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Ok, got some free time which I spent making this somewhat odd password. Hard to follow such a celebratory password, but I think you will like it.
1. Seek inside, endure line break. 2. Strange, double reverse old? 3. Will warfarin lose distant direction? 4. Refresh point askew. 5. Confused above a sheep. 6. Letter, relation, belonging, name. 7. Champion of Sam's cooking-gear. EDIT: You evidently chose a very fortunate time to post your 111 password, Pervinca, because the moment there's a new one it's 112! :D |
I kind of did it for you, because you asked for a special one to celebrate page 100, but I couldn't think how to do that. :)
3. If warfarin loses far and w, it becomes ARIN, the Quenya for morning.
I wonder if the lack of straight clues could be because the answers are all elvish or something. I wonder, but have a stronger feeling that all I have suggested is wrong. |
I kind of wonder how fast you'll get all of them once you have one and hit on the theme. I predict a swift massacre of the rest of the clues. |
... oh sweet mercy.
In true Gollum fashion, the fact that I (incorrectly) fixated on 'rune' as 'ancient letter' last time sent my mind straight there on #6. And then a son is a relation. And 'of' means belonging. And then I had to look up RUNE SON OF BJARNE's full name. ... In my defence, I read quite a lot of your old Werewolf games a year back. hS |
Is 3 possibly WAIN, losing FAR and R?
Trouble is, I can't think of another synonym for 'distant.' ... Well, there's AFAR, and we could gain a direction instead of losing it. And I suppose a direction could be 2 or 3 letters ... NW, SSW, etc. And maybe 'will' could even be 'bequest' or a hobbit! |
1. Seek inside, endure line break.
2. Strange, double reverse old? 3. Will warfarin lose distant direction? 4. Refresh point askew. 5. Confused above a sheep. 6. RUNE SON OF BJARNE Letter, relation, belonging, name. 7. Champion of Sam's cooking-gear. Pervinca, you have the right synonym for "distant". You don't have the right base. Hui - turns out I also fixated in your guess for rune=letter, because I could not think of any other description. |
Ah ... so would 7 be The Saucepan Man?
1. Seek inside, endure line break. 2. Strange, double reverse old? 3. Will warfarin lose distant direction? 4. Refresh point askew. 5. Confused above a sheep. 6. RUNE SON OF BJARNE Letter, relation, belonging, name. 7. SAUCEPAN MAN Champion of Sam's cooking-gear. |
And #2 must surely be ODDWEN, with old being both backwards and opposite.
EDIT: Warfarin is an anticoagulant sold under many, many names, most of which end with 'farin'. Nothing's springing out as super obvious. hS |
1. Seek inside, endure line break.
2. ODDWEN Strange, double reverse old? 3. Will warfarin lose distant direction? 4. Refresh point askew. 5. Confused above a sheep. 6. RUNE SON OF BJARNE Letter, relation, belonging, name. 7. SAUCEPAN MAN Champion of Sam's cooking-gear. Quote:
Also, it's irrelevant to the clue. You don't need to do any pharmacology research for this. |
Is the password DOWNERS?
4. Can we coin a verb 'newen' for refresh and add an R for Nerwen? :D (It isn't askew, though).
I was trying to get the sheepy one to make Nerwen, with ewe for the sheep. EDIT: Ah! RENEW plus N for the direction, once askew, gives us NERWEN. |
3. Is there a Downer called Wilwarin, or have I imagined it?
1. Durelin (within 'endure line.')
1. DURELIN Seek inside, endure line break. 2. ODDWEN Strange, double reverse old? 3. WILWARIN Will warfarin lose distant direction? 4. NERWEN Refresh point askew. 5. Confused above a sheep. 6. RUNE SON OF BJARNE Letter, relation, belonging, name. 7. SAUCEPAN MAN Champion of Sam's cooking-gear. Correct on all points! 3. willwarfarin - far - l = wilwarin. |
Ah .. and EWE and ON do make something Tolkienian ... is there a Downer called EONWE?
