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Urwen 09-22-2021 02:49 PM

1. Your, we hear, inside an element. For him.
RIAN: Troubled precipitation reveals her.
3. Noah's son returns. A broken reward and a direction lead to her.
4. Behold, a stern and troubled man!
5. Gaseous mixture meets a place he lives in. Twist it to find him.
6. A star loses Cobb. Add a Roman 1000 and a broken round ball for him

Pervinca Took 09-23-2021 10:59 AM

I think we might need a hint or two, Urwen.

It looks like 3 should start with MAH or MEHS, but I can't find any female Tolkien name that does.

Urwen 09-23-2021 11:35 AM

Oh, it doesn't start with that. It's inside. Also, it's kinda mixed.

Huinesoron 09-23-2021 03:18 PM

Did somebody say "element"?! :D:D:D

#1 could be Tin + UR, to give TURIN.


Urwen 09-23-2021 03:32 PM

Yup, the big guy who spreads his pee everywhere...

TURIN: 1. Your, we hear, inside an element. For him.
RIAN: Troubled precipitation reveals her.
3. Noah's son returns. A broken reward and a direction lead to her.
4. Behold, a stern and troubled man!
5. Gaseous mixture meets a place he lives in. Twist it to find him.
6. A star loses Cobb. Add a Roman 1000 and a broken round ball for him

Pervinca Took 09-23-2021 05:24 PM

Stern could mean stern of a ship (poop, rear).

I think the behold one is Lopoop the troubled. :D

Urwen 09-23-2021 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733889)
Stern could mean stern of a ship (poop, rear).

I think the behold one is Lopoop the troubled. :D


Pervinca Took 09-24-2021 09:38 AM

Is the password TRAGIC?

Pervinca Took 09-24-2021 09:40 AM

4. Gollum? (lo + glum).

Urwen 09-24-2021 10:26 AM

Yes to the password, no to Gollum

TURIN: 1. Your, we hear, inside an element. For him.
RIAN: Troubled precipitation reveals her.
A: Noah's son returns. A broken reward and a direction lead to her.
G: Behold, a stern and troubled man!
I: Gaseous mixture meets a place he lives in. Twist it to find him.
C: A star loses Cobb. Add a Roman 1000 and a broken round ball for him

Pervinca Took 09-24-2021 10:45 AM


Lo + grim.

Urwen 09-24-2021 12:14 PM

TURIN: 1. Your, we hear, inside an element. For him.
RIAN: Troubled precipitation reveals her.
A: Noah's son returns. A broken reward and a direction lead to her.
GORLIM: Behold, a stern and troubled man!
I: Gaseous mixture meets a place he lives in. Twist it to find him.
C: A star loses Cobb. Add a Roman 1000 and a broken round ball for him.

You should know by now that I specialize in First and Second age peeps. Oh, and I've thrown in a little gift for you as well.

Pervinca Took 09-24-2021 01:43 PM

Well, I did think Gollum as a man was stretching it a little, but he did start out as a variant of a man.

I think I might be IORHAEL, but ... hang on ... it doesn't need to contain smoke, fire or farts. Let's see ...


Ah. It isn't a load of gases plus HOLE, because the H and the O are needed in HOLE.

It's HOLE + AIR.

And it *is* IORHAEL.

Urwen 09-24-2021 04:45 PM

TURIN: 1. Your, we hear, inside an element. For him.
RIAN: Troubled precipitation reveals her.
A: Noah's son returns. A broken reward and a direction lead to her.
GORLIM: Behold, a stern and troubled man!
IORHAEL: Gaseous mixture meets a place he lives in. Twist it to find him.
C: A star loses Cobb. Add a Roman 1000 and a broken round ball for him.

Pervinca Took 09-25-2021 04:42 AM


Celeb + ? + M + bor(l) ?


