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and as for 1, it's BARD+QV/ER/VR.
Oh, I know, it's Darber, the less known relative of Beren. He didn't just have one elven wife. He had two! You see, Nimloth and Finduilas never died. He took them with him. |
1. Poet hailed Queen Victoria in confusion?
2. Steamy and hot! Stir it well for her, and extract nothing. 3. Shift around raven country to arrive here? 4. Roast rat!? In consternation, find him! 5. Why, we ask, does she disturb the famous water? LAURELIN: Are they rhymefully quarrelin' under its branches? SERUTAN: Mud spelled backwards, according to the Harvard Lampoon. Sorry, 1 is a bard, but 'bard' is not an element. VR is, though. |
Is it a Tolkien bard? Or a specific bard? Cause the only bards I know of are Daeron and Maglor, neither of which has both V and R in their name.
It's a poet. A Tolkien poet.
He only wrote one poem before he was killed, but I think it was a pretty significant one. Also, 'hailed' is one of the elements. |
And that one poem interests me a lot. He is Dirhavel (HAILED+VR)
And 3 must be VERNA (from RAVEN)
Now I wonder, does CALION mean 'roast' somehow?
DIRHAVEL: Poet hailed Queen Victoria in confusion?
2. Steamy and hot! Stir it well for her, and extract nothing. 3. Shift around raven country to arrive here? 4. Roast rat!? In consternation, find him! 5. Why, we ask, does she disturb the famous water? LAURELIN: Are they rhymefully quarrelin' under its branches? SERUTAN: Mud spelled backwards, according to the Harvard Lampoon. Not Calion. That clue is much easier than you are making it. No to Verna. For raven, choose a specific raven. |
About 3, is the raven Roac/Carc?
And for 4, is it just ROAST RAT rearranged?
Yes to both.
Cardolan (ROAC LAND)
And 4 is Tarostar.
DIRHAVEL: Poet hailed Queen Victoria in confusion?
A Steamy and hot! Stir it well for her, and extract nothing. CARDOLAN: Shift around raven country to arrive here? TAROSTAR: Roast rat!? In consternation, find him! YAVIEN: Why, we ask, does she disturb the famous water? LAURELIN: Are they rhymefully quarrelin' under its branches? SERUTAN: Mud spelled backwards, according to the Harvard Lampoon. Excellent work! :) (Y + EVIAN) P.S. I am assuming the stress falls on the first syllable of Dirhavel. I get tired of reusing answers I've used before and trying to write different clues for them. |
The password is DACTYLS, perhaps. In which case, Y must be Yavien.
One to go! |
I cannot find an anagram for steamy and hot, sorry.
Maybe you forgot to extract nothing? ;)
Even then, I get STEAMY HT, and that doesn't lead anywhere either. Of course, there is MAY, but the rest of the letters are STEHT, which doesn't translate to a hobbit surname.
It's not a *surname* you want.
All you need is STEAMY HT. |
There are no names that contain those letters, are there? Unless it's an alternate name.
It's an obscure hobbit first name, but I have used her before. When I needed a colour in one of the 'different shades' passwords that Huey gave me ideas for with his original 'rainbow' one.
Think 'semi-precious stone.' |
DIRHAVEL: Poet hailed Queen Victoria in confusion?
AMETHYST: Steamy and hot! Stir it well for her, and extract nothing. CARDOLAN: Shift around raven country to arrive here? TAROSTAR: Roast rat!? In consternation, find him! YAVIEN: Why, we ask, does she disturb the famous water? LAURELIN: Are they rhymefully quarrelin' under its branches? SERUTAN: Mud spelled backwards, according to the Harvard Lampoon. Well done. And over to you! |
I finally came up with something
1. You and a bird go in a circle, for her.
2. A Japanese warrior goes backwards. A note is within. She appears. 3. The color of death, according to Poe. Surround it with endless hell and an article to find her. 4. German one, a type of dwelling and a Roman numeral, all tangled up, reveal her. 5. Me is a type of bread. Or is it him? 6. An actor drops a note to reveal him. 7. Raw metal exchanges one direction for another. Twist it to find someone who worked on it. 8. Torn and dirty clothes meet the noise. All is twisted for him. |