1. DURELIN Seek inside, endure line break. 2. ODDWEN Strange, double reverse old? 3. WILWARIN Will warfarin lose distant direction? 4. NERWEN Refresh point askew. 5. EONWE Confused above a sheep. 6. RUNE SON OF BJARNE Letter, relation, belonging, name. 7. SAUCEPAN MAN Champion of Sam's cooking-gear. So that's the little Downs tribute on this thread. Though if you want a proper Downish challenge, you should try this one from way back. Cheers, and over to you Pervinca! |
A worthy tribute indeed, Galadriel! :) I will try that crossword some time, but I think I'd have to copy it out first, or try to print it.
Here's the next password: 1. Tall bowman spun around and entrapped by fast lady! (Well, almost). 2. Early eighties icon, a girl appears. 3. He’s a royal dwarf, transformed. 4. Troubled? Ruddy cure her! 5. He’s a feeble spirit, but twisted. 6. He combines filth and transgression. In chaos, what’s more! 7. She ascended. |
7. Rose?
1. Tall bowman spun around and entrapped by fast lady! (Well, almost).
2. Early eighties icon, a girl appears. 3. He’s a royal dwarf, transformed. 4. Troubled? Ruddy cure her! 5. He’s a feeble spirit, but twisted. 6. He combines filth and transgression. In chaos, what’s more! ROSE: She ascended. |
4. AREDHEL = red heal
1. Tall bowman spun around and entrapped by fast lady! (Well, almost).
2. Early eighties icon, a girl appears. 3. He’s a royal dwarf, transformed. AREDHEL: Troubled? Ruddy cure her! 5. He’s a feeble spirit, but twisted. 6. He combines filth and transgression. In chaos, what’s more! ROSE: She ascended. |
Thoughts on 6:
I'm convinced that transgression is SIN, but I can't get a male anagram. What can filth be? Mire... mud... muck.. grime... I can't get an anagram to work, but maybe this will give others ideas. |
Sin is correct, and one of your four filth synonyms is correct. Together, the two of them contain all the letters you need.
Ok, I need some help here. Hui? Mith? Nerwen? Anyone?
Think hobbitishly. :)
Okay: time to cheat. From my attempts at making a square riddle generator, I still have a list of all the articles on the Encyclopedia of Arda. Attacking that with what we know:
-'Muck+Sin' is the easiest to eliminate. U,K, and S only appear together in 7 entries, and none of them come close. (The only Hobbitish one is 'Bucklanders'; I guess they don't have an article called 'Brandybucks', but there's no B anyway.) -'Mud+Sin' is almost as easy, because D isn't very common either. It does pop up the awesomely-named Dudo Baggins, but other than that it's mostly various phrases. -'Mire' looks like a stretch for 'filth', so I'll skip it for now; it's also not very easy to find a concise search string for. (Yes, I could just look for anything that contains all the letters, but I'd rather not.) -'Grime+Sin' has G, R, and S; that gives a lot of hits for 'great', but does finally take me down to: ISENGRIM Took, the name of three Thains of the Shire. The first is of unknown date, the second presided over the building of the Great Smials (and the adjustment of the calendar, and the first growing of pipe-weed...), and the third a short-reigning son of the Old Took. The name comes from a mythical wolf, but sadly there's no attested harsh winters that could lead to a delightful Hobbit epic about Thain Isengrim I and the Wolf. hS |
1. Tall bowman spun around and entrapped by fast lady! (Well, almost).
2. Early eighties icon, a girl appears. 3. He’s a royal dwarf, transformed. AREDHEL: Troubled? Ruddy cure her! 5. He’s a feeble spirit, but twisted. ISENGRIM: He combines filth and transgression. In chaos, what’s more! ROSE: She ascended. I didn't think it was *that* hard! |
hS |
F: Tall bowman spun around and entrapped by fast lady! (Well, almost).
