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Pervinca Took 10-01-2021 04:36 PM

GROND: Some love departs from the south kingdom. It’s certainly left in turbulence by this. (3)
2. Pain without silence, directed to the centre of hell! Now see it! (4)
ORCRIST: Alternatively, Cynewulf’s poem will lead you to it. (3)
4. Stuff quaffed in Whitby? A secondary change will reveal it. (4)

Not ORCS, I'm afraid.

Urwen 10-02-2021 05:59 AM


Urwen 10-02-2021 06:03 AM

For 4, I searched and found 'beer' or 'wine'. So we change a second letter from one of those?

Pervinca Took 10-02-2021 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733952)
For 4, I searched and found 'beer' or 'wine'. So we change a second letter from one of those?

Yes, one of those, and Whitby is known for a particular kind of festival - due, I believe, to its 'Dracula' connection.

Urwen 10-02-2021 01:01 PM

So the password isn't 'ouch' either, I assume?

Urwen 10-02-2021 01:08 PM

Goth festival? So something+Goth?

Pervinca Took 10-02-2021 02:55 PM

GROND: Some love departs from the south kingdom. It’s certainly left in turbulence by this. (3)
---U Pain without silence, directed to the centre of hell! Now see it! (4)
ORCRIST: Alternatively, Cynewulf’s poem will lead you to it. (3)
---H Stuff quaffed in Whitby? A secondary change will reveal it. (4)

Put GOTH first.

Urwen 10-02-2021 03:33 PM


Pervinca Took 10-03-2021 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733952)
For 4, I searched and found 'beer' or 'wine'. So we change a second letter from one of those?

Remember I said yes to this.

Just put GOTH first.

Urwen 10-03-2021 03:47 AM

Oh, Guthwine

Pervinca Took 10-03-2021 08:04 AM

GROND: Some love departs from the south kingdom. It’s certainly left in turbulence by this. (3)
---U Pain without silence, directed to the centre of hell! Now see it! (4)
ORCRIST: Alternatively, Cynewulf’s poem will lead you to it. (3)
GUTHWINE: Stuff quaffed in Whitby? A secondary change will reveal it. (4)

Urwen 10-03-2021 12:58 PM


Pervinca Took 10-03-2021 01:21 PM

GROND: Some love departs from the south kingdom. It’s certainly left in turbulence by this. (3)
ANGUIREL: Pain without silence, directed to the centre of hell! Now see it! (4)
ORCRIST: Alternatively, Cynewulf’s poem will lead you to it. (3)
GUTHWINE: Stuff quaffed in Whitby? A secondary change will reveal it. (4)

Over to you.

Urwen 10-03-2021 02:07 PM

Kinda busy, so give me awhile.

Pervinca Took 10-03-2021 02:12 PM

No problem.

Urwen 10-04-2021 01:29 PM

I made a quick one

1. Naomi's other name; read backwards. Add an article, and there it is.
2. Dwarvish weapon surrounded by broken ham. Run past here.
3. Broken grain and returning rodent, here.
4. He's the Lord of the Dead...or two element symbols put together.

Huinesoron 10-04-2021 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733969)
I made a quick one

1. Naomi's other name; read backwards. Add an article, and there it is.
2. Dwarvish weapon surrounded by broken ham. Run past here.
3. Broken grain and returning rodent, here.
4. He's the Lord of the Dead...or two element symbols put together.

#4 must surely be sodium molybdide... er, NaMo.

(Molybdide... [Shudders] That just sounds like an astoundingly bad idea. You think you're getting a nice stable salt, and instead you get molybdenum rapidly reacting with anything it can find. Eww.)


Urwen 10-05-2021 07:09 AM

1. Naomi's other name; read backwards. Add an article, and there it is.
2. Dwarvish weapon surrounded by broken ham. Run past here.
3. Broken grain and returning rodent, here.
NAMO: He's the Lord of the Dead...or two element symbols put together.

Urwen 10-07-2021 07:44 AM

I thought this one is easy...

Galadriel55 10-07-2021 09:11 AM

2. MAHANAXAR is almost AXE (weapon) + HAM + RAN (run, past).

Pervinca Took 10-07-2021 02:11 PM


Urwen 10-07-2021 03:43 PM

A: Naomi's other name; read backwards. Add an article, and there it is.
MAHANAXAR: Dwarvish weapon surrounded by broken ham. Run past here.
A: Broken grain and returning rodent, here.
NAMO: He's the Lord of the Dead...or two element symbols put together.

Pervinca Took 10-10-2021 07:00 AM

ARATHAR has a backward RAT, an A and the RA of grain. Can't account for the H, though.

Urwen 10-11-2021 01:40 PM


Pervinca Took 10-13-2021 06:44 AM

Trouble is, I have no idea which Naomi you mean. I'm not that immersed in pop culture these days.

Could the Naomi one be ALALMINORE?

Galadriel55 10-13-2021 10:32 AM

I've assumed it's the Biblical Naomi, but I don't remember enough of the story to know her other names. Google however says that she was also named Mara, which turns into ARAMAN with "an" for the article.

Urwen 10-14-2021 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 734017)
Trouble is, I have no idea which Naomi you mean. I'm not that immersed in pop culture these days.

Could the Naomi one be ALALMINORE?

The original one?

