![]() |
2. Could be Iluvatar, who killed Pharazon, who stole the title from Miriel...
And if so, then the clues in parenthesis lead to the kings they've killed.
For Naugrim, it's Thingol (narrow = thin + log backwards), and for Eldacar, it's Castamir (cast a mir) |
And 4 is for Telemnar (tel em nah)
1. K - The crown of the north, ruled mother in anger. (Would make money but for you) 2. I - Wet, not out, half under, a Nation without a capital. (Her title stolen) killed Tar-Miriel of Numenor NAUGRIM - "I say, it's now grim, little ones." (Narrow the log backwards) killed Thingol of Doriath GREAT PLAGUE - Grand and very 2020: the ruin of Gondor. (Tell them no with a thick accent) killed Telemnar of Gondor 5. S - Odd power, between a shin and neck both missing something, going down. (One way or another, the last.) 6. L - In the shadow, girl abs? No, that's both backwards - except the plural - and wrong at once; who's in charge? (I said he's gone, but he was thin first) 7. A - With his brother - or cousin - he said, "Anger might, eh?" (But for a couple of letters, he could dig for a herb) YRCH - Your chai has no vowels, fallen ones. (Noted for his hair, I hear) killed Isildur of the Realms in Exile ELDACAR - An elf's vehicle, or a rightful king. (Throw an elven jewel) killed Castamir of Gondor 10. R - Not to roll, hardly. (The son of the sun) SNOWMANE - A horse with cold fur. (Almost definitely a god) killed Theoden of Rohan Quote:
My list of possible kings included not only Castamir, but also Pharazon, Wulf of Rohan, and Maglor as heir of Maedhros. I even had stewards and Lords of the Eored on there! ... though I've just now realise I forgot to consider Orodreth. Anyway, I've just checked, and I think Miriel is the only titular non-king on the list. hS |
Well, 'wave' doesn't begin with 'I' as far as I know...
4 is rock
7. Angamaite (and Minardil)
1 doesn't begin with 'K', but it could be the Witch King.
2 is INUNDATION, I think. The great wave/flooding/drowning of Numenor. Miriel was drowned back home in Numenor, I think.
hS |
KING OF ANGMAR - The crown of the north, ruled mother in anger. (Would make money but for you) killed Earnur of Gondor
INUNDATION - Wet, not out, half under, a Nation without a capital. (Her title stolen) killed Tar-Miriel of Numenor NAUGRIM - "I say, it's now grim, little ones." (Narrow the log backwards) killed Thingol of Doriath GREAT PLAGUE - Grand and very 2020: the ruin of Gondor. (Tell them no with a thick accent) killed Telemnar of Gondor 5. S - Odd power, between a shin and neck both missing something, going down. (One way or another, the last.) 6. L - In the shadow, girl abs? No, that's both backwards - except the plural - and wrong at once; who's in charge? (I said he's gone, but he was thin first) ANGAMAITE - With his brother - or cousin - he said, "Anger might, eh?" (But for a couple of letters, he could dig for a herb) killed Minardil of Gondor YRCH - Your chai has no vowels, fallen ones. (Noted for his hair, I hear) killed Isildur of the Realms in Exile ELDACAR - An elf's vehicle, or a rightful king. (Throw an elven jewel) killed Castamir of Gondor ROCK - Not to roll, hardly. (The son of the sun) killed Anarion of Gondor SNOWMANE - A horse with cold fur. (Almost definitely a god) killed Theoden of Rohan Inundation was in + und(er) + (N)ation. I've just had to triple check that Anarion was considered a king; apparently he was co-king with Isildur. Is that the only true joint kingship in Middle-earth? Pharazon and Miriel don't count. hS |
Does 'und' count as half of 'under'? I'd say, more like, 3/5ths, but that's just me...
I think the closest to actual, acknowledged and official joint rule I can think of is Angrod and Aegnor as joint Lords of Dorthonion. hS |
Come to the dark side, Huinesoron...embrace the feminist ideology...we have cookies...and spaghetti...
"Oh, just come out and say it," Tuor said. "You don't want to put a woman on the throne." "There's not exactly a precedent," Oropher said. "No woman has ever ruled in Beler-" "Haleth," Tuor said, then smirked. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was just thinking. Do go on." "... amongst the Eldar," Guilin said, lowering his brows at the Man, "the High King has always been a... King." -Regency Council hS |
Back to the password, 6 must be Lord of Balrogs.
