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Pervinca Took 05-05-2019 01:23 PM

Already used?


Unless he's the I clue.

Urwen 05-05-2019 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 715932)
Already used?


Unless he's the I clue.


Are you pulling my leg or you really don't know? :eek:

Pervinca Took 05-05-2019 02:00 PM

Lomion is Eol, isn't it? Well, his wife and son are answers, but I don't see him.

... checks again ...

Oh. Maeglin.

Pervinca Took 05-05-2019 02:13 PM

To get it on this page.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 715900)
MAEGLIN: A puzzle gains direction for him
EOWYN: A state abbreviation inside of a long period of time, for her
FARAMIR: Muddled distant reverse edge for him.
AREDHEL: Follow through, with a direction? She will not do this.
VANA: A vehicle, noted. She appears
O: Muddle up his task to get his name.
IDRIL: Note Maltese money, returned. For her
I: Mix this compound for him
LALAITH: Greet the key for her
TAR MIRIEL: Rearrange a rodent containing lime for her
S: Mixed complex plant tissue, for him

Urwen 05-07-2019 04:27 AM


Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 01:21 PM

Eriol as an oriel (window). :D

Urwen 05-07-2019 01:31 PM

Nope. The synonym used in the clue is seldom used. You're the champion of this thread, surely it isn't this difficult.....

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 01:37 PM

They're always easy if you know the answers!

And I wouldn't call myself a champion, let alone the. I find Nerwen and Huey's clues *really* hard, for starters.

Urwen 05-07-2019 01:54 PM

It's an archaic synonym.

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 02:35 PM

Yeah, but it's finding the letters. Also not easy when you don't know where in the name the O is!

Plus there aren't that many 'tasks' in Tolkien's works. Ringbearing for Frodo, reclaiming the Silmarils for Feanor & Sons, getting a Silmaril for Beren & Luthien ... but these are too long and aren't synonyms for anyone.

Let's see. 'Lookout' for Balin. Again, not a synonym.

Burglar/thief/thieving ... not anagrams of Bilbo/Baggins.

Then there's gardener for Sam and steward for many, and king for many, and landlord for Butterbur. But these are *professions* or positions, not individual tasks. Also, not character-synonyms.

Unless there was ever a king whose name was a synonym of 'monarch.'

Urwen 05-07-2019 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 715983)
Yeah, but it's finding the letters. Also not easy whdn you don't know where in the name the O is!

Plus there aren't that many 'tasks' in Tolkien's works. Ringbearing for Frodo, reclaiming the Silmarils for Feanor & Sons ... but these are too long and aren't synonyms for anyone.

Let's see. 'Lookout' for Balin. Again, not a synonym.

Burglar/thief/thieving ... not anagrams of Bilbo/Baggins.

Then there's gardener for Sam and steward for many, and king for many, and landlord for Butterbur. But these are *professions,* not individual tasks. Also, not character-synonyms.

Unless there was ever a king whose name was a synonym of 'monarch.'

What if I told you that the answer is in the post I just quoted?

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 02:55 PM

Well, Barliman is an anagram of MAL BRAIN. But aside from not being a task, that's both cruel and a little unfair. :D

Urwen 05-07-2019 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 715987)
Well, Barliman is an anagram of MAL BRAIN. But aside from not being a task, that's both cruel and a little unfair. :D

You listed other names too. Try one of those

If you still need a hint, then here it is:

yortsed rof mynonys ciahcra na si rof gnikool era uoy drow eht

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 03:04 PM

Bilbo as Biblo (maybe writer?)

(Guessed without reading your hint).

Urwen 05-07-2019 03:04 PM


Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 03:06 PM

I was thinking of an anagram of slayer. (Now have read your hint).

But this would be slay. But more archaic than slay. I'll have another look.

William Cloud Hicklin 05-07-2019 03:08 PM

If Denethor had a sideline as a pimp, he could be a HO-TENDER :smokin:

William Cloud Hicklin 05-07-2019 03:19 PM

Well, if the name is one listed verbatim in your post, the only one whose task was to destroy anything was Frodo.

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 03:20 PM

Fordo = Frodo.

Destroy the Ring.

To fordo ... like when Edmund was going to lie and say Cordelia 'fordid herself.'

