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Pervinca Took 09-29-2020 01:51 AM

A betting hint is a TIP, though, and who has TIP in their name?

Ah! TIPTOE, the observant and philosophical fox in Book One. :D

Pervinca Took 09-29-2020 01:53 AM

And over we go ...


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 729034)
I wound up puzzling over this one myself. The answer is indeed Earnur, with 'the city' being Minas Morgul... I think the clue was 'EARNER + "E? No, U!", but I'm honestly not certain.

URWEN - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
NIENNA - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
CELEBRIMBOR - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
OAKENSHIELD - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
MITHRANDIR - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
MAURA - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
IRIME - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
8. T - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
THEODRED - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
EARNUR - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
DAERON - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!

Only #8 to go! I quite like this one. ^_^


Huinesoron 09-29-2020 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729041)
A betting hint is a TIP, though, and who has TIP in their name?

Ah! TIPTOE, the observant and philosophical fox in Book One. :D

Y'know, he always has sounded like a refugee from Narnia. Proof, perhaps, of the old theory that the east-facing Narnia map and the west-facing Middle-earth map are supposed to back onto each other, making 'The Magician's Nephew' the canonical origin of Men in Arda? Further evidence is found in the fact that only a little fiddling lets you line the End of Narnia nicely with the Fall of Numenor and the Change of the World...

Anyway, no, and it's not a hint (or tip) to a gambler.


Pervinca Took 09-29-2020 05:27 AM

For a couple of pins, says Troll, and grins ... is the Troll gambling 2 pins?

Is it Troll, or the Tom of the same song?

Huinesoron 09-29-2020 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729044)
For a couple of pins, says Troll, and grins ... is the Troll gambling 2 pins?

Is it Troll, or the Tom of the same song?

It is not. This is a named character, who is specifically noted to be unmarried (unlike the rest of the three (I SAID FOUR)).


Urwen 09-29-2020 08:18 AM

For some reason, it reminds me of the certain group of four, but only one of those is unmarried, and they're the answer to another clue.

Urwen 09-29-2020 08:24 AM

Shortened road could be 'ROD', and Pin - Fin, so the answer could be Finrod.

Huinesoron 09-29-2020 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 729046)
For some reason, it reminds me of the certain group of four, but only one of those is unmarried, and they're the answer to another clue.

What, Frodo? This is not an LotR clue.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 729047)
Shortened road could be 'ROD', and Pin - Fin, so the answer could be Finrod.

Nope - the road isn't short (and the troll's pins aren't relevant either).

Some thoughts:

-What is a road made of?
-What hint might a gambler (accidentally) give?
-'a misspelled Hobbit' does not refer to a specific hobbit.


Pervinca Took 09-29-2020 10:45 AM

I thought of one of the TAR-s, but then thought that too much of a leap from 'road.'


Perian misspelt. One of three, but should have been four, (damn you, Ar-Pharazon!) ruling queens of Numenor. I guess she was the only unmarried one of the four.

A gambler might 'tell' someone a hint by accident?

Huinesoron 09-29-2020 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729049)
I thought of one of the TAR-s, but then thought that too much of a leap from 'road.'


Perian misspelt. One of three, but should have been four, (damn you, Ar-Pharazon!) ruling queens of Numenor. I guess she was the only unmarried one of the four.

A gambler might 'tell' someone a hint by accident?

Nothing is too much of a leap! :D:D:D

(This is not actually a statement of gameplay philosophy, fear not.)

In games like poker, the involuntary habits which reveal what a player is thinking - such as tapping their fingers on the table, or blinking rapidly - are known as tells.

URWEN - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
NIENNA - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
CELEBRIMBOR - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
OAKENSHIELD - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
MITHRANDIR - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
MAURA - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
IRIME - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
TAR-TELPERIEN - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
THEODRED - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
EARNUR - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
DAERON - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!

Theme: Unmarried characters

Over to you, I think, Pervinca.