Urwen 09-25-2021 04:53 AM

TURIN: 1. Your, we hear, inside an element. For him.
RIAN: Troubled precipitation reveals her.
A: Noah's son returns. A broken reward and a direction lead to her.
GORLIM: Behold, a stern and troubled man!
IORHAEL: Gaseous mixture meets a place he lives in. Twist it to find him.
CELEBRIMBOR: A star loses Cobb. Add a Roman 1000 and a broken round ball for him.


One left. My favorite one.

Urwen 09-26-2021 04:01 PM


Pervinca Took 09-26-2021 05:08 PM

Can think of tragic candidates, but none that have the cryptic elements.

Galadriel55 09-26-2021 05:21 PM

Okay, going through a list of people I know you like, I got to Ar-Zimraphel as a candidate that could potentially satisfy the cryptic elements. HAM + PRIZE make up most of the name, but the remaining ARL don't fit into "a direction". Dunno.

Pervinca Took 09-27-2021 03:29 AM

Well, A could be 'keep one of the indefinite articles from the clue.'

Urwen 09-27-2021 04:55 AM

And that's a wrap

TURIN: 1. Your, we hear, inside an element. For him.
RIAN: Troubled precipitation reveals her.
AR-ZIMRAPHEL: Noah's son returns. A broken reward and a direction lead to her.
GORLIM: Behold, a stern and troubled man!
IORHAEL: Gaseous mixture meets a place he lives in. Twist it to find him.
CELEBRIMBOR: A star loses Cobb. Add a Roman 1000 and a broken round ball for him.

Pervinca Took 09-27-2021 03:15 PM

Good stuff!

Here we go again, then:

1. Some love departs from the sea-kings’ city, It’s certainly left in turbulence by this. (3)
2. Pain without silence, directed to the centre of hell! Now see it! (4)
3. Alternatively, Cynewulf’s poem will lead you to it. (3)
4. Stuff quaffed in Whitby? A secondary change will reveal it. (4)

Urwen 10-01-2021 04:32 AM

I tried 3 and found nothing Tolkieny...

Pervinca Took 10-01-2021 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733930)
I tried 3 and found nothing Tolkieny...

It has the second element of something that's very Tolkieny.

Urwen 10-01-2021 08:50 AM

Door? (Rood backwards)

Pervinca Took 10-01-2021 08:53 AM

Look at poem TITLES.

Pervinca Took 10-01-2021 08:56 AM

Not 'The Dream Of The Rood.' Authorship for that has only been suggested.

Urwen 10-01-2021 09:01 AM

Elene? Christ II?

Urwen 10-01-2021 09:02 AM

Oh, wait. OR+CHRIST = Orcrist

Pervinca Took 10-01-2021 09:10 AM

1. Some love departs from the south kingdom. It’s certainly left in turbulence by this. (3)
2. Pain without silence, directed to the centre of hell! Now see it! (4)
ORCRIST: Alternatively, Cynewulf’s poem will lead you to it. (3)
4. Stuff quaffed in Whitby? A secondary change will reveal it. (4)

I believe it's spelled 'Crist.'

Urwen 10-01-2021 09:29 AM

Is 'Sea-kings' city' San Jose?

Pervinca Took 10-01-2021 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733938)
Is 'Sea-kings' city' San Jose?

No, it's one of Tolkien's sea-kings cities.

Urwen 10-01-2021 09:36 AM

So a city in Numenor?

Pervinca Took 10-01-2021 09:36 AM


Urwen 10-01-2021 09:45 AM

Well, Armenelos - (some+l) gives ARNE...

Pervinca Took 10-01-2021 11:42 AM

It's called 'sea-kings' city' in a song.

Urwen 10-01-2021 04:03 PM

Well, it points to Minas Tirith, but then where does 'some love' factor in?

Pervinca Took 10-01-2021 04:06 PM

Think of tennis.


So sorry. I meant the country, not the city. Have amended the clue.

Urwen 10-01-2021 04:26 PM

Grond, then?

Urwen 10-01-2021 04:27 PM

And possibly 'Orcs' for the password?

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