7 is Shire.
8 Is Taniquetil - again a simple anagram of Quaint Tile... sneaky you are usually far more complex than this!
1 is Bolger.
I think it may well be a Bolger but the clue indicates it should be a female one and I can't quite make it work for Ruby. Also takes direction suggests that BOLD GREY, if it is a simple anagram needs an additional letter most likely N,S,E,W, L or R rather than to lose them.
so now I have written all that I think it is in fact GOLDBERRY which is an anagram of BOLD GREY with an extra R (for the direction "right"). |
GOLDBERRY: Bold grey takes direction for her.
RINGLO: Sauron’s speciality loses humanity for a flower. MORANNON: Lament mingles with horse colour. Loses note but adds direction, for a sombre portal. FELAGUND: Leaf mingles with crude form of fertiliser, but the result is high and Noldorin. CELEBDIL: Old English chill mingles with bitter liquid, but loses note at the peak. ERKENBRAND: Hesitate, know, mark him. 7. Here interweave many tales, if French direction meets the Aylesbury rockers. TANIQUETIL: Quaint tile around the mountain. Goldberry and Taniquetil are correct; Bolger and Shire are not. EDIT: Sorry, I typed a less laconic reply, but then lost internet access (and hence message) on the train. Good work Urwen, and welcome/welcome back to the thread! Remember that you need to account for each letter, though - you'd have to lose some of the letters to get to Bolger, and there's no 'loses' in that particular clue. |
Then the french direction should be either 'gauche' or 'droite' (french for left and right). I don't know how it fits with Aylesbury rockers, though. When I googled it, I got baby rockers and swings.... *is confused* Unless it's letter A that's supposed to be added..... but that wouldn't work either......
Or Nord, Est, Sud or Oest...
But Aylesbury has me stumped. I can't find any famous bands that come from there. It is mainly known for its geese... |
Going off Mithalwen's idea, it could be Este.....
Rock band in Aylesbury is Kontraband...... |
I think we need a place.. Mandos and Lorien are originally place names. Don't know about Este
In case this is not it, here's an index of tolkien locations. Hopefully someone will make sense of it. P.S Might I try one after this, just to see if I can? |
I didn't know they were from Aylesbury at first. I looked the band up first and found out that they were.
If you read the clue again, you might not need a French direction. ;) And 'place' might have a wider definition than you think, here. Let's see if anyone gets it after that, and if not, I'll give another clue. Urwen, the person who guesses the hidden password gets to do the next clue, so I can't say yes, but a) if you ask the password guesser they might say yes, and b) you might be the guesser of the password yourself! As you can see, it's not a 'straight down the initial letters' password, but it should be guessable now, I think. |
Now I have it...while I am more of a Baroque Opera girl myself, some later stuff has permeated my consciousness...so Silmarillion...Si plus l plus Marillion who I discover come from Aylesbury,
Well done! And of course, the band were Tolkien fans and wanted to call themselves Silmarillion (I guess it was a copyright issue that said they couldn't).
Now - who can see the password? GOLDBERRY: Bold grey takes direction for her. RINGLO: Sauron’s speciality loses humanity for a flower. MORANNON: Lament mingles with horse colour. Loses note but adds direction, for a sombre portal. FELAGUND: Leaf mingles with crude form of fertiliser, but the result is high and Noldorin. CELEBDIL: Old English chill mingles with bitter liquid, but loses note at the peak. ERKENBRAND: Hesitate, know, mark him. SILMARILLION: Here interweave many tales, if French direction meets the Aylesbury rockers. TANIQUETIL: Quaint tile around the mountain. (Incidentally, Felagund was not a Noldorin name, but it was an epesse given to Finrod, who was high and Noldorin). |
Can't find it.....I guess I missed my chance.....
I think it's Girabbit
It is indeed Girabbit - the diagonal is unusually difficult to read due to the different sizes of the letters, which make it look slightly wonky.
