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Urwen 07-13-2019 07:30 AM


Urwen 07-13-2019 07:31 AM

But that has nothing to do with 'ma' or with 'colander'.

Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 07:32 AM

Translate it!


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719190)
???M???: ‘Goodness me, my lettuce-draining implement!’ we seem to hear him cry, (roughly speaking).
DAUR: He’s not nearly as stern as he sounds.
MR UNDERHILL: He failed to meet her, we hear, beneath Henry Irving’s lissom larches. (Initially).
???R???: For him: an actress from ‘Alfie’ – pale warmth circulates - and a fireplace sings differently, and in disharmony.
IORHAEL: French king returns – hear a word of praise for him!


Not master. What do you drain lettuce or boiled veg in?

Also, you need an expression of surprise for the 'Goodness me!' to begin it with ... although 'Ma' is actually right for the 'my' bit.

Urwen 07-13-2019 07:40 AM


I do see two final bits, but not 'goodness me' bit.

Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 07:53 AM

CORMACOLINDO: ‘Goodness me, my lettuce-draining implement!’ we seem to hear him cry, (roughly speaking).
DAUR: He’s not nearly as stern as he sounds.
MR UNDERHILL: He failed to meet her, we hear, beneath Henry Irving’s lissom larches. (Initially).
???R???: For him: an actress from ‘Alfie’ – pale warmth circulates - and a fireplace sings differently, and in disharmony.
IORHAEL: French king returns – hear a word of praise for him!


COR! (An expression of surprise. Is it just a British expression, I wonder?)

Just knock the end off to get the singular. 'Cormacolindor' on the Field of Cormallen referred to both Frodo and Sam as The Ringbearers.

Urwen 07-13-2019 08:06 AM

Is the last one Bronwe Athan Harthad (Tara+Wan+Heat; the only thing missing is the fireplace.....)

Urwen 07-13-2019 08:11 AM

You up for making a new riddle, btw?

Pervinca Took 07-13-2019 08:55 AM

CORMACOLINDO: ‘Goodness me, my lettuce-draining implement!’ we seem to hear him cry, (roughly speaking).
DAUR: He’s not nearly as stern as he sounds.
MR UNDERHILL: He failed to meet her, we hear, beneath Henry Irving’s lissom larches. (Initially).
BRONWE ATHAN HARTHAD: For him: an actress from ‘Alfie’ – pale warmth circulates - and a fireplace sings differently, and in disharmony.
IORHAEL: French king returns – hear a word of praise for him!


The elements, though, are (Eleanor) BRON + WAN + HEAT + A + HEARTH - E + D (sings a different note/tune - change note letter for a different note).

(I meant the original 'Alfie,' with Michael Caine). ;)

The original password was FRODO, but I'd have had to get the F from ELF-FRIEND, which is good and true, but perhaps not quite as specific as CORMACOLINDOR/RINGBEARER.

Over to you! Well done.

I can't make another riddle just now, I'm afraid.

Urwen 07-13-2019 12:09 PM

My well of themed passwords is quickly drying up. It'll be a while until I make the next one.

Urwen 07-14-2019 06:37 AM

1. Her physical condition is haywire.
2. Temporary provision of money reveals her (chaotically).
3. A nasal in the middle of fractured bird claw, for him.
4. Note, he is unyielding, in turmoil.

Pervinca Took 07-14-2019 07:11 AM


Urwen 07-14-2019 12:04 PM

HALETH: Her physical condition is haywire.
2. Temporary provision of money reveals her (chaotically).
3. A nasal in the middle of fractured bird claw, for him.
4. Note, he is unyielding, in turmoil.

Urwen 07-16-2019 04:14 AM

Pervinca, where u at?

Huinesoron 07-16-2019 05:45 AM

All I see is a bunch of anagrams I can't get anything out of.

#2 seems likely to include 'loan', and #3 is probably talon + n, but I'd have to resort to brute-force attacking them with a searchable database to get anything else out of them. I don't really want to do that; it feels like cheating.

(Which is why I personally usually try to give a moderately specific straight clue. Different clue styles, &c &c. This is fine and probably cleverer clues than mine. :))


Pervinca Took 07-16-2019 08:45 AM

I am at the same stage as Huinesoron - stuck at loan and talon.