Pervinca Took 10-01-2020 01:40 AM

Another great password, Huinesoron!

Here we go again, then:

1. One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
2. Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
3. Circle that draws lines?
4. Charged component in great turmoil for her.
5. Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
6. In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
7. See the back of the article here, mon ami.
8. He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point.
9. Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him!
10. He really is almost human!
11. Mix female-born herb for him.
12. Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him.
13. Call, master, and see him.
14. Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
15. This time, a glaring palindrome!
16. Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

Urwen 10-01-2020 03:25 AM

12. Celebrimbor?

Pervinca Took 10-01-2020 04:24 AM

1. One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
2. Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
3. Circle that draws lines?
4. Charged component in great turmoil for her.
5. Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
6. In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
7. See the back of the article here, mon ami.
8. He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point.
9. Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him!
10. He really is almost human!
11. Mix female-born herb for him.
CELEBRIMBOR: Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him.
13. Call, master, and see him.
14. Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
15. This time, a glaring palindrome!
16. Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

Urwen 10-01-2020 04:40 AM

10. Huan

Pervinca Took 10-01-2020 04:46 AM

1. One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
2. Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
3. Circle that draws lines?
4. Charged component in great turmoil for her.
5. Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
6. In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
7. See the back of the article here, mon ami.
8. He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point.
9. Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him!
HUAN: He really is almost human!
11. Mix female-born herb for him.
CELEBRIMBOR: Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him.
13. Call, master, and see him.
14. Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
15. This time, a glaring palindrome!
16. Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

Huinesoron 10-01-2020 05:02 AM

#13 seems to point to RING-LORD, but I'm not sure Tolkien uses that term.

Actually, #3 seems like it might be a 'ring' clue as well, but I'm not sure what.


Pervinca Took 10-01-2020 06:43 AM

1. One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
2. Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
3. Circle that draws lines?
4. Charged component in great turmoil for her.
5. Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
6. In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
7. See the back of the article here, mon ami.
8. He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point.
9. Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him!
HUAN: He really is almost human!
11. Mix female-born herb for him.
CELEBRIMBOR: Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him.
RINGLORD: Call, master, and see him.
14. Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
15. This time, a glaring palindrome!
16. Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

Your hunch about Clue 3 is right, too.

Huinesoron 10-01-2020 07:32 AM

... it's RULING RING, isn't it?

#9: A long shot, but this could be TANTA (Ta'n'Ta) HORNBLOWER. I suspect 'perplexing' points at an anagram, though.


Pervinca Took 10-01-2020 08:55 AM

Well Done!
1. One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
2. Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
RULING RING: Circle that draws lines?
4. Charged component in great turmoil for her.
5. Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
6. In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
7. See the back of the article here, mon ami.
8. He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point.
9. Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him!
HUAN: He really is almost human!
11. Mix female-born herb for him.
CELEBRIMBOR: Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him.
RINGLORD: Call, master, and see him.
14. Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
15. This time, a glaring palindrome!
16. Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

You need a different synonym for 'clarion.'

Huinesoron 10-01-2020 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729068)
You need a different synonym for 'clarion.'

I feel bad for you for doing this, but I'm going to take the clue: TAR-CALION (Ta clarion) for #9.

Which definitely puts a Sauron theme of some kind on the whole password.


Galadriel55 10-01-2020 10:23 AM

I love the Huan clue. It is so punny! :D


Pervinca Took 10-01-2020 10:36 AM

1. One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
2. Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
RULING RING: Circle that draws lines?
4. Charged component in great turmoil for her.
5. Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
ANNATAR: In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
7. See the back of the article here, mon ami.
8. He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point.
TAR-CALION: Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him!
HUAN: He really is almost human!
11. Mix female-born herb for him.
CELEBRIMBOR: Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him.
RINGLORD: Call, master, and see him.
14. Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
15. This time, a glaring palindrome!
16. Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

Hoist with me own synonym, to be sure! ;)

Urwen 10-01-2020 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 729069)
I feel bad for you for doing this, but I'm going to take the clue: TAR-CALION (Ta clarion) for #9.