KING OF ANGMAR - The crown of the north, ruled mother in anger. (Would make money but for you) killed Earnur of Gondor INUNDATION - Wet, not out, half under, a Nation without a capital. (Her title stolen) killed Tar-Miriel of Numenor NAUGRIM - "I say, it's now grim, little ones." (Narrow the log backwards) killed Thingol of Doriath GREAT PLAGUE - Grand and very 2020: the ruin of Gondor. (Tell them no with a thick accent) killed Telemnar of Gondor 5. S - Odd power, between a shin and neck both missing something, going down. (One way or another, the last.) LORD OF BALROGS - In the shadow, girl abs? No, that's both backwards - except the plural - and wrong at once; who's in charge? (I said he's gone, but he was thin first) killed Fingon of the Noldor ANGAMAITE - With his brother - or cousin - he said, "Anger might, eh?" (But for a couple of letters, he could dig for a herb) killed Minardil of Gondor YRCH - Your chai has no vowels, fallen ones. (Noted for his hair, I hear) killed Isildur of the Realms in Exile ELDACAR - An elf's vehicle, or a rightful king. (Throw an elven jewel) killed Castamir of Gondor ROCK - Not to roll, hardly. (The son of the sun) killed Anarion of Gondor SNOWMANE - A horse with cold fur. (Almost definitely a god) killed Theoden of Rohan Just one to go! The shin and neck are both missing the same thing. hS |
I get it. If we remove even letters from power, we have pwr. And so ((Shin-n)+pwr + (neck-n)) = shi+pwr+eck.
KING OF ANGMAR - The crown of the north, ruled mother in anger. (Would make money but for you) killed Earnur of Gondor INUNDATION - Wet, not out, half under, a Nation without a capital. (Her title stolen) killed Tar-Miriel of Numenor NAUGRIM - "I say, it's now grim, little ones." (Narrow the log backwards) killed Thingol of Doriath GREAT PLAGUE - Grand and very 2020: the ruin of Gondor. (Tell them no with a thick accent) killed Telemnar of Gondor SHIPWRECK - Odd power, between a shin and neck both missing something, going down. (One way or another, the last.) killed Arvedui of Arthedain LORD OF BALROGS - In the shadow, girl abs? No, that's both backwards - except the plural - and wrong at once; who's in charge? (I said he's gone, but he was thin first) killed Fingon of the Noldor ANGAMAITE - With his brother - or cousin - he said, "Anger might, eh?" (But for a couple of letters, he could dig for a herb) killed Minardil of Gondor YRCH - Your chai has no vowels, fallen ones. (Noted for his hair, I hear) killed Isildur of the Realms in Exile ELDACAR - An elf's vehicle, or a rightful king. (Throw an elven jewel) killed Castamir of Gondor ROCK - Not to roll, hardly. (The son of the sun) killed Anarion of Gondor SNOWMANE - A horse with cold fur. (Almost definitely a god) killed Theoden of Rohan Fun fact: at least two kings were killed by shipwreck, the other being Earnil I of Gondor. Second fun fact: as best I can tell, Tar-Miriel is the only Numenorean ruler to die of anything other than old age or 'yielding up their life'. Not counting Pharazon the King Under The Hill, and Tar-Telperien the Witch-Queen. ^_~ Over to you, Urwen! hS |
I wonder if we could count Eowyn & Merry as king-killers for killing the aforementioned King of Angmar.
Either way, you'll love this one, you will.
1. She reflects an untruth, an edge and a rodent. (Until the very end.) 2. A broken trunk. Untruth switches vowels, for her ("Fear my umbrella!") 3. You, we hear, confused the Nazgul (Could drown them as well.) 4. Add a note to a broken promenade and see her ("I wanted my own place." 5. A jumbled story between double hydrogen, for her ("I reject your offer.") 6. Note, related to an enclosed membrane, windingly, for her (...Or else you might get speared) 7. She reflects victory within returning endless joy (Like a bird set free) 8. Objectively, I...return the tack. (Gives good advice) 9. Egyptian God returns. When, we hear. For her.(Freedom of choice is the true freedom.) 10. An university, a definite article and a direction are in disarray for her (I believe in love) 11. 'Eh?' you hear her say 'Oh, victory." (A victory indeed.) 12. An endless Australian city (with a vowel switch), repeatedly. Reflect it for her. (Petty, many would say) (Clues in parenthesis might help you in this one. ^_^) |
What about Amrod and Amras? I always imagine them together, but I can't actually recall if they split up their lands. 5. HALETH: H + TALE + H, rejected Caranthir's offer 2. probably LOBELIA, but I can only explain LI(E/A). 8. MELIAN: ME + NAIL |
1. She reflects an untruth, an edge and a rodent. (Until the very end.)
LOBELIA: A broken trunk. Untruth switches vowels, for her ("Fear my umbrella!") 3. You, we hear, confused the Nazgul (Could drown them as well.) 4. Add a note to a broken promenade and see her ("I wanted my own place." HALETH: A jumbled story between double hydrogen, for her ("I reject your offer.") 6. Note, related to an enclosed membrane, windingly, for her (...Or else you might get speared) 7. She reflects victory within returning endless joy (Like a bird set free) MELIAN: Objectively, I...return the tack. (Gives good advice) 9. Egyptian God returns. When, we hear. For her.(Freedom of choice is the true freedom.) 10. An university, a definite article and a direction are in disarray for her (I believe in love) 11. 'Eh?' you hear her say 'Oh, victory." (A victory indeed.) 12. An endless Australian city (with a vowel switch), repeatedly. Reflect it for her. (Petty, many would say) |
