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Mithalwen 09-23-2019 02:41 PM

I don’t know that Barliman is especially big but Aragorn describes him as a fat man but then he is used to lean Dunedin and slender elves. I have only just started work and 8 am rusty so will prob be quite simple.

Mithalwen 09-28-2019 04:09 PM

1 The Spanish, in France, take directions for her.
2 Prince of Wales?
3 Her instruction for mercy preceded confused fib.
4 Muddled nun more lost here?
5 The king is otherwise sensational although a bit mixed up.
6 Her countenance is slightly awry to begin with however.
7 A bloomer from a border
8 Fall endlessly for him, then proceeed.
9 Confused, he steals from a Smanish painter.
10 Here a strong, Elvish Queen loses grace initially but takes note.
11 Graduate is endlessly glorious.

Pervinca Took 09-29-2019 04:07 AM

2 'sounds like' Moby Dick. :D

11. MA + GLOR ?

Rather unconfident guess at SIMBELMYNE for 7, because it blooms in the MARK (border), on the mounds of the dead.

Is 10 a progression from GALADRIEL to ALATIRIEL, losing G(RACE) and gaining ... TI, perhaps (last note before DOH)? (And losing the note D).

Mithalwen 09-29-2019 07:49 AM

1 The Spanish, in France, take directions for her.
2 Prince of Wales?
3 Her instruction for mercy preceded confused fib.
4 Muddled nun more lost here?
5 The king is otherwise sensational although a bit mixed up.
6 Her countenance is slightly awry to begin with however.
7 A bloomer from a border
8 Fall endlessly for him, then proceeed.
9 Confused, he will steal from a Spanish painter.
10 Here a strong, Elvish Queen loses grace initially but takes note.
11 MAGLOR - Graduate is endlessly glorious.

11 is spot on otherwise only the lost G is correct though I love the reasoning for Simbemyne. It could be that in another Password but in this one it isn’t.

Pervinca Took 09-29-2019 10:43 AM

Tempted to guess ELESSAR for 5. ELSE for 'otherwise,' but not sure about 'sensational.'

I don't see who, other than Galadriel, the strong Elvish Queen can be. But I note that the straight clue seems to be a place.

OBEL HALAD, with the G of GALAD replaced by the German note H?

4. NUMENOR. Anagram of 'nun more' (muddled), and it was lost.

3. Don't know it yet, but pretty sure it's a woman's name ending in -IEL (confused 'lie'). (I started off with Portia, but no luck there. ;))

Hang on ... is it BERUTHIEL?

BE is an order/instruction.
RUTH is mercy.
IEL is LIE (fib) confused.

Mithalwen 09-29-2019 11:28 AM

1 The Spanish, in France, take directions for her.
2 Prince of Wales?
3 BERUTHIEL Her instruction for mercy preceded confused fib.
4 NUMENOR Muddled nun more lost here?
5 The king is otherwise sensational although a bit mixed up.
6 Her countenance is slightly awry to begin with however.
7 A bloomer from a border
8 Fall endlessly for him, then proceeed.
9 Confused, he will steal from a Spanish painter.
10 Here strong, Elvish Queen loses grace initially but takes note.
11 MAGLOR - Graduate is endlessly glorious.

Well done with Beruthiel. Obel Halad means nothing to me. Have another think. :cool:

Pervinca Took 09-29-2019 11:42 AM

1. Perhaps ELENWE?

EL is one of the Spanish words for THE.
EN can mean IN in France in such contexts as in a country (en France, for example).

Mithalwen 09-29-2019 11:49 AM


1 ELENWE The Spanish, in France, take directions for her.
2 Prince of Wales? Another preposition would be more apt.
3 BERUTHIEL Her instruction for mercy preceded confused fib.
4 NUMENOR Muddled nun more lost here?
5 The king is otherwise sensational although a bit mixed up.
6 Her countenance is slightly awry to begin with however.
7 A bloomer from a border
8 Fall endlessly for him, then proceeed.
9 Confused, he will steal from a Spanish painter.
10 Here strong, Elvish Queen loses grace initially but takes note.
11 MAGLOR - Graduate is endlessly glorious.

