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Pervinca Took 05-06-2020 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 723486)
Actually, 'Year [insert number here]' is what you're looking for. It's when a certain someone danced with three Balrogs.

Did they indeed? The kinky devil.

Urwen 05-06-2020 06:34 AM

You are putting disturbing imagery in my head.

Pervinca Took 05-06-2020 07:07 AM

Well, you are a fire maiden!

Why the blazes (sic) did they name Urwen after fire, by the way?

Urwen 05-06-2020 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 723490)
Well, you are a fire maiden!

Why the blazes (sic) did they name Urwen after fire, by the way?

Because they wanted her to have a connection with Feanor, duh. :cool:

Pervinca Took 05-06-2020 09:17 AM

Why would anyone want that? I mean, he may be a genius, but ....

Urwen 05-06-2020 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 723494)
Why would anyone want that? I mean, he may be a genius, but ....

Because they're chummy with the Noldor, and he was the greatest among the Noldor.

Huinesoron 05-06-2020 12:01 PM

For the new page:

ULFANG: Unfaithful. Paid the price.
NIENOR: A leap of fate.
TURIN: One of the three known individuals to do this.
ISILDUR: Betrayed by a living object.
MORLEG: A fallen one with a funny name.
E: Strangled by the second.
LALAITH: Shared a part of the birth name with a member of a different race.
Y: When the living flame died out.

D: When you and your opponents kill each other off.
ELENWE: She got 'iced'.
AREDHEL: Avoid pointy things at all costs.
T: Your house was blown down, literally.
H: Beware corrupted troops.
SAEROS: The chase was on; tragedy (or not)?

'Corrupted troops' sounds like the Nirnaeth, with the unfaithful Easterlings. I don't think there were any H-names in that part of the battle, but HUOR died as a consequence, right?

'Strangled by the second' is an interesting turn of phrase; it could mean by the answer to the second clue (but that's Nienor, not noted for her assassin's ways), or by the Second Age, or 'second by second, s/he was more strangled', but that doesn't make sense.

Has anyone guessed TURGON for the house that got blown down (well, burned by dragons' breath)?


Urwen 05-06-2020 12:51 PM

ULFANG: Unfaithful. Paid the price.
NIENOR: A leap of fate.
TURIN: One of the three known individuals to do this.
ISILDUR: Betrayed by a living object.
MORLEG: A fallen one with a funny name.
E: Strangled by the second.
LALAITH: Shared a part of the birth name with a member of a different race.
Y: When the living flame died out.

D: When you and your opponents kill each other off.
ELENWE: She got 'iced'.
AREDHEL: Avoid pointy things at all costs.
TURGON: Your house was blown down, literally.
H: Beware corrupted troops.
SAEROS: The chase was on; tragedy (or not)?

Well, Huor wasn't the one I had in mind; also 'second' means second Dark Lord.

Pervinca Took 05-06-2020 01:15 PM

Halbarad died young, and I guess the Oathbreakers of Dunharrow were corrupted when they broke their oaths.

Urwen 05-06-2020 01:56 PM


Pervinca Took 05-07-2020 12:27 AM

I'd say Haldar, but not sure about the corrupted troops. Unless orcs count as long-corrupted elves.

Urwen 05-07-2020 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 723600)
I'd say Haldar, but not sure about the corrupted troops. Unless orcs count as long-corrupted elves.

Yes, they are. But I meant someone else, someone with one/two letters away from Haldar.

Pervinca Took 05-07-2020 02:51 AM

His dad?

Urwen 05-07-2020 02:53 AM

No, his three-generational descendant. Follow the family tree.

Pervinca Took 05-07-2020 03:36 AM

Halmir or Haldir - because I'm not sure if you mean his 3-gen descendant or his dad's 3-gen descendant.