11. EOWYN: Eh + Oh + Win |
1. She reflects an untruth, an edge and a rodent. (Until the very end.)
LOBELIA: A broken trunk. Untruth switches vowels, for her ("Fear my umbrella!") 3. You, we hear, confused the Nazgul (Could drown them as well.) 4. Add a note to a broken promenade and see her ("I wanted my own place." HALETH: A jumbled story between double hydrogen, for her ("I reject your offer.") 6. Note, related to an enclosed membrane, windingly, for her (...Or else you might get speared) ELWING: She reflects victory within returning endless joy (Like a bird set free) MELIAN: Objectively, I...return the tack. (Gives good advice) 9. Egyptian God returns. When, we hear. For her.(Freedom of choice is the true freedom.) 10. An university, a definite article and a direction are in disarray for her (I believe in love) EOWYN: 'Eh?' you hear her say 'Oh, victory." (A victory indeed.) 12. An endless Australian city (with a vowel switch), repeatedly. Reflect it for her. (Petty, many would say) |
The spearing clue suggests perhaps FINDUILAS for 6? (Well, it starts with a note ....)
That awkward moment when you make a password for someone to try solving, and that person doesn't try at all... :(
#1 includes 'reflects... rodent', which suggests it's a TAR. Good news, there's only four women on that list, and this one must be LIE RIM - I mean, TAR MIRIEL. #3 I wanted to go Movieverse and say ARWEN, but that doesn't contain an anagram of anything Nazgully. So who else has a water link...? Oh, it must be U NINE... sorry, UINEN. #10 believes in love? I'm thinking UNI THE L... sorry, LUTHIEN. Which gives TOU_H | _EM_LE_, which I'm thinking translates as TOUGH FEMALES. So for #9 the god is RA. WEN? When it's time for ARWEN. And #12, I'm less sure on, but SIDNEY without the Y can be paired with RE(peatedly) and reversed for ERENDIS. Though I think the city is spelt with a Y rather than an I. hS |
You think you're the only person that matters, don't you? Who cares if someone else is bored out of their mind and can only entertain themselves at this point of time? Well, then, go back to your precious break while I die of boredom. Hope my dead soul haunts you forever, murderer. |
hS Quote:
Whatever, be a selfish bastard.
I officially declare this round dead since you people would rather see me dead than show concern for anyone else but yourselves. Well, I will do the same. I will never post here again. I made this round because I wanted to do you a favor, but you just proclaimed that you would happily see me die of boredom for your precious break. |
I will now die of boredom. Hope you're happy. :(
And no, I am not allowing anyone else to take over either.
You all declared time and time again that you would rather see all the games on here die than play them. Stick to your words. You don't want to play, so let this game die like you repeatedly said you would. :rolleyes: |
I'm curious, Urwen - in your mind, have our recent sparse interactions included a prolonged conversation where you declared yourself deathly bored and told me you really needed me to try your Password, and I ignored your appeal, possibly by insulting you?
Because my memory is that none of that happened; that the first time you mentioned boredom at all is after I'd already replied to your oblique request that I try this Password by, in fact, trying this Password. If the first thing somehow happened lately, please show me where, because I must have meant something very different to what you heard. Of course, if you don't feel able to reply to this - for any reason or no reason - as I said earlier, that call is yours alone to make. Nobody here has the right to anyone else's time. hS |
You and Galadriel both ignored my appeal to play. Twice. In the past year. And also proclaimed you have the right not to play even at the expense of other people's happiness/thread being continued. Also repeatedly.
You have the right to ask people to do so, but they have the right to choose whether to. On this occasion, I felt up to it, and not overly put-off by your way of asking. On other occasions, I have felt differently. Given that you're reacting this way on an occasion I did what you asked for (sort of asked), I can only guess there's something happening in your life which has got you on edge. For that I'm sympathetic, but it doesn't make it okay to lash out at me like this. Nor does it make the Password thread suitable for going so far off topic, so, whether you're interested or not: I think #4 is GALADRIEL, based on the letter and (paren). The G could be a note, but can't really do the rest of it. hS |
Okay. You want a choice. Here is a choice for you: either you guys play regularly, or I will die of boredom. Choose. Now.
I will not prolong the derailing of this thread into a pointless debate. If you want to talk or rant about whatever's made you so angry that you need to lash out at people, you can PM me. I will not respond to any more demands of this kind though, and especially not on the thread. If you want to talk, let's have some mutual courtesy. |
All things considered, I think that's long enough to leave this one hanging. I still don't have a lot of brainspace, but I figured I'd throw a quick puzzle up for whoever wants it.
1. - Local stars: a misspelling of no fear about the mostly-doomed lot. 2. - Take one step, and note there a crunchy meat product; you might need some help. 3. - The fifth Roman, a liar? Not quite, but the queens might show up. 4. - Step forward, pick a sense, aim it at the henge: not Pippin's. 5. - Do not proceed through him - the repeat and three beforehand are gone! Try looking underground. (And if anyone can solve #6 of the previous one, or provide an explanation for Galadriel as #4, I'd be very grateful. :) I've just spotted the 'with a vowel switch' which makes ERENDIS fit perfectly on #12, so I'm happy with that one.) hS |
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