GOLDBERRY: Bold grey takes direction for her. RINGLO: Sauron’s speciality loses humanity for a flower. MORANNON: Lament mingles with horse colour. Loses note but adds direction, for a sombre portal. FELAGUND: Leaf mingles with crude form of fertiliser, but the result is high and Noldorin. CELEBDIL: Old English chill mingles with bitter liquid, but loses note at the peak. ERKENBRAND: Hesitate, know, mark him. SILMARILLION: Here interweave many tales, if French direction meets the Aylesbury rockers. TANIQUETIL: Quaint tile around the mountain. I've always been fond of the Mr Bliss book. So, over to Squatter ... |
I never read it though I have a vague awareness.. but not enough not to give up on the diagonals
I asked the winner to let me take their place, waiting for their reply.
I've agreed to give up my place, so over to Urwen
1. A gentleman mixes up with an entrance
2. Reversed regulation meets a chemical element 3. Large quantity goes with reversed exclamation 4. Backwards, what knights say is joined up with half of the city in Australia 5. An article joins up with someone who used to run backwards. 6. Dizzy sun has a chemical element in the middle (those are pretty simple, but I am getting the hang of it, so bear with me) |
2. Elurin? Rule backwards, plus In for Indium.
3. Lotho? (A) lot mixes with oh backwards.
Based on ideas for the rest of the answers - and I am only guessing at elements of the clues at the moment - I am going to have a guess at MELIAN for the password.
1. Mr + door = Mordor?
1. MORDOR (A gentleman mixes up with an entrance)
2. ELURIN (Reversed regulation meets a chemical element) 3. LOTHO (Large quantity goes with reversed exclamation) 4. Backwards, what knights say is joined up with half of the city in Australia 5. An article joins up with someone who used to run backwards. 6. Dizzy sun has a chemical element in the middle Quote:
Oh, and fourth clue is wrong. Part of the answer is exclusive to my language and it isn't exactly backwards either. So because of the fallacy, I am giving the answer to that one, which is Indis.
I was going to guess Indis because I thought it started with NI backwards (which those Monty Python knights say), but I looked for Australian cities for the DIS and couldn't find one that worked.
Oh - I guess Sydney if you change the first Y to I. The others may take a while, because these clues don't quite follow the conventions of cryptic crossword clues, in that they don't give a clue to the straight answer as well as the cryptic elements. (But great clues nonetheless!) And it's great to have another player on board. |
I am still new, but in time, I will make the clues better.
6. Dizzy sun has a chemical element in the middle
The nearest I can get is Numos (former/discarded name of Armenelos), but I don't think the element Mo has been discovered yet. :D
Oh hang on, there is a Mo in the Periodic Table. Its full name is Molybdenum. |
No. That's the only clue that has Tolkien term in it. Think of the sun in tolkien-esque way.
Anar (Elvish for sun) with Ta in the middle for Tantalum. |
You know, speaking of Anar, it sounds like the answer to 5. "A" + "ran" backwards.
Oh, and Narya for the other one? Anar + Y for Yttrium.
For the record, Urwen, your clues were great! Certainly better than my first attempts. They don't follow the cryptic clues conventions to the dot, but they were still fun to work at - and hey, this is the Password thread, not Cryptic Clues, so it doesn't even have to be cryptic in the first place. :) |
1. MORDOR (A gentleman mixes up with an entrance)
2. ELURIN (Reversed regulation meets a chemical element) 3. LOTHO (Large quantity goes with reversed exclamation) 4. INDIS (Backwards, what knights say is joined up with half of the city in Australia) 5. ANAR (An article joins up with someone who used to run backwards.) 6. Dizzy sun has a chemical element in the middle Answer to six is a horse. Can you figure out which horse? |
I did wonder if it was A + ran, but 'someone' made me think I needed an ex-athlete. (Not my best area of knowledge!) ;)
Anyway, Nar is a person, of course. And yes, Galadriel is right. It isn't the Cryptic Clues thread. A brilliant first password. 6. NAHAR? Anar again, plus H for Hydrogen. |
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