(I just made up that abbreviation, by the way. As far as I am aware). :D

Urwen 05-07-2020 03:52 AM


Urwen 05-07-2020 03:53 AM

ULFANG: Unfaithful. Paid the price.
NIENOR: A leap of fate.
TURIN: One of the three known individuals to do this.
ISILDUR: Betrayed by a living object.
MORLEG: A fallen one with a funny name.
E: Strangled by the second.
LALAITH: Shared a part of the birth name with a member of a different race.
Y: When the living flame died out.

D: When you and your opponents kill each other off.
ELENWE: She got 'iced'.
AREDHEL: Avoid pointy things at all costs.
TURGON: Your house was blown down, literally.
HANDIR: Beware corrupted troops.
SAEROS: The chase was on; tragedy (or not)?

Huinesoron 05-07-2020 07:22 AM

Odd thought: could E be ELENNA, aka Numenor? I don't remember Sauron literally strangling anyone, but his evil 'strangled' Numenor (and the smoke from his temple literally choked it).


Urwen 05-07-2020 07:41 AM

I seem to recall one person that Sauron did literally strangle, but I could be wrong about that.

(Also, try my riddle.)

Pervinca Took 05-07-2020 08:30 AM

Is D Dagor Dagorath? But that's not really about untimely deaths.

Urwen 05-07-2020 08:44 AM

No, D is also a person. The only non-person is Y.

Galadriel55 05-07-2020 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 723490)
Why the blazes (sic) did they name Urwen after fire, by the way?

I actually went to look in COH, and only Lalaith is explained.


In that year Turin son of Hurin was yet only five years old, and Urwen his sister was three in the beginning of spring. Her hair was like the yellow lillies in the grass as she ran in the fields, and her laughter was like the sound of the merry stream that came singing out of the hills past the walls of her father's house. Nen Lalaith it was named, and after it all the people of the household called the child Lalaith, and their hearts were glad while she was among them.
Maybe it was for her hair? :confused:

Pervinca Took 05-08-2020 04:55 AM

Is D DENETHOR, referring to the Siege of Gondor?

Urwen 05-08-2020 05:37 AM


Urwen 05-08-2020 04:02 PM


Pervinca Took 05-09-2020 06:38 AM

I'm going to guess Year 510 (First Age) for the Balrog clue; although I only counted two particular Balrogs mentioned in the source I read, it did say that the Balrogs rode on dragons, and I think there were more.

Well, I call it the Balrog clue because you later said there is a dance with three dragons.

Huinesoron 05-09-2020 03:21 PM

Sudden thought: could E be Elendil? Because... well... Sauron killed him. ^_^ That's all I've got.


Urwen 05-10-2020 04:31 AM

Nope and nope.

Huinesoron 05-10-2020 11:44 AM

Okeydokey, time for Sauron's Timeline of Evil.

-Bunch of stuff before the First Age. No known deaths.

-First Age: first appears taking Minas Tirith away from Orodreth. No known deaths.

-Mucks about in Dorthonion. Has Barahir's band killed. Possibly EILINEL? Don't think he's directly involved in the deaths of anyone other than Gorlim.

-Team Finrod get into his clutches and are almost all killed by his wolves. Sauron is not personally involved.

-Luthien and Huan beat him and send him running back to Dorthonion.

-Does... kind of... nothing? For the rest of the Age?

-Second Age: first appears as Annatar. Irritates Lindon, but Celebrimbor loves him.

-The War of the Elves and Sauron (did they forget how to name battles???). Kills Celebrimbor, possibly in person. Don't think anyone else is named.

-Eventually taken in chains to Numenor. Pretends to be nice, apart from all the human sacrifice. Don't remember any named victims.

-Nearly gets drowned.

-War of the Last Alliance. Responsible for a bunch of deaths, but only personally kills Elendil and Gil-Galad.


EREINION? Apparently it was the heat of Sauron's hand that killed him, so he could have been strangled.


Urwen 05-10-2020 02:25 PM

ULFANG: Unfaithful. Paid the price.
NIENOR: A leap of fate.
TURIN: One of the three known individuals to do this.
ISILDUR: Betrayed by a living object.
MORLEG: A fallen one with a funny name.
EREINION: Strangled by the second.
LALAITH: Shared a part of the birth name with a member of a different race.
Y: When the living flame died out.