William Cloud Hicklin 05-07-2019 03:21 PM

Oh, heck. FORDO, as in FORDONE.

Nice one, Urwen

Urwen 05-07-2019 03:23 PM

*slow clap*

MAEGLIN: A puzzle gains direction for him
EOWYN: A state abbreviation inside of a long period of time, for her
FARAMIR: Muddled distant reverse edge for him.
AREDHEL: Follow through, with a direction? She will not do this.
VANA: A vehicle, noted. She appears
FRODO: Muddle up his task to get his name.
IDRIL: Note Maltese money, returned. For her
I: Mix this compound for him
LALAITH: Greet the key for her
TAR MIRIEL: Rearrange a rodent containing lime for her
S: Mixed complex plant tissue, for him

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 03:25 PM

1. VERY nice clue.

2. Impeccable taste in characters.

3. His task was, strictly speaking, to find the cracks of doom. But I'll let you off. :D

Urwen 05-07-2019 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 715999)
1. VERY nice clue.

2. Impeccable taste in characters.

3. His task was, strictly speaking, to find the cracks of doom. But I'll let you off. :D

Thanks, still have two more to go. :smokin:

I'll help you out, because you deserve it.

1. Fire Maiden isn't the only CoH in the set
2. The last one is the first character I liked when I read Silmarillion for the first time.

Galadriel55 05-07-2019 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716001)
2. The last one is the first character I liked when I read Silmarillion for the first time.

So either a Vala / early Elf mention, or you really didn't like many characters on your first read? ;)

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716001)
Thanks, still have two more to go. :smokin

I know. I was just commending you for having Frodo as a favourite.

Now ... is the compound thing just a compound name? DAGNIR GLAURUNGA, maybe?

There is only one choice of character if it's a CofH and a male. Unless you mean just a character from that *book.*

William Cloud Hicklin 05-07-2019 03:52 PM

I don't know if titanium + ruthenium + nitrogen is a real alloy, but it yields a rather radioactive TURIN

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 04:01 PM

Given what havoc a *non*-radioactive Turin can wreak, I will go to sleep with that rather disturbing thought!

See you all tomorrow!

Urwen 05-07-2019 04:02 PM

It's a compound name, and the compound is found in several food types (most notably in citrus fruits)

Urwen 05-07-2019 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 716007)
So either a Vala / early Elf mention, or you really didn't like many characters on your first read? ;)

Oh, he was mentioned early all right. But he was also mentioned later. In fact, he was mentioned multiple times during the book, and was one of the prominent ringleaders (pun not intended) :p

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 04:05 PM


(Citric acid).

Urwen 05-07-2019 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by pervinca took (Post 716016)

(citric acid).


Galadriel55 05-07-2019 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716013)
It's a compound name, and the compound is found in several food types (most notably in citrus fruits)

Citric acid! Ascorbic acid! Vitamin C!

I don't know what the answer is, I can't make anything of the above. I'm just shouting out things.

Edit: xed with the last clue and the last couple posts above it. Makes sense now...

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 04:17 PM


has LIME
almost has MERGE

Can anyone make something of this?

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 04:25 PM

Is S TULKAS? (Stalk).

Can't account for the U, though.

Urwen 05-07-2019 04:27 PM


Galadriel55 05-07-2019 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716021)
Can anyone make something of this?

Pervinca, google the chemical formula Urwen posted. :)

William Cloud Hicklin 05-07-2019 06:48 PM

Okay, c27h30o16 is something called "rutin," which "is the glycoside combining the flavonol quercetin and the disaccharide rutinose."

Yeah, because anyone could have guessed that.

Anyway, TURIN

William Cloud Hicklin 05-07-2019 06:54 PM

OK, teh Interwebz sez that there are two kinds of "complex plant tissue," that is tissue made of different kinds of cells:


Problem is, neither has an S (and I'm pretty sure nobody in Tolkien has an X)

Pervinca Took 05-07-2019 08:19 PM

Yeah, have looked all through complex plant tissues on the interweb and found nothing that seemed to work.

Not mad rose + h ... MAEDHROS???

And not TULKAS??? (Stalk + unaccountable U).

Nerwen 05-07-2019 09:54 PM

Well, unless Urwen's done a complete 180 I can't see Maedhros being on the list of her "favourites".

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