Pervinca Took 09-29-2019 12:06 PM

Ah ... maybe the Elvish Queen is GILTHONIEL.

Now ... what note can I add to ILTHONIEL, I wonder?


(Well, I've heard that her language gets so blue when Manwe is in Pompous Mode, that the elves call her Filthoniel. Notably).

Mithalwen 09-29-2019 12:25 PM

Inventive but wrong in so many ways. Am I meant to be illuminating the relevant letter I each solved clue by the way?

Pervinca Took 09-29-2019 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 720609)
Inventive but wrong in so many ways. Am I meant to be illuminating the relevant letter I each solved clue by the way?

That's what we've taken to doing. I was thinking this was one of those hidden ones you have to look for, though, and hence no red letters. But it's a bit long for a diagonal to work, given that we have the first and last answers and they're shorter than (supposedly) the password. So maybe it's all 2nd/3rd/etc letters or something.

Mithalwen 09-29-2019 12:47 PM

There is no system. It is just in there somewhere. Hmm.

Galadriel55 09-29-2019 05:02 PM

2. Has nothing to do with Charles, does it? Or an equivalent position - Boromir? Theodred? Now that I think of it both heirs to the throne left it to the next in line.

Mithalwen 09-29-2019 05:12 PM

2 No nothing to do with Charles however the similar position was true though not something that I thought of when writing it to be honest. It is rather simpler than that. But I may need to rephrase.

Clue amended.

Pervinca Took 09-29-2019 07:23 PM

Olwe is like the Welsh Olwen.

My first thought was an elvish prince who happens to share a name with a Welsh place or person (as a Sindarin name logically might). But I can't find an exact fit.

Mithalwen 09-30-2019 01:28 AM

There is one.

Huinesoron 09-30-2019 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720614)
My first thought was an elvish prince who happens to share a name with a Welsh place or person (as a Sindarin name logically might). But I can't find an exact fit.


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 720615)
There is one.

There is an AMROTH way out towards St David's. ('Am-' feels like a pretty Welsh sound, compared to all the Fe/Fi names which would need an FF to be Welsh.)


Huinesoron 09-30-2019 02:24 AM


5 The king is otherwise sensational although a bit mixed up.
I kind of want this to be Else + [synonym for 'sensational'], and a name beginning with El-, but the only one that would fit the first half would be ELESSAR, and I can't conjure a 'sensational' word from S-A-R.


Pervinca Took 09-30-2019 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720604)
Tempted to guess ELESSAR for 5. ELSE for 'otherwise,' but not sure about 'sensational.'

I don't see who, other than Galadriel, the strong Elvish Queen can be. But I note that the straight clue seems to be a place.

OBEL HALAD, with the G of GALAD replaced by the German note H?

4. NUMENOR. Anagram of 'nun more' (muddled), and it was lost.

3. Don't know it yet, but pretty sure it's a woman's name ending in -IEL (confused 'lie'). (I started off with Portia, but no luck there. ;))

Hang on ... is it BERUTHIEL?

BE is an order/instruction.
RUTH is mercy.
IEL is LIE (fib) confused.


What are possible synonyms, I wonder? Ace? Fab? Or less 70's ones like 'awesomesauce' or 'totes amazeballs?'


1. Maybe the 'otherwise' synonym is OR, not else.

Now, let's see ... was there an 'orace? :D

2. Maybe the bloomer is a common garden flower growing by the grass border in Bilbo's garden? Nasturtium, for example? (Sam uses 'trimming the grass border' as a pretext for being found under the window by Gandalf).

