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Urwen 07-12-2019 03:56 AM

GOTHMOG: A dizzy insect within a palindrome? He is there.
??U??: A chaotical month surrounds a brief country, for her.
??R??: A confused gang-member reveals him.
TAR-MIRIEL: A returning element is inside a measuring unit, after a rodent. See her!
??N??: A disoriented country and returning musical symbol reveal him.

No, not Barding. There is a different synonym for a gang-member. ;)

(Also, 2 and 3 are connected by more than just the theme. ;))

Pervinca Took 07-12-2019 03:59 AM

Is the gang-member simply Turin, because he was one?

Urwen 07-12-2019 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719142)
Is the gang-member simply Turin, because he was one?

Nope. I gave you a big hint.

Pervinca Took 07-12-2019 05:39 AM

DROGO, from DROOG? (Good job I like 'A Clockwork Orange!')

PRIMULA ... Yes, that has APRIL surrounding ... MU. Can't think offhand of a country that starts that way, but ....

Urwen 07-12-2019 06:03 AM

It's a country abbreviation for Mauritius.

Urwen 07-12-2019 06:08 AM

GOTHMOG: A dizzy insect within a palindrome? He is there.
PRIMULA: A chaotical month surrounds a brief country, for her.
DROGO: A confused gang-member reveals him.
TAR-MIRIEL: A returning element is inside a measuring unit, after a rodent. See her!
??N??: A disoriented country and returning musical symbol reveal him.

Can you guess the theme?

Pervinca Took 07-12-2019 06:27 AM

Three are connected to water and one to fire, but I don't recall Hurin being connected to either. Unless he was in the Battle of Sudden Flame.

Urwen 07-12-2019 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719148)
Three are connected to water and one to fire, but I don't recall Hurin being connected to either. Unless he was in the Battle of Sudden Flame.

Wrong, it has to do with manner of their deaths.

Pervinca Took 07-12-2019 07:43 AM

OK. They all drowned.

I hadn't realised that Hurin and Gothmog drowned.

Pervinca Took 07-12-2019 08:04 AM

I wonder if 'returning' means in the sense of being a palindrome, and the musical symbol is 'minim.'

Urwen 07-12-2019 09:42 AM

Nope. The musical symbol is something we used in our clues frequently.

Pervinca Took 07-12-2019 12:40 PM

AMANDIL did not return. I guess he either drowned or died of thirst or starvation.


Urwen 07-12-2019 01:10 PM

Nope. Think! Which musical symbol do we frequently use in clues in this thread?

Pervinca Took 07-12-2019 01:34 PM

Well ... notes.

Not clefs or keys or flats or sharps, as I recall.

Urwen 07-12-2019 02:36 PM

Exactly. You know this, so use it.

Pervinca Took 07-12-2019 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 719156)
Exactly. You know this, so use it.

I did. MI is a note. I used it in Amandil.

GORLIM has MI returning. GORL sounds like GAUL, an old name for France.

Yes, I know it's not right. He is cruelly put to death, but we are not told how.

But the only other two named males I can think of who drowned are AMROTH (no N) and AR-PHARAZON. Hang on. He has ROHAN for a country. Is ZAP musical, though? ;)

Huinesoron 07-13-2019 12:32 AM

I think it might be the actual word NOTE. The clue suggests it's backwards rather than scrambled; are there any names ending with ETON?

(Isildur also drowned, but that's not much help. Arguably so did Deagol, but again...)


Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 719159)
I think it might be the actual word NOTE. The clue suggests it's backwards rather than scrambled; are there any names ending with ETON?

(Isildur also drowned, but that's not much help. Arguably so did Deagol, but again...)


I thought of Isildur, but I thought the orc-arrows were what killed him. And of Deagol, but the culprits there were Gollum's fingers.

Does anyone drown in any of the poems or smaller/non-M-e works?

People who dare to knock on the door of the Mewlips 'sink into the slime,' but that doesn't of itself guarantee full drowning.

Urwen 07-13-2019 04:06 AM

Here is one hint that would make it easy: 5 is 1's killer.

Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 04:42 AM


Note + Chile.

Urwen 07-13-2019 04:44 AM

GOTHMOG: A dizzy insect within a palindrome? He is there.
PRIMULA: A chaotical month surrounds a brief country, for her.
DROGO: A confused gang-member reveals him.
TAR-MIRIEL: A returning element is inside a measuring unit, after a rodent. See her!
ECTHELION: A disoriented country and returning musical symbol reveal him.

THEME: Characters who died by drowning

Over to Pervinca!

Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 05:07 AM

Here we are, then:

1. ‘Goodness me, my lettuce-draining implement!’ we seem to hear him cry, (roughly speaking).
2. He’s not nearly as stern as he sounds.
3. He failed to meet her, we hear, beneath Henry Irving’s lissom larches. (Initially).
4. For him: an actress from ‘Alfie’ – pale warmth circulates - and a fireplace sings differently, and in disharmony.
5. French king returns – hear a word of praise for him!

Urwen 07-13-2019 05:12 AM

3. Underhill?

Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 05:20 AM

Give me more.

Urwen 07-13-2019 05:29 AM

Mister (sounds like 'missed her') Underhill (already explained)

Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 05:50 AM

1. ‘Goodness me, my lettuce-draining implement!’ we seem to hear him cry, (roughly speaking).
2. He’s not nearly as stern as he sounds.
MR UNDERHILL: He failed to meet her, we hear, beneath Henry Irving’s lissom larches. (Initially).
4. For him: an actress from ‘Alfie’ – pale warmth circulates - and a fireplace sings differently, and in disharmony.
5. French king returns – hear a word of praise for him!

Urwen 07-13-2019 06:07 AM

Is the theme nicknames?

Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 06:25 AM

No. More specific than that.

Urwen 07-13-2019 06:28 AM

Oh, I see.

5. Iorhael (Roi backwards + Hael, which sounds like hail)

Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 06:31 AM

1. ‘Goodness me, my lettuce-draining implement!’ we seem to hear him cry, (roughly speaking).
2. He’s not nearly as stern as he sounds.
MR UNDERHILL: He failed to meet her, we hear, beneath Henry Irving’s lissom larches. (Initially).
4. For him: an actress from ‘Alfie’ – pale warmth circulates - and a fireplace sings differently, and in disharmony.
IORHAEL: French king returns – hear a word of praise for him!

Urwen 07-13-2019 06:33 AM

4. Daur, from 'dour'.

Urwen 07-13-2019 06:34 AM

And the password: Maura.

Urwen 07-13-2019 06:37 AM

1. Master, though I don't see how ster=lettuce-draining equipment

Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 07:08 AM

???M???: ‘Goodness me, my lettuce-draining implement!’ we seem to hear him cry, (roughly speaking).
DAUR: He’s not nearly as stern as he sounds.
MR UNDERHILL: He failed to meet her, we hear, beneath Henry Irving’s lissom larches. (Initially).
???R???: For him: an actress from ‘Alfie’ – pale warmth circulates - and a fireplace sings differently, and in disharmony.
IORHAEL: French king returns – hear a word of praise for him!


Not master. What do you drain lettuce or boiled veg in?

Also, you need an expression of surprise for the 'Goodness me!' to begin it with ... although 'Ma' is actually right for the 'my' bit.

Urwen 07-13-2019 07:14 AM


Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 07:16 AM

Yes. Now put them together.

Urwen 07-13-2019 07:17 AM


Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 07:18 AM

Something needed on the front.

What is Frodo known for?

Urwen 07-13-2019 07:28 AM

Quest of the Ring?

Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 07:30 AM

Yes, but what as?

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