Which definitely puts a Sauron theme of some kind on the whole password.


Allow me to say that I hate that guy. Hate him.

Interesting info: His name might stem from the elvish 'arpho', which means 'seizer'.

Galadriel55 10-01-2020 04:40 PM

GORTHAUR THE CRUEL for password?

2. ORODRUIN, from O...RUIN?

Pervinca Took 10-01-2020 05:05 PM

G: One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
ORODRUIN: Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
RULING RING: Circle that draws lines?
T: Charged component in great turmoil for her.
H: Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
ANNATAR: In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
U: See the back of the article here, mon ami.
R: He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point.

TAR-CALION: Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him!
HUAN: He really is almost human!
E: Mix female-born herb for him.

CELEBRIMBOR: Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him.
RINGLORD: Call, master, and see him.
U: Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
E: This time, a glaring palindrome!
L: Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

ORODRUIN is ROOD made crooked, plus RUIN.

Galadriel55 10-01-2020 07:08 PM

UDUN for the first U, because un + du, both French articles?

And ULAIRI for the other U: U(ndisclosed) + LAIR + I(gloos)

For 1 I kept thinking the dark side lover had to be something like Sith... But working backwards, it becomes GOTH + OO + RR + G = GORGOROTH

Pervinca Took 10-02-2020 04:46 AM

GORGOROTH: One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
ORODRUIN: Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
RULING RING: Circle that draws lines?
T: Charged component in great turmoil for her.
H: Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
ANNATAR: In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
UDUN: See the back of the article here, mon ami.
R: He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point.

TAR-CALION: Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him!
HUAN: He really is almost human!
E: Mix female-born herb for him.

CELEBRIMBOR: Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him.
RINGLORD: Call, master, and see him.
ULAIRI: Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
E: This time, a glaring palindrome!
L: Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

Good work!

UDUN is DU, the French for 'of the,' backwards, then the article, UN.

Huinesoron 10-02-2020 06:59 AM

Is the R RODNOR, aka Gil-Galad of disputed parentage? With the second 'D' that would make it a palindrome turning into N which... has points, I guess?

And based purely on 'her', and the relatively low number of women who've run into Sauron: is T TINUVIEL? (I really wanted to find an anagram of 'battery', or maybe 'capacitor', but... ;))


Huinesoron 10-02-2020 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 729073)
Interesting info: His name might stem from the elvish 'arpho', which means 'seizer'.

The image of the Faithful coming up with snarky folk etymologies for the King's Men's names amuses me immensely.

There's a Primitive Elvish rood 'Arga', dread, dreadful which could be similarly interpreted as the source of Ar-Gimilzor. ;)


Pervinca Took 10-02-2020 07:54 AM

GORGOROTH: One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
ORODRUIN: Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
RULING RING: Circle that draws lines?
TINUVIEL: Charged component in great turmoil for her. (Bested by her)
H: Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
ANNATAR: In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
UDUN: See the back of the article here, mon ami.
RODNOR: He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point. (His bane)

TAR-CALION: Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him! (Deceived him)
HUAN: He really is almost human! (Bested him)
E: Mix female-born herb for him.

CELEBRIMBOR: Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him. (Had him executed)
RINGLORD: Call, master, and see him.
ULAIRI: Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
E: This time, a glaring palindrome!
L: Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

I think TINUVIEL must have been LIVE UNIT.

Huinesoron 10-02-2020 08:34 AM

Oh! Is the final E EYE?


Pervinca Took 10-02-2020 09:10 AM

GORGOROTH: One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
ORODRUIN: Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
RULING RING: Circle that draws lines?
TINUVIEL: Charged component in great turmoil for her. (Bested by her)
H: Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
ANNATAR: In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
UDUN: See the back of the article here, mon ami.
RODNOR: He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point. (His bane)

TAR-CALION: Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him! (Deceived him)
HUAN: He really is almost human! (Bested him)
E: Mix female-born herb for him.

