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Pervinca Took 11-17-2013 06:16 AM

I didn't think Emeldir the man-hearted was that obscure. At least she's named in The Silmarillion, and she must be in the Index as well as the family trees. As well as being the mother of a major character. I'm sure we've had similar "ancestry" clues before, and once you had the first letter I didn't think it would be too hard.

That said, I myself have forgotten much lore that I'm sure I once knew. I also very often stare at clues blind to the one element that will solve them.

I have adjusted the N clue - this is how I initially wrote it, but changed it thinking it was too much of a giveaway.

N: Confused lamentation rising from Ivrin's Pools.
ITHILBOR: Mix broth with liquid, adding two eyes, we hear, for the father of a mocker.
POROS: Muddled wild animal’s trail leads to a flower.
HAYSEND: Saruman’s symbol found around troubled affirmative in the Shire.
RHOSGOBEL: Equine creature and online entry mix together in a humble dwelling.
EMELDIR: Dreadful tree mingles for a half-elf’s ancestor.
D: Confused dwarf? Well, the chap has complex parentage.
IVANNETH: Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts about two fortnights.
L: Record sprinted in minor confusion for a First Age captor.

Mithalwen 11-17-2013 06:38 AM

Oh it probably isn't. I was going to look up the genealogies but had a busy day yesterday and if I heard of Emeldir I hadn't linked it. I have always loathed the Beren andcLuthien story so it is probably just me. I know thecelvish side and Tuors parents.

Mithalwen 11-17-2013 06:42 AM

Ah narog anagram of groan...waa hung up on nen...

Pervinca Took 11-17-2013 07:19 AM

I don't dislike the Beren and Luthien story (in fact I prefer it to Turin's, and Aldarion and Erendis), but my favourites in the Silmarillion are Fingolfin, Felagund and Fingon.

NAROG: Confused lamentation rising from Ivrin's Pools.
ITHILBOR: Mix broth with liquid, adding two eyes, we hear, for the father of a mocker.
POROS: Muddled wild animal’s trail leads to a flower.
HAYSEND: Saruman’s symbol found around troubled affirmative in the Shire.
RHOSGOBEL: Equine creature and online entry mix together in a humble dwelling.
EMELDIR: Dreadful tree mingles for a half-elf’s ancestor.
D: Confused dwarf? Well, the chap has complex parentage.
IVANNETH: Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts about two fortnights.
L: Record sprinted in minor confusion for a First Age captor.

Mithalwen 11-17-2013 11:45 AM

Hesitant stab at the last with Lorgan, Tuor's captor. It contains ran for sprinted but the rest I can't make work.

Pervinca Took 11-17-2013 01:42 PM

And when you record something you log it. LOG RAN with just minor confusion gives you LORGAN.

NAROG: Confused lamentation rising from Ivrin's Pools.
ITHILBOR: Mix broth with liquid, adding two eyes, we hear, for the father of a mocker.
POROS: Muddled wild animal’s trail leads to a flower.
HAYSEND: Saruman’s symbol found around troubled affirmative in the Shire.
RHOSGOBEL: Equine creature and online entry mix together in a humble dwelling.
EMELDIR: Dreadful tree mingles for a half-elf’s ancestor.
D: Confused dwarf? Well, the chap has complex parentage.
IVANNETH: Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts about two fortnights.
LORGAN: Record sprinted in minor confusion for a First Age captor.

Just the D to go!

Mithalwen 11-17-2013 04:15 PM

Ah indeed I... I was looking for a p to go with the l

Mithalwen 11-22-2013 10:52 PM

After much pondering, and listening to the Jackanory hobbit on my drive to work, I will have a ahot at

DIOR anagram of Dori and having mixed mortal/elf/maia heritage.

Pervinca Took 11-23-2013 02:03 PM

Excellent! Well done.

NAROG: Confused lamentation rising from Ivrin's Pools.
ITHILBOR: Mix broth with liquid, adding two eyes, we hear, for the father of a mocker.
POROS: Muddled wild animal’s trail leads to a flower.
HAYSEND: Saruman’s symbol found around troubled affirmative in the Shire.
RHOSGOBEL: Equine creature and online entry mix together in a humble dwelling.
EMELDIR: Dreadful tree mingles for a half-elf’s ancestor.
DIOR: Confused dwarf? Well, the chap has complex parentage.
IVANNETH: Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts about two fortnights.
LORGAN: Record sprinted in minor confusion for a First Age captor.

Nerwen, you solved the password. Are you going to post the next one?

Nerwen 11-23-2013 08:35 PM

Considering I left Mith and G55 to do all the hard work, I don’t know if I should...

