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But no one else except Gandalf and Erestor contains T in their names, and Erestor is taken. If you believe otherwise, then take a look at the members and say that someone else does with a straight face.
Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Frodo, Bilbo, Boromir, Elrond. Which one of those names contains the letter 'T' within them? Do tell. |
???M???: Find him circulating at a strange support group.
ERESTOR: Put back, almost intact, to find him. ???E???: A twist of double pastry for him. ???T???: Search around the ship for him. GLORFINDEL: Coin in German money? Shake it up for him. GLOIN: Behold, spirit! Turn and see him! GALDOR: For him, a happy alternative, with minimal compromise. THEME: PEOPLE PRESENT AT THE COUNCIL OF ELROND. Go and have a cup of tea, and think about angles you have not yet considered. |
The only other who was present with T in their name was Pippin, or Peregrin Took.
He was not in the meeting, though.
Then there was no one else whose name contains the letter T at the meeting.
Unless, of course, you mean one of their.....other names (ie. Telcontar etc. for Aragorn) |
I might. ;)
But I want the elements accounted for, not just random guesses. |
Well, the elements of my clues two passwords ago - the one with Turin as the password - weren't all accounted for, so since it wasn't done with my clues, I feel no obligation to do it with other people's clues.
If others wish to do so, they might, but since I wasn't given the courtesy of my clues being explained properly back then, why should I do it? I had to explain the elements of both Maeglin and Tuor clues myself, so.....yeah.Treat others how you would like to be treated. |
I always give explanations. At least, I'm pretty sure I do. I accounted for all elements in your last password. But suit yourself.
But not in the one before that. |
(PS: I think it was Galadriel who guessed both Tuor and Maeglin, but this doesn't really affect your main point.) There are a lot of alternate names and titles with T in them at the Council - Strider, Thranduillion, Captain of Gondor, &c &c. The clue sounds like we need a synonym for 'search' with a synonym for (or name of a) 'ship' stuck inside it... but there really aren't any jumping out at me. E feels like it might contain 'pie'. hS |
Well, I apologise if I have ever failed to do so. I think all I did in that one was point out the theme, though ... killer and victim pairs. That made the last pair easy for G55 to guess, even though she didn't have all the elements. So I guess there is sometimes a bit of a grey area.
The GIANTS one was extremely difficult, but I thought I tried to work backwards by giving the elements afterwards. And Galadriel guessed apologetically, saying she didn't think it was fair to just rant them off. Like I said, grey areas. |
PEREGRINE does contain 'pie'... not sure I can conjure another pastry from 'eregrn', though. Greenr!
hS EDIT: Not attacking you at all for Wiki-crawling for the giants; Varda knows I spend enough time pulling answers out of wikis myself! I was just sympathising with the feeling of frustration we've all felt when our carefully-crafted clues fall too easily to guesses which are right but don't appreciate the complexity we've put into them. :) |
Back to the puzzle: not pie, but something not at all dissimilar.
Huey! Peregrin was not invited to the meeting, and didn't just invite himself anyway!
Does make you think about elvish security systems: top secret discussion about the One Ring, and they don't notice a hobbit trotting in and hiding. |
Ohhhh yeah, and we already had a Pippin guess... my bad. Too much time spent on the movies back in the day.
Wait, of course! There's only one person T can be: https://i.imgur.com/elXYWoq.jpg It's FIGWIT! :D:D (Obviously 'ship' is modern slang for a 'wig', and you search for something to 'fit' it into your collection... yeah, I will laugh so hard if this is the right answer.) hS |
It isn't. ;)
I did wonder if someone would mention Figwit, though. And Thranduillion? Is that a fandom thing? Urwen and Huinesoron, try pooling your wits. 'Double' doesn't mean you double the pastry element. |
Still trying to come up with answers for any of the remaining three. :-/ hS |
Makes me think of 'Double Dutch'.
Or two+tart.
Or maybe 'Strudel' which sounds like 'Strider'. |
Urwen has the right reasoning. All well-known chaps with alternative names. You just need to take some of them apart.