Mithalwen 09-30-2019 08:28 AM

1 ELENWE The Spanish, in France, take directions for her.
2 AMROTH Prince of Wales? Another preposition would be more apt.
3 BERUTHIEL Her instruction for mercy preceded confused fib.
4 NUMENOR Muddled nun more lost here?
5 The king is otherwise sensational although a bit mixed up.
6 Her countenance is slightly awry to begin with however.
7 A bloomer from a border
8 Fall endlessly for him, then proceeed.
9 Confused, he will steal from a Spanish painter.
10 Here strong, Elvish Queen loses grace initially but takes note.
11 MAGLOR - Graduate is endlessly glorious.

Amroth is correct but it still isn't Elessar. Have another look and maybe try barking up other trees. :cool:

Pervinca Took 10-01-2019 04:19 AM

8. DRO(P) + GO (proceed) = DROGO?

And I thought that couldn't be correct theme-wise, but the answers so far all seem to have suffered a misfortune or regret connected to the sea/water/water in a frozen form.

- Drogo and Amroth drowned.
- Numenor was drowned.
- Beruthiel was sent away by sea by her git of a husband.
- Elenwe died crossing frozen water. I presume she drowned; it says she was 'lost' in the crossing.
- Maglor sang in regret by the sea (into which he had cast a Silmaril).

Pervinca Took 10-01-2019 04:43 AM

And taking the water/drowned lead, ISILDUR for 5.

SI = is 'otherwise' (back to front/anagrammised)

LURID = sensational.

Mix them up: ISILDUR.

Mithalwen 10-01-2019 05:39 AM

Correct save for the otherwise obsession. Is just is. Otherwise was merely to indicate you needed a synonym of sensational. IS + LURID muddled =Isildur.

1 ELENWE The Spanish, in France, take directions for her.
2 AMROTH Prince of Wales? Another preposition would be more apt.
3 BERUTHIEL Her instruction for mercy preceded confused fib.
4 NUMENOR Muddled nun more lost here?
5 ISILDURThe king is otherwise sensational although a bit mixed up.
6 E Her countenance is slightly awry to begin with however.
7 N A bloomer from a border
8 DROGOFall endlessly for him, then proceeed.
9 I Confused, he will steal from a Spanish painter.
10 N Here strong, Elvish Queen loses grace initially but takes note.
11 MAGLOR - Graduate is endlessly glorious.

Pervinca Took 10-01-2019 05:59 AM

Password: WATER ENDING. ;)

(I had guessed the theme, but not the actual password).

Pervinca Took 10-01-2019 06:23 AM

I can't figure out 6 at all, element-wise. Making FACE or PROFILE awry yields nothing.

If your face was PRIM (for PRIMULA), would that make it a bit awry?

Niniel/Nienor is perhaps the obvious one to fit the theme, but I can't find the elements for it.

Mithalwen 10-01-2019 06:26 AM

was good enough for me and it is my password. I just thought putting the letters in would be too much of a help before connection guessed given which were the first to be solved.

Mithalwen 10-01-2019 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720627)
I can't figure out 6 at all, element-wise. Making FACE or PROFILE awry yields nothing.

If your face was PRIM (for PRIMULA), would that make it a bit awry?

Niniel/Nienor is perhaps the obvious one to fit the theme, but I can't find the elements for it.

1 ELENWE The Spanish, in France, take directions for her.
2 AMROTH Prince of Wales? Another preposition would be more apt.
3 BERUTHIEL Her instruction for mercy preceded confused fib.
4 NUMENOR Muddled nun more lost here?
5 ISILDURThe king is otherwise sensational although a bit mixed up.
6 NIENOR Her countenance is slightly awry to begin with however.
7 N A bloomer from a border
8 DROGO Fall endlessly for him, then proceeed.
9 I Steal confusedly with a Spanish painter.
10 N Here strong, Elvish Queen loses grace initially but takes note.
11 MAGLOR - Graduate is endlessly glorious.