Only possibility I see for the password is HUAN, but maybe it's an elvish word and not Huan at all.

Urwen 07-16-2019 09:03 AM

What if it's TALON+M?

Pervinca Took 07-16-2019 01:13 PM

I tried that but didn't come up with anything.



Urwen 07-17-2019 02:01 AM

HALETH: Her physical condition is haywire.
2. Temporary provision of money reveals her (chaotically).
TOLMAN: A nasal in the middle of fractured bird claw, for him.
4. Note, he is unyielding, in turmoil.

Pervinca Took 07-17-2019 05:25 AM

Is the theme heads of families/dynasties?

Urwen 07-17-2019 06:56 AM

No. Something easier.

Pervinca Took 07-19-2019 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 719228)
No. Something easier.

Well, I wouldn't connect either of them with HATE ....

Huinesoron 07-19-2019 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719239)
Well, I wouldn't connect either of them with HATE ....

Perhaps they both wore snazzy HATS?

Or they share their names with minor Star Wars characters, just like the obscure Elvish word HOTH?

(Wait, that's not actually obscure at all...)


Urwen 07-19-2019 03:54 AM

Huinesoron is close with HOTH, if you do some vowel-swappin'.

Pervinca Took 07-19-2019 04:28 AM

HATH is Primitive Elvish for treat kindly/help to cure.

Urwen 07-19-2019 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719242)
HATH is Primitive Elvish for treat kindly/help to cure.

Not that.

Pervinca Took 07-19-2019 04:32 AM

HITH (mist) seems even less likely.

Pervinca Took 07-19-2019 04:35 AM

HETH is sibling. Is it sibling pairs?

Urwen 07-19-2019 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719245)
HETH is sibling. Is it sibling pairs?

Right answer.

Pervinca Took 07-19-2019 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 719223)
HALETH: Her physical condition is haywire.
2. Temporary provision of money reveals her (chaotically).
TOLMAN: A nasal in the middle of fractured bird claw, for him.
4. Note, he is unyielding, in turmoil.



For number 4.

Urwen 07-19-2019 04:39 AM

HALETH: Her physical condition is haywire.
E: Temporary provision of money reveals her (chaotically).
TOLMAN: A nasal in the middle of fractured bird claw, for him.
HALDAR: Note, he is unyielding, in turmoil.

Pervinca Took 07-19-2019 04:41 AM

ELANOR has loan.

ER, though?


Urwen 07-19-2019 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719249)
ELANOR has loan.

ER, though?



Urwen 07-19-2019 04:43 AM

HALETH: Her physical condition is haywire.
ELANOR: Temporary provision of money reveals her (chaotically).
TOLMAN: A nasal in the middle of fractured bird claw, for him.
HALDAR: Note, he is unyielding, in turmoil.

Urwen 07-19-2019 04:44 AM

Sorry if it was lame.

Pervinca Took 07-19-2019 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 719252)
Sorry if it was lame.

Not at all. It was challenging. Not an easy feat when we have all written and solved so many, and on so many different themes.

Pervinca Took 07-19-2019 04:48 AM

Also, both are youngest-and-oldest-sibling pairs. ;)

Urwen 07-19-2019 04:53 AM

Over to you.

Pervinca Took 07-19-2019 05:13 AM

1. Note, more lowly he sounds.
2. Befuddled elephant sings differently for him.
3. Events a royal initially disturbs, ever so slightly, reveal her.
4. Jaws's unsung spying organ? Not just a hungry predator, though. Actually evil.
5. Send the remainder back! Surround the pen fluid! Adjust very
slightly for him.
6. Elver's parent sings at this time, although a little out of sync, for her.
7. He joins Elizabeth Windsor, once one jumps out to the front.

Urwen 07-19-2019 06:34 AM

2. Sharkey (Shark+Eye-E)
3. Evenstar (EVENTs+A+Royal+So)

Pervinca Took 07-19-2019 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 719257)
2. Sharkey (Shark+Eye-E)
3. Evenstar (EVENTs+A+Royal+So)

EVENTS + A + R(oyal).

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