Mithalwen 11-24-2013 05:36 AM

For my part I would love you to set it. The more people involved the better and I fear getting jaded and predictable ..,

Galadriel55 11-24-2013 09:08 AM

Ditto. We need some new ideas. :) Go ahead with it.

Pervinca Took 11-24-2013 09:57 AM

I agree. Mith's and Galadriel's passwords are brilliant, but the more players the better and everyone brings different angles to the game and keeps it buzzing.

Nerwen 12-01-2013 05:27 AM

Well, please yourselves, then.

1. The breaking of dawn before the sea reveals a rider
2. A confused cetacean takes to the air.
3. A great age for an excited fangurl.
4. This simple handcart can be quite funereal.
5. Too supple for a Shire holiday?
6. Quite a place, this forest, even if it doesn't sound like it.

Pervinca Took 12-01-2013 09:35 AM

Wheeee!! Password time again. :)
5. Overlithe?

And could 3 possibly be eleventy-one?

Nerwen 12-01-2013 10:11 AM

Yes to both.

Mithalwen 12-01-2013 11:07 AM

Barrow for funereal hand cart? And can dimwit here have the excited fangurl explained.

Pervinca Took 12-01-2013 12:05 PM

I think a certain fangirl is eleventy-one?

Assuming barrow is also correct, I wonder if the password could be EREBOR?

Cetaceans are mammals, not birds, so 2 can't be Elwing. ;)

Nerwen 12-01-2013 06:09 PM

You have it, Pervinca.
E: The breaking of dawn before the sea reveals a rider.
R: A confused cetacean takes to the air.
Eleventy-one: A great age for an excited fangurl.
Barrow: This simple handcart can be quite funereal.
Overlithe: Too supple for a Shire holiday?
R: Quite a place, this forest, even if it doesn't sound like it.

Nerwen 12-01-2013 06:15 PM

Mith, I’d explain, but–

omg im to exsited to ttpe propely!!!111!!! lol!!!111!!!

Galadriel55 12-01-2013 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 687516)
omg im to exsited to ttpe propely!!!111!!! lol!!!111!!!

Spoken like a natural!


Is the E clue Eomer? Something to do with Eos=dawn and mer/mar=sea?

Edit: oooh, and Region for R?

Nerwen 12-01-2013 09:07 PM


Eomer: The breaking of dawn before the sea reveals a rider.
R: A confused cetacean takes to the air.
Eleventy-one: A great age for an excited fangurl.
Barrow: This simple handcart can be quite funereal.
Overlithe: Too supple for a Shire holiday?
Region: Quite a place, this forest, even if it doesn't sound like it.

Pervinca Took 12-02-2013 03:57 AM

*Bows to Galadriel* - I thought the first clue was Eomer, but could only make the "mer" for sea part work. It's a very poetic clue, too, Nerwen!

Never even thought of Region - very clever clue.

As the only airborne creature in Tolkien's world beginning with R I could think of was ROAC (son of Carc), I worked backwards from that and tried some anagrams. Apparently ORCA is a term for the killer whale.

Nerwen 12-02-2013 08:10 AM

Roac it is!

Eomer: The breaking of dawn before the sea reveals a rider.
Roac: A confused cetacean takes to the air.
Eleventy-one: A great age for an excited fangurl.
Barrow: This simple handcart can be quite funereal.
Overlithe: Too supple for a Shire holiday?
Region: Quite a place, this forest, even if it doesn't sound like it.

Over to you, Pervinca.:)

Pervinca Took 12-02-2013 10:36 AM

Thank you, Nerwen!
Here's one I made earlier:

1. Innovative sea or river creature gets confused and lost on the Grinding Ice.
2. Scottish interjection and French greeting, flanked either side by the same direction for a mount.
3. Hush ordered between two optic organs, we hear, for an orcish preposition.
4. This world sounds more laborious (and perhaps not strictly drawing-room fashion).
5. Vaulted? Swallows liquid for a mount.
6. This great one of Keatsian fame could be rather rude and mercenary in the Shire.
7. Alternatively, this warrior telephoned (but there was confusion and displacement).

Mithalwen 12-02-2013 12:07 PM

I really should have got Eomer .. iwas thinking of EO... but then for some reason best known to my warped psyche started to thinkof Elrohir... excellent clues....