Huinesoron 10-15-2021 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 734022)

Naomi, like Lois (2 Timothy 1:5), is one of those names I can never quite believe is in the Bible. For my part I was stuck on Star Trek's Naomi Wildman, but was pretty sure she wasn't relevant.

Hoping that G55 has this one, so that leaves the returning rodent. Hrm.

How about AVALLONE? It contains VOLE, pluse... AALN. Is NALA a grain? :confused:

Alqualonde is also an A-place in Aman, but I can't find anything approaching a rodent in there.


Urwen 10-15-2021 03:41 AM

No to Avallone

ARAMAN: Naomi's other name; read backwards. Add an article, and there it is.
MAHANAXAR: Dwarvish weapon surrounded by broken ham. Run past here.
A: Broken grain and returning rodent are mixed, here.
NAMO: He's the Lord of the Dead...or two element symbols put together.

Pervinca Took 10-15-2021 05:52 AM

ANNATAR would have come from Aman, and has a returning RAT. But ... it's a place we need.

Urwen 10-15-2021 06:04 AM

Sorry, edited that clue a bit.

Huinesoron 10-15-2021 06:43 AM

The best I've got so far for grain is that "Amon Amarth" contains an anagram of Amaranth.

A-places I can find that we haven't suggested for this clue so far, in case they inspire anyone:

- Alqualonde
- Alalminore
- Antaro
- Amon Uilos
- Arfanyaras(se)
- Afros

Actually I'm going to go ahead and guess ANTARO, the obscure mountain in southern Aman, because it has a backwards rat in it (though I can't find any anagram of ANO which relates to grain).


Urwen 10-15-2021 09:33 AM

ARAMAN: Naomi's other name; read backwards. Add an article, and there it is.
MAHANAXAR: Dwarvish weapon surrounded by broken ham. Run past here.
ANTARO: Broken grain and returning rodent are mixed, here.
NAMO: He's the Lord of the Dead...or two element symbols put together.

And you know the drill.

Huinesoron 10-15-2021 12:36 PM

Oh cool. What was the grain though?


Pervinca Took 10-15-2021 12:49 PM

Also curious about the grain.

And here's the next puzzle!

1. Silver fruit combines for another shiny thing.
2. Hang around in confusion, with eye turned to the Orient, so to speak, to see it.
3. Cambrian rebel, but no longer in debt, reveals it.
4. Lionheart and son of Njal! Change the fourth to find it.

Urwen 10-15-2021 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 734031)
Oh cool. What was the grain though?



Huinesoron 10-19-2021 03:24 AM

So #3 intrigues me because the obvious ("obvious") Cambrian rebel is Owain Glyndwr, or Owen Glendower if you're Shakespeare and can't even spell your own name, let alone the Prince of Wales. I note that "Glendower" includes both "lend" and "ower", either of which could be removed to give...

Is it GLEND, the Sword of Nan? Always love it when Luthien's madcap spell comes into things.* ^_^

#4 is of course Rickard Skarphedin, with the fourth letter changed. ^_~ No, I don't know.


* "and last and longest named she then / the endless hair of Uinen..." Is it significant, do you think, that Luthien happened to invoke as the divine patron of her spell a) a woman, who b) has her own story involving a man who all her relatives hated? Nah... just coincidence...


Pervinca Took 10-19-2021 06:25 AM

1. Silver fruit combines for another shiny thing.
2. Hang around in confusion, with eye turned to the Orient, so to speak, to see it.
GLEND: Cambrian rebel, but no longer in debt, reveals it.
4. Lionheart and son of Njal! Change the fourth to find it.

Different Njalson. ;) And LIONHEART is a separate element.

Too much erudition for me, Huey - it's still only Tuesday!

Huinesoron 10-26-2021 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 734037)
Too much erudition for me, Huey - it's still only Tuesday!

And now it is Tuesday again. :eek:

#4: Straight-up searching for "Njalson" gives me a couple of people on Facebook, plus "Helgi Njal's son" from the same saga as Skarphedin Njalsson. "Njal" itself is polluted by a fashion company, but then shows the saga and apparently something from Warhammer.

"Lionheart" still suggests Richard. Lion + Heart could be Leo + ... something. Or maybe "heart" is an instruction.

#1: Surely an anagram of words related to silver + fruit. Could be Ag + something.

#2: An anagrammed synoym for "hang around" with an I turned into an E (for East). Linger? Wait? Loiter? Wait, it's not LOTR:EE, is it? :D


Pervinca Took 10-26-2021 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 734051)
And now it is Tuesday again. :eek:

#4: Straight-up searching for "Njalson" gives me a couple of people on Facebook, plus "Helgi Njal's son" from the same saga as Skarphedin Njalsson. "Njal" itself is polluted by a fashion company, but then shows the saga and apparently something from Warhammer.

"Lionheart" still suggests Richard. Lion + Heart could be Leo + ... something. Or maybe "heart" is an instruction.

#1: Surely an anagram of words related to silver + fruit. Could be Ag + something.

#2: An anagrammed synoym for "hang around" with an I turned into an E (for East). Linger? Wait? Loiter? Wait, it's not LOTR:EE, is it? :D


1. Njal had three sons (and a foster-son, but forget him for now).

2. Ag plus a fruit is right. Just find the fruit.

3. Linger is the correct starting-point.

4. A lionheart is a metaphorical expression for a what?

BIG HINT: The fruit is sometimes infused with gin, and appears in a cocktail with a rude name.

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