I wrote this password partly for the non-Fellowship chaps who rarely get a look-in, and put them in to make it more challenging, but those ones were guessed first, and made the theme tumble at the first hurdle. ;) Also, let me amend what I said earlier. We sometimes get nearly there with the elements. Especially as some passworders use the style of clue that just gives a flavour or gets you part of the way. I do painstakingly account for every letter in my clues, and this might make me over-sensitive. But I think we should try to get at least part of the way with the reasoning, or get so far and see if another poster can find the rest. |
TART is correct!
I love Strudel for Strider, too! But that one isn't, sadly. (However, I've a feeling I'm always going to hear Aragorn speaking with an Austrian accent now). |
OK ... the 'double' synonym is perhaps not an obvious one.
Try taking one of the alternative names, removing tart from it, and seeing what remains. |
hS |
Then 1 is Storm+Crows (a group from ASOIAF)
???M???: Find him circulating at a strange support group.
ERESTOR: Put back, almost intact, to find him. TELCONTAR: A twist of double pastry for him. ???T???: Search around the ship for him. GLORFINDEL: Coin in German money? Shake it up for him. GLOIN: Behold, spirit! Turn and see him! GALDOR: For him, a happy alternative, with minimal compromise. Correct! And inspired, of course, by the words Sam shouts to Aragorn in the Prancing Pony in one of the 'History of the LOTR' volumes of HOME: "HOW DARE YOU CLONE THE REAL STRIDER AND TAKE HIS CLOTHES, YOU TART?" P.S. I now want Strudel. |
Good guess, but not Stormcrow. I've never read that book nor seen an episode, and thought ASOIAF was the initials of a support group until I checked it on Google.
Remember the letter could be ANY letter of the answer, as with my last 'random letters' password. |
4: Tharkun (Gandalf) HUNT rearranged around ARK
That's the one!
???M???: Find him circulating at a strange support group.
ERESTOR: Put back, almost intact, to find him. TELCONTAR: A twist of double pastry for him. THARKUN: Search around the ship for him. GLORFINDEL: Coin in German money? Shake it up for him. GLOIN: Behold, spirit! Turn and see him! GALDOR: For him, a happy alternative, with minimal compromise. THEME: PEOPLE PRESENT AT THE COUNCIL OF ELROND. |
Okay, the only remaining attendee with an M, now that Mithrandir is off the table, would be the one who wasn't invited.
"Support group" = GAMS? |
No. The support group is a British one. Not sure if it exists outside the UK, if that helps?
It shares initials with an organisation you can ring if your car breaks down. |
CAA is the support group?
No, like it, but slightly shorter.
Wrongly shortened. :D
AA: Alcoholics Anonymous (or Automobile Association).
But that doesn't help a lot. In fact it makes things worse. |
The AA is both Alcoholics Anonymous and the Automobile Association.
So, it would be a very strange AA meeting that had rum being passed around, so perhaps AA + rum = MAURA, AKA Frodo? hS (Crossed with WCH.) |
MAURA: Find him circulating at a strange support group.
ERESTOR: Put back, almost intact, to find him. TELCONTAR: A twist of double pastry for him. THARKUN: Search around the ship for him. GLORFINDEL: Coin in German money? Shake it up for him. GLOIN: Behold, spirit! Turn and see him! GALDOR: For him, a happy alternative, with minimal compromise. THEME: PEOPLE PRESENT AT THE COUNCIL OF ELROND. Maura it is (as in Maura Labingi). I hadn't noticed the juxtaposition of rum and AA! Yes, that works. But it's simply that 'rum' is a word meaning strange. Circulating, not strange, was the anagram indicator. And Tharkun *could* be found on the ship west, but I didn't realise that when I used ARK and hunt to produce the clue. Over to Urwen! :) |
Well, SWIMS + EA (Emotions Anonymous) gives SAMWISE, but I don't think that's what you are looking for.
Oh, wow. Using real-Westron is kinda cheatin'.....
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