Mithalwen 12-02-2013 12:10 PM

2 ROCHALLOR. Och and allo between rs for Right?

Pervinca Took 12-02-2013 02:51 PM

Yes indeed.
1. Innovative sea or river creature gets confused and lost on the Grinding Ice.
Rochallor: Scottish interjection and French greeting, flanked either side by the same direction for a mount.
3. Hush ordered between two optic organs, we hear, for an orcish preposition.
4. This world sounds more laborious (and perhaps not strictly drawing-room fashion).
5. Vaulted? Swallows liquid for a mount.
6. This great one of Keatsian fame could be rather rude and mercenary in the Shire.
7. Alternatively, this warrior telephoned (but there was confusion and displacement).

Mithalwen 12-02-2013 03:34 PM

1 Elenwe anagram of eel and new Turgon's wife lost inthe Helcaraxe?

Mithalwen 12-02-2013 03:41 PM

7 Unconvinced guess of Aragorn anagram of rang and or and an a I don't quite know what to do with.

Pervinca Took 12-02-2013 03:49 PM

Yes to Elenwe; no to Aragorn. Your reasoning is close, though.

Elenwe: Innovative sea or river creature gets confused and lost on the Grinding Ice.
Rochallor: Scottish interjection and French greeting, flanked either side by the same direction for a mount.
3. Hush ordered between two optic organs, we hear, for an orcish preposition.
4. This world sounds more laborious (and perhaps not strictly drawing-room fashion).
5. Vaulted? Swallows liquid for a mount.
6. This great one of Keatsian fame could be rather rude and mercenary in the Shire.
7. Alternatively, this warrior telephoned (but there was confusion and displacement).

Nerwen 12-04-2013 03:46 AM

How about “Ragnor” for 7? (Same reasoning as Mith’s for Aragorn.)

Pervinca Took 12-04-2013 03:51 PM

Elenwe: Innovative sea or river creature gets confused and lost on the Grinding Ice.
Rochallor: Scottish interjection and French greeting, flanked either side by the same direction for a mount.
3. Hush ordered between two optic organs, we hear, for an orcish preposition.
4. This world sounds more laborious (and perhaps not strictly drawing-room fashion).
5. Vaulted? Swallows liquid for a mount.
6. This great one of Keatsian fame could be rather rude and mercenary in the Shire.
Ragnor: Alternatively, this warrior telephoned (but there was confusion and displacement).

Mithalwen 12-07-2013 04:55 AM

Having realised that sometimes a mount is literally just that...Dolmed? Domed including l for liquid?

Which leads me to guess Eriador for the password.

And have a stab at Ishi for the Orkish preposition. My knowledge of Black Speech syntax is hazy at the most optimistic but ishi is in the ring verse and is two eyes "I"s around SH!

Pervinca Took 12-08-2013 05:27 AM

All right and reasoning correct.

"Ishi" is the "in" element of "in the darkness bind them," as far as I can make out. I went to a couple of websites to check it. (I can't remember which ones).

Elenwe: Innovative sea or river creature gets confused and lost on the Grinding Ice.
Rochallor: Scottish interjection and French greeting, flanked either side by the same direction for a mount.
Ishi: Hush ordered between two optic organs, we hear, for an orcish preposition.
A: This world sounds more laborious (and perhaps not strictly drawing-room fashion).
Dolmed: Vaulted? Swallows liquid for a mount.
O: This great one of Keatsian fame could be rather rude and mercenary in the Shire.
Ragnor: Alternatively, this warrior telephoned (but there was confusion and displacement).

Mithalwen 12-11-2013 03:50 PM

Odo? Can't get it to work properly but I associate Keats with odes and nightingales and urns won't fit.

Pervinca Took 12-12-2013 04:15 PM

Close, but not for the "ode" reason. The Keatsian reference is to a much less well-known poem, but a quick Google search would sort that out. I suppose Odo was rude to put his feet on the table, but I never heard of his being mercenary. With that in mind, working backwards might well help you - guess the hobbit and then Google for the Keats reference.

Mithalwen 12-13-2013 11:57 AM

Otho then...

Pervinca Took 12-13-2013 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 687690)
Otho then...

Yes, Otho Sackville-Baggins, with the Keatsian reference being to Otho the Great.

Elenwe: Innovative sea or river creature gets confused and lost on the Grinding Ice.
Rochallor: Scottish interjection and French greeting, flanked either side by the same direction for a mount.
Ishi: Hush ordered between two optic organs, we hear, for an orcish preposition.
A: This world sounds more laborious (and perhaps not strictly drawing-room fashion).
Dolmed: Vaulted? Swallows liquid for a mount.
Otho: This great one of Keatsian fame could be rather rude and mercenary in the Shire.
Ragnor: Alternatively, this warrior telephoned (but there was confusion and displacement).

Galadriel55 12-13-2013 03:01 PM

Completely random guess - Arda? It's a world?

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