![]() |
5. Tempted to say Rohan, but Rohan is a shop that specialises in outdoor clothing and footwear, not jewellery.
Just to bring Formendacil's password onto the current page:
1. My wife to Mandos 2. Dwarves' alternative fumes 3. Oh, to be a lawn of Fangorn! 4. The "oh, leg!" of grinding. 5. Men's jewelry of the Gap 6. Sounds like coughing in Menegroth 7. Lost in [elvish translation] by the West Gate 8. The "uh, it's blocked" of Pelargir 9. Scooby greets Star Wars, thanks to Stu And to add my first guess of Vaire for number 1 (which is now on the last page). |
No to 1. being Vaire.
No to 5. being Rohan. |
1. Finwe, whose first wife went to Mandos?
7. Ost-in-Edhil, which is close to the West Gate of Moria and, y'know, starts with '[l]ost in' and then a word related to elves?
hS |
No to Finwe, but....
1. My wife to Mandos 2. Dwarves' alternative fumes 3. Oh, to be a lawn of Fangorn! 4. The "oh, leg!" of grinding. 5. Men's jewelry of the Gap 6. Sounds like coughing in Menegroth 7. Ost-in-Edhil Lost in [elvish translation] by the West Gate 8. The "uh, it's blocked" of Pelargir 9. Scooby greets Star Wars, thanks to Stu |
1. Beren, for the same reasoning as Finwe?
'Dwarves' alternative fumes' reminds me that I always want to sing:
"The dwarves of yore made mighty sMells While hammers fell like ringing bells.' (Especially Fror the Flatulent). But that probably wasn't what you had in mind. But whilst I'm on the topic: 8. The famous toilet plunger of the Corsairs. |
9. Doo + Luke ... Durbatuluk?
Well, the 'tu' of 'Stu' is in it. Or Doobydoo + Luke with the 'tu' of Stu overwriting the second 'doo?' |
1. Eol is the only person I know of who sent his own wife to Mandos.
I really want 3 to point to the name of an Ent, but... it doesn't seem to. :( I also can't find anywhere in Treebeard's song about Beleriand which is a lawn... there was at least one dancing-lawn in Neldoreth, I suppose, but I'm going a bit off-key here. (Hmm, I wonder if Treebeard was able to pass the Girdle of Melian...?) 8. I mean, there was a Siege of Pelargir, which fits the description... I guess? hS |
Could 2 be RUNES?
If you swap two letters of fumes, you get runes, which dwarves use a lot. |
Once the password is achieved, I suspect, these will fall fairly quickly, but in the meantime I will say that each clue is twofold: an element directly pertaining to its appropriate answer word, and an element that links to the Password. |
Could the password be LOCATIONS?
Ok, I'm now wondering if #1 is a cheeky SISTER. :cool::rolleyes:
4. The "oh, leg!" of grinding.
The only mill I know of is Sandyman's, which doesn't seem to fit.
Could the grinding be the grinding ice? HELCARAXE? I can't find any components except for 'Hell!' as an alternative exclamation to the 'Oh!,' though. (Unless it's something to do with lego!!) |
But you ARE getting warmer thinking about Sandyman... |
5. The river Adorn runs near Fangorn, and jewellery adorns you.
6. If you're coughing, your breath sounds ill, like Brethil; alternately, you might be ailing & ill - Aelin-Uial. Both border Doriath. 9. I think 'du' has to appear in this; the only possible starting with L (for Luke or Leia) is Lugdush (Luke-Doo-sh) the Uruk-hai. Perhaps he was played by Stuart? Since I'm pretty sure this is wrong, a thought: 'Stu' as a straight clue could point to a Steward of Gondor. ... OH WAIT. Rot's that? Rour name's Han? 'ro, Han! 9. Rohan, thanks very much to Steward Cirion. hS |
... which makes me think that the last three letters of the password are probably OUR, which makes 8. Umbar ('um, bar!').
hS |
1. My wife to Mandos
2. Dwarves' alternative fumes 3. Oh, to be a lawn of Fangorn! 4. The "oh, leg!" of grinding. 5. Men's jewelry of the Gap 6. Brethil Sounds like coughing in Menegroth 7. Ost-in-Edhil Lost in [elvish translation] by the West Gate 8. Umbar The "uh, it's blocked" of Pelargir 9. Rohan Scooby greets Star Wars, thanks to Stu Three right answers! Adorn, however, is wrong. |
4. Sarehole?
Or NEIGHBOUR for the password? |
...but YES to Neighbour! |
5. I'm guessing something to do with HELM, which can act like jewellery to men. Neither the DEEP, DIKE, nor GATE seem to obviously connect, though.