7. Raw metal is probably Ore, giving ORE - R + L = EOL, who worked the ore.
1. You and a bird go in a circle, for her.
2. A Japanese warrior goes backwards. A note is within. She appears. 3. The color of death, according to Poe. Surround it with endless hell and an article to find her. 4. German one, a type of dwelling and a Roman numeral, all tangled up, reveal her. 5. Me is a type of bread. Or is it him? 6. An actor drops a note to reveal him. EOL: Raw metal exchanges one direction for another. Twist it to find someone who worked on it. 8. Torn and dirty clothes meet the noise. All is twisted for him. |
3. A-red-hel
4. Luthien? (ein + hut + l) 1. Me-lian, since I believe a 'luan' is a mythological bird, and the circle might be her Girdle? 8. Dagnir, from 'rag' and 'din?' |
URWEN: You and a bird go in a circle, for her.
2. A Japanese warrior goes backwards. A note is within. She appears. AREDHEL: The color of death, according to Poe. Surround it with endless hell and an article to find her. LUTHIEN: German one, a type of dwelling and a Roman numeral, all tangled up, reveal her. 5. Me is a type of bread. Or is it him? 6. An actor drops a note to reveal him. EOL: Raw metal exchanges one direction for another. Twist it to find someone who worked on it. DAGNIR: Torn and dirty clothes meet the noise. All is twisted for him. |
1. URWEN! (U plus WREN)
Circle had me thinking of girdles rather than anagrams! A guess at UNALLIED for the password. |
That's not the password.
#5: I'M LACH? There are several languages which use leach as part of bread names. Son of Marach apparently.
I really want #2 to be based on samurai > iarumas, but I got nothing 6 I have even less, because "an actor" is so broad. Is it an LotR actor, at least? Theme... Well the confirmed ones all have notable deaths, and they're all First Age. Possibly UNALIVED for the password? hS Edit: 2 is Ronin > NIENOR and I am thick as a plank. |
URWEN: You and a bird go in a circle, for her.
NIENOR: A Japanese warrior goes backwards. A note is within. She appears. AREDHEL: The color of death, according to Poe. Surround it with endless hell and an article to find her. LUTHIEN: German one, a type of dwelling and a Roman numeral, all tangled up, reveal her. I: Me is a type of bread. Or is it him? V: An actor drops a note to reveal him. EOL: Raw metal exchanges one direction for another. Twist it to find someone who worked on it. DAGNIR: Torn and dirty clothes meet the noise. All is twisted for him. |
Can we get some hints for the last two? I feel like I should be an IM- name, but I can't see one. And I can't see anything useful starting with V.
I can't even work from the rest of the set: you've got the three Turin siblings, and the Gondolin couple. I can't make anything associated with either Maeglin or Hurin fit, and both are male so Morwen is out too. hS |
Could I be Isembard?
ME IS (scrambled) plus most of BREAD? |
For I one, think about Turin's life after Doriath. This character would be found there, and he was (y)arrowed. For V, the actor is one of LOTR actors. And the V character is the odd one out in this bunch, having died from natural causes. |
IBUN! Very good.
V suggests Viggo, and VIGO BOFFIN is apparently dead. :) hS |
Round and round it goes
URWEN: You and a bird go in a circle, for her.
NIENOR: A Japanese warrior goes backwards. A note is within. She appears. AREDHEL: The color of death, according to Poe. Surround it with endless hell and an article to find her. LUTHIEN: German one, a type of dwelling and a Roman numeral, all tangled up, reveal her. IBUN: Me is a type of bread. Or is it him? VIGO BOFFIN: An actor drops a note to reveal him. EOL: Raw metal exchanges one direction for another. Twist it to find someone who worked on it. DAGNIR: Torn and dirty clothes meet the noise. All is twisted for him. Over to Hui. |
Oh heck, that means I need to come up with a puzzle. :D Okay, the clues here are a bit looser than normal, but I hope it works: 1. The cold-sounding ones to whom letters are sent 2. Estel's name translated that after 'old' went 3. A Sindarin season or village in Wales 4. Where I am a boy starting down in the dales 5. A letter to rent in a fair land of yore 6. And after the day comes the sea on the shore 7. The heart of the cold is the name of the day 8. The Undying Lands are unnoted (but hey) 9. The first of the seven in Hobbitish forms Together all call for a feast at Beorn's! hS |
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