CELEBRIMBOR: Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him. (Had him executed)
RINGLORD: Call, master, and see him.
ULAIRI: Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
EYE: This time, a glaring palindrome!
L: Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

It is. And the 'Shakespearean' word for snag/problem in the L clue can be found in the most famous of Hamlet's soliloquies.

Urwen 10-02-2020 09:54 AM

I found the word, but Lugburz is the only thing that makes sense given the word and the theme. But I don't see how LUGZ = HMNB Devonport?

Pervinca Took 10-02-2020 10:46 AM

GORGOROTH: One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
ORODRUIN: Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
RULING RING: Circle that draws lines?
TINUVIEL: Charged component in great turmoil for her. (Bested by her)
H: Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
ANNATAR: In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
UDUN: See the back of the article here, mon ami.
RODNOR: He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point. (His bane)

TAR-CALION: Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him! (Deceived him)
HUAN: He really is almost human! (Bested him)
E: Mix female-born herb for him.

CELEBRIMBOR: Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him. (Had him executed)
RINGLORD: Call, master, and see him.
ULAIRI: Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
EYE: This time, a glaring palindrome!
LUGBURZ: Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

For some reason - and I have no idea why - the barracks at HMNB Devonport have the nickname GUZ. I became aware of a place/thing called GUZ when I read a Charles Causley poem called 'Song of the Dying Gunner,' which has a line that goes 'Farewell Aggie Weston, the barracks at Guz.'

'To sleep, perchance to dream - ay, there's the RUB.' ('Mirror' it).

And 'well-directed start' tells you to put a direction, (L, as it happens), at the beginning.


Two to go!

Urwen 10-02-2020 11:34 AM

I already know about rub, so you didn't have to explain that too (unless of course, you explained for the benefit of everyone else), but I see. :)

Galadriel55 10-02-2020 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 729086)
Oh! Is the final E EYE?

Noooo. Pervinca, you're killing me. :D

For the H, based on "them" it likely refers to a group of people - so maybe HARADRIM? Has HIM + 2xA + D (and RR somehow makes 2 liquids?)

PS: Huey, a "point" is a compass point - in this case N for North.

Pervinca Took 10-03-2020 01:25 AM

GORGOROTH: One who loves the dark side swallows double zero, two directions and a note here?
ORODRUIN: Crooked cross. Destruction. And here we are.
RULING RING: Circle that draws lines?
TINUVIEL: Charged component in great turmoil for her. (Bested by her)
HARADRIM: Two articles, two liquids, a note and a pronoun. Mix them up to reveal them.
ANNATAR: In him, a palindrome girl meets a sailor.
UDUN: See the back of the article here, mon ami.
RODNOR: He’d be a palindrome, but a note becomes a point. (His bane)

TAR-CALION: Thank you, trumpet, for perplexing him! (Deceived him)
HUAN: He really is almost human! (Bested him)
E: Mix female-born herb for him.

CELEBRIMBOR: Beleg returns, with noted change and edge. Denethor’s little son completes him. (Had him executed)
RINGLORD: Call, master, and see him.
ULAIRI: Den inside undisclosed igloos? Yes, initially. There they are!
EYE: This time, a glaring palindrome!
LUGBURZ: Here’s a well-directed start. A Shakespearean snag is mirrored. And HMNB Devonport is sprinkled around.

Perfectly correct, Galadriel. :)

Which clue were you referring to with the compass point - is it in another recent password?

A CLUE for the one remaining unsolved answer: what's the female form of a term that means 'born,' that you tend to find on firms, passports, etc? ;)

Urwen 10-03-2020 03:45 AM

Well, the only term I could find is 'issued', but I can't find female term for that.

Pervinca Took 10-03-2020 04:33 AM

It's a French term.

Urwen 10-03-2020 05:16 AM


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