MIEN - awry NIEN +OR

Pervinca Took 10-01-2019 07:17 AM


(Feeling dim). ;)

Mithalwen 10-01-2019 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720630)

(Feeling dim). ;)

I wouldn’t feel that dim over that. It wasn’t my best clue but Ifelt I had taken enough time already.

Huinesoron 10-02-2019 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 720634)
I wouldn’t feel that dim over that. It wasn’t my best clue but Ifelt I had taken enough time already.

I think it was a pretty neat clue - it spells out exactly what you want to do with 'slightly awry initially', it's just a matter of realising that.

The fact that I didn't have the faintest idea about it, and haven't gotten anywhere on any of the others, is entirely beside the point (I mean, I managed to guess something that had already been dismissed, so we can all see what kind of state I'm in). But be assured that I'm still trying - it's not just the two of you!


Pervinca Took 10-02-2019 03:41 AM

You guessed Amroth, didn't you, hS?

This bloomer is driving me nuts!

Mithalwen 10-02-2019 04:49 AM

I am surprised you haven't chewed them up and spat them out now you know the theme. I am going to amend one clue but not the bloomer one which I think is fair enough for now. Remember the letters are not necessarily initials.

Pervinca Took 10-02-2019 06:00 AM

A flower connected with water, though?

Goldberry's water lilies? Or lilies that get put in water by her? Does she live in border country?


No N.

Lots of trees went down with Numenor, but they still existed on Tol Eressea, because they were brought from there.

Also, Numenor isn't a border, as far as I can see.

Huinesoron 10-02-2019 07:08 AM

So looking at the theme, some people and places that might fit:

-Beleriand. We already have Numenor, so this makes sense. Could this fit with #10? If we remove the final note D, we're left with Bele + Rian. Beleg means 'mighty', and we can lose the initial of 'grace' to get Bele. Rian... well, both Rians are mortal, but the name apparently means 'crown-gift', so there is a royal link.

Okay, I've convinced myself. BELERIAND for #10.

-Elwing. She doesn't actually die in the water, but neither does Maglor. I... can't fit her to either puzzle, though.

-Deagol. No letters that fit.

-Hurin... but I can't make it work for either puzzle either.

I do note that neither 7 or 9 give a pronoun, so both could be places rather than people. I can't conjure up anywhere outside Beleriand or Numenor that was notably drowned, though.


Mithalwen 10-02-2019 07:23 AM

This is the one you perhaps will facepalm over Pervinca .... :smokin:
Yes to Beleriand. I understood Beleg to mean great and rian to be Queen as in Celebrian

Mithalwen 10-02-2019 07:51 AM

1 ELENWE The Spanish, in France, take directions for her.
2 AMROTH Prince of Wales? Another preposition would be more apt.
3 BERUTHIEL Her instruction for mercy preceded confused fib.
4 NUMENOR Muddled nun more lost here?
5 ISILDURThe king is otherwise sensational although a bit mixed up.
6 NIENOR Her countenance is slightly awry to begin with however.
7 N A bloomer from a border
8 DROGO Fall endlessly for him, then proceeed.
9 BOROMIR Steal confusedly with a Spanish painter.
10 BELERIAND Here strong, Elvish Queen loses grace initially but takes note.
11 MAGLOR - Graduate is endlessly glorious.

Pervinca Took 10-02-2019 08:14 AM

I thought of Beleriand, and the country that was washed away leaving only Lindon, but I could not make it fit. Also I thought I had to begin with an elvish queen beginning G------, although I did try Quenya 'tari' with no joy.

9. Have tried including DALI for the Spanish painter. No joy yet.

Mithalwen 10-02-2019 08:19 AM

There are other Spanish painters :cool:

Pervinca Took 10-02-2019 08:25 AM

BOROMIR and his watery tomb.


Pervinca Took 10-02-2019 08:28 AM

Is 7 one of the names of athelas, because it ends up in hot water? Could the athelas Strider picked be considered to come from border country?

So ... ASEA ARANION or however it's spelt?


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