I can find answers to the straight clue which fit the letters for 1-3 (Nienna, Erebor, and Isen(gard) respectively), but can't connect any of them to the cryptic clues. 4. ... I might hazard GORLIM, with 'limb' for leg, and 'gor blimey!' I don't remember him or Eilinel being millers, though. hS |
Maybe 1 is someone whose wife is a neighbour to Mandos.
Neithan ... Nienor has just killed herself? But tenuous. Also, I think mortals go to Mandos and then leave? If the letters making up NAMO meant 'my wife,' it would be really handy! |
I wonder whether 'my wife' could point at Formendacil, and specifically at the answer being North (formen) -something. But I can't come up with anything that would fit.
Formenos is pretty close to the Halls of Mandos, but it never acquired an Anglicised name, which would be 'North Fortress' anyway. (Northchester would be a good English placename for it, come to think; or maybe I just like sticking -chester on the end of things... I've gotten off-topic.) Hmm... Tolkien Gateway points out that 'Formenos' in Quenya translates to 'Fornost' in Sindarin, which does have a Hobbitish form: NORBURY. So I guess I'll guess that for #1, though 'bury' to 'bride' is a bit of a leap. hS |
I won't say which, but you *might* want to revisit those three solutions you can't connect to the clues. Quote:
3. Oh, to be a lawn of Fangorn!
Lawn could be GARTH. 'To be' is SEIN in German.
Isen + garth is almost ISENGARD. |
1. My wife to Mandos
2. Dwarves' alternative fumes 3. Isengard Oh, to be a lawn of Fangorn! 4. The "oh, leg!" of grinding. 5. Men's jewelry of the Gap 6. Brethil Sounds like coughing in Menegroth 7. Ost-in-Edhil Lost in [elvish translation] by the West Gate 8. Umbar The "uh, it's blocked" of Pelargir 9. Rohan Scooby greets Star Wars, thanks to Stu I no longer actually remember my exact reasoning being Isengard (and my notes have disappeared...) but it is the correct answer AND was something to the effect of "is in-yard." |
1. My wife to Mandos
Maybe this is Nimrodel? She became a resident/neighbour of Mandos when she drowned. Maybe it's Amroth speaking? (Also in the Halls of Mandos? I know they weren't exactly married, but ...).
Or maybe it's Nessa, who does have an actual spouse: Tulkas. Or, hang on ... is the answer the husband? |
No to Nessa. |
2. Esgaroth. It's a stretch but it has OR, GAS, and is next to some dwarves.
1. ... NURUFANTUR? As a name for Mandos (oh, has NAMO been officially dismissed yet?), whose wife Vaire is, obviously, a neighbour to her husband. And it would make sense of the 'my', since it's referring to the man himself.
hS |
1. My wife to Mandos
2. Esgaroth Dwarves' alternative fumes 3. Isengard Oh, to be a lawn of Fangorn! 4. The "oh, leg!" of grinding. 5. Men's jewelry of the Gap 6. Brethil Sounds like coughing in Menegroth 7. Ost-in-Edhil Lost in [elvish translation] by the West Gate 8. Umbar The "uh, it's blocked" of Pelargir 9. Rohan Scooby greets Star Wars, thanks to Stu Yes to Esgaroth (OTHER GAS). No to Nurufantur. And to Namo. |
4. GROND? (Has to be worth a shot! (I wouldn't want it to run over my leg, anyway!))
(I (wrongly) guessed Namo a little while ago, Hs). Other gas? Great clue! |
1. Apparently Finwe was surnamed NOLDORAN, and I think Miriel was the first person ever to go to Mandos?
5. HORNBURG, with 'horn' as men's jewellery? |
No to Hornburg. |
Does Earendil have a name that starts with N? Elwing dwelled on the Westernmost shores which is also the location of the Halls of Mandos.
I'm running out of ideas here. I feel like I can't come up with anything half as clever as Sister :p. |
There aren't many characters beginning with N, and of them, the dwarf-names aren't much help, seeing as we never hear of their wives.
What was your sister answer, G55? |
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