D: When you and your opponents kill each other off.
ELENWE: She got 'iced'.
AREDHEL: Avoid pointy things at all costs.
TURGON: Your house was blown down, literally.
HANDIR: Beware corrupted troops.
SAEROS: The chase was on; tragedy (or not)?

Urwen 05-10-2020 02:26 PM

Two to go.

Huinesoron 05-12-2020 02:23 PM

Y: Feanor (a definitely Living Flame) got balrogged in YEAR OF THE TREES 1497, per the Gateway.

D:... goodness only knows. Has someone guessed DUNEDAIN, for when Arthedain and Angmar had their little mutual destruction dance?


Urwen 05-12-2020 03:42 PM

ULFANG: Unfaithful. Paid the price.
NIENOR: A leap of fate.
TURIN: One of the three known individuals to do this.
ISILDUR: Betrayed by a living object.
MORLEG: A fallen one with a funny name.
EREINION: Strangled by the second.
LALAITH: Shared a part of the birth name with a member of a different race.
Y.T 1497: When the living flame died out.

D: When you and your opponents kill each other off.
ELENWE: She got 'iced'.
AREDHEL: Avoid pointy things at all costs.
TURGON: Your house was blown down, literally.
HANDIR: Beware corrupted troops.
SAEROS: The chase was on; tragedy (or not)?

Well, since you solved the hardest clue, I am about to throw you a bone! Shinbone! Skinbone!

Urwen 05-12-2020 03:46 PM

And here is your shinbone...


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 722679)
1. Not quite an ostritch kid. Both a name and a job description.


Huinesoron 05-12-2020 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 724789)
And here is your shinbone...


DIOR EMUCHILD THE FAIR, slayer of Celegorm the Fair, owner of a cat called Snugglefluff the Fair (probably).


Urwen 05-13-2020 02:25 AM

ULFANG: Unfaithful. Paid the price.
NIENOR: A leap of fate.
TURIN: One of the three known individuals to do this.
ISILDUR: Betrayed by a living object.
MORLEG: A fallen one with a funny name.
EREINION: Strangled by the second.
LALAITH: Shared a part of the birth name with a member of a different race.
Y.T 1497: When the living flame died out.

DIOR: When you and your opponents kill each other off.
ELENWE: She got 'iced'.
AREDHEL: Avoid pointy things at all costs.
TURGON: Your house was blown down, literally.
HANDIR: Beware corrupted troops.
SAEROS: The chase was on; tragedy (or not)?

And over to Pervinca, I think.

Pervinca Took 05-13-2020 06:08 AM

Great password, Urwen, and neat work, Huinesoron. :)

Here we go, then:

1. Gem of a comedienne … hear, read … shhhh!
2. Great hobbit, poetically speaking.
3. One known for hubris in extremity.
4. Do it to wood, if you need boiled athelas
5. He alternatively sets out for Aldershot.
6. He’s always gassing! (Well, OK, twice. Noted).
7. Though nameless here, the name of this one is ultimately the only one remembered.

Urwen 05-13-2020 06:26 AM

6. Fastred (FARTS+E+D)

As for 3, it could be Hammerhand, if hammer counts as hubris - which it did, for his enemies when he smashed 'em with his fist. Then there is also Wingfoot, Heavy Hand, Clubfoot, Morleg...)

Pervinca Took 05-13-2020 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 724848)
6. Fastred (FARTS+E+D)

As for 3, it could be Hammerhand, if hammer counts as hubris - which it did, for his enemies when he smashed 'em with his fist. Then there is also Wingfoot, Heavy Hand, Clubfoot, Morleg...)

Oh, that made me laugh! As well as taking me by surprise. ;)

Although I have not been unknown to make lavatorial allusions in my clues, it is not that kind of gas on this occasion. :D

You are right about the extremity, but you have the wrong character. There is a much closer fit for 'hubris.'

Urwen 05-13-2020 08:44 AM

Hubris: pride, arrogance.

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