A: Early eighties icon, a girl appears. R: He’s a royal dwarf, transformed. AREDHEL: Troubled? Ruddy cure her! M: He’s a feeble spirit, but twisted. ISENGRIM: He combines filth and transgression. In chaos, what’s more! ROSE: She ascended. Faramir it is! You are right in your method for the first R clue. You just need to start with a different dwarf. |
Hmm. The line of Durin looks to only include four dwarves with R in their names, all of which I mentioned. Azaghâl of Belegost doesn't have an R. Bodruith, Lost Tales Lord of Belegost (later replaced by a nameless Lord of Nogrod) does, but with that B he doesn't anagrammate to anything suitable.
I mean, technically Nár is a 'royal dwarf', in the sense of 'royal guard' - he was Thror's companion when he went loopy. And I'm sure I remember RAN being the name of a Lost Tales character somewhere. But I doubt that's what you're after. ;) Looked at more loosely, practically every named dwarf is related to the royal line, so they could all be royal. Um... there's a dwarf called Borin (younger son of Nain II, apparently), which anagrams to ROBIN, either Smallburrow or Gamgee. I can't shake the idea that A should be Adam Ant... and oh look, there's an ADAMANTA CHUBB, aka Mrs. Old Took. Other than Aredhel, these all look to be Hobbit names (Faramir being Pip's lad)... but amusing though it would be, I can't find any evidence of an Aredhel Baggins, Boffin, or Proudfoot. hS |
F: Tall bowman spun around and entrapped by fast lady! (Well, almost).
ADAMANTA: Early eighties icon, a girl appears. ROBIN: He’s a royal dwarf, transformed. AREDHEL: Troubled? Ruddy cure her! M: He’s a feeble spirit, but twisted. ISENGRIM: He combines filth and transgression. In chaos, what’s more! ROSE: She ascended. Very good! However: 1. The Faramir of this password is NOT Faramir Took. 2. None of the remaining answers are hobbits. |
... hang on. Adamanta and Isengrim are mother and son. Rose and Robin are, too.
FINDUILAS and MAEGLIN would fit for the last two clues, as mother of Faramir and son of Aredhel. But do they work with the actual clues? -Duinhir, Duilin, and Derufin are three bowmen from the Blackroot Dale, with Duinhir being 'the tall'. Duilin fits in the middle of 'Finduilas', suitably spun around, and leaves us with F (for fast) + LAS (for lass) trapping him. -Maeglin... is perfectly described by the clue. I can't see synonyms for 'feeble' or 'spirit' in there, so I'm going to tentatively peg this as a straight clue that sneakily looks cryptic. hS |
FINDUILAS: Tall bowman spun around and entrapped by fast lady! (Well, almost).
ADAMANTA: Early eighties icon, a girl appears. ROBIN: He’s a royal dwarf, transformed. AREDHEL: Troubled? Ruddy cure her! MAEGLIN: He’s a feeble spirit, but twisted. ISENGRIM: He combines filth and transgression. In chaos, what’s more! ROSE: She ascended. THEME: MOTHERS & SONS Maeglin is fully cryptic (LAME + GIN) and half straight. (Well, 'feeble spirit' could perhaps be argued to apply to him). I agree that he's pretty twisted. You are right about DUILIN (cue one of the most haunting lines sung by Oz Clarke - that's why I always remember Derufin and Duilin). But he's *almost* trapped by 'fast' because he's trapped by FAS only (most of 'fast') ... and then 'lady' is the straight clue. This one was a bit harder to make work than my 'mothers and sons' one. Hence I resorted to a few less well-known hobbits. I guess they're useful for a puzzle based on a family relationship, since they are obsessed with family history and exhibiting it on trees! Well done! And over to Formendacil! |
Formendacil ...?
Sorry, I've been absolutely devoured by work the past couple weeks--I'm there right now, in fact...
However, I have managed to string together a semi-coherent quiz: 1. My wife to Mandos 2. Dwarves' alternative fumes 3. Oh, to be a lawn of Fangorn! 4. The "oh, leg!" of grinding. 5. Men's jewelry of the Gap 6. Sounds like coughing in Menegroth 7. Lost in [elvish translation] by the West Gate 8. The "uh, it's blocked" of Pelargir 9. Scooby greets Star Wars, thanks to Stu I have no idea if this'll make any sense... |
1. Vaire?
(Sorry work has been so overwhelming. Hope it eases soon). |
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