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Galadriel55 05-02-2020 01:15 PM

I hope it's not knuckles! :D

Urwen 05-02-2020 01:48 PM

King's head?

Pervinca Took 05-02-2020 02:15 PM

BURDEN: It drags the bearer earthwards.
OLIPHAUNT: Zero edge to this hang-out! But it’s colossal.
OSGILIATH: Within a vow are mingled a note, two ways and two eyes, we hear? There!
K: A Fallohide shows it to a Stoor.

ITHILIEN: Here! Lisp an orcish preposition, and add a legal property right!
VALAR: May they redirect a mumak!

Although I don't think Frodo specifically shows Gollum the severed head of the king's statue, that is an absolutely FANTASTIC answer, Urwen!

'Knuckles' is a good 'un 'an all.

But the answer is about as opposite to 'knife' or 'knuckles' as you could get.

Because the intent is the polar opposite of what it would (at least apparently) be with 'knife' or 'knuckles.'

I chose this K word partly because the K can give away 'book' passwords like this very quickly. But it's not obscure.

As a hint, it involves a mistake that Sam made about Frodo. ;)

Urwen 05-02-2020 03:04 PM

Ah. Kindness?

Pervinca Took 05-02-2020 03:27 PM

Back of the net!
BURDEN: It drags the bearer earthwards.
OLIPHAUNT: Zero edge to this hang-out! But it’s colossal.
OSGILIATH: Within a vow are mingled a note, two ways and two eyes, we hear? There!
KINDNESS: A Fallohide shows it to a Stoor.

ITHILIEN: Here! Lisp an orcish preposition, and add a legal property right!
VALAR: May they redirect a mumak!

Kindness it is!

Over to you. :)

Urwen 05-02-2020 04:26 PM

A Fallohide, a Harfoot and a Stoor walk into the bar...

(Will post the new puzzle at some point tomorrow.)

Pervinca Took 05-02-2020 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 723092)
A Fallohide, a Harfoot and a Stoor walk into the bar...

(Will post the new puzzle at some point tomorrow.)

The first two order pints of bitter. Smeagol orders a pint of jellied eels ....

Urwen 05-03-2020 04:49 AM

Here it is. Hope you like it. :)

1. A steward and burner's grandfather.
2. A steward and one of four with the same name.
3. A protagonist by another name.
4. Bregalad loved them.
5. A secret held a secret; one of two (former) buddies.
6. Her name is what she is.
7. Faithful (?); one of two (former) buddies.
8. A councillor restores, with minor disturbance and loss of path.

Some of the answers are....not what you'd expect. ;)

Pervinca Took 05-03-2020 05:07 AM

If it's the steward and burner I expect, number one should be TURGON, who begat Ecthelion II, who begat Denethor II.

Although I suppose a Balrog is kind of steward of Moria for a while. I don't know about any fiery little grandchildren, though. :D

Urwen 05-03-2020 05:10 AM

TURGON: A steward and burner's grandfather.
2. A steward and one of four with the same name.
3. A protagonist by another name.
4. Bregalad loved them.
5. A secret held a secret; one of two (former) buddies.
6. Her name is what she is.
7. Faithful (?); one of two (former) buddies.
8. A councillor restores, with minor disturbance and loss of path.

Pervinca Took 05-03-2020 05:15 AM

4. Strawberry cornettos. :D

Or maybe ROWANS?

Urwen 05-03-2020 05:24 AM

TURGON: A steward and burner's grandfather.
2. A steward and one of four with the same name.
3. A protagonist by another name.
ROWAN TREES: Bregalad loved them.
5. A secret held a secret; one of two (former) buddies.
6. Her name is what she is.
7. Faithful (?); one of two (former) buddies.
8. A councillor restores, with minor disturbance and loss of path.

Pervinca Took 05-03-2020 05:28 AM

6. Niniel?

Urwen 05-03-2020 08:03 AM


Pervinca Took 05-03-2020 10:41 AM

2. Hurin?

3. Ereinion?

6. Lalaith?

Urwen 05-03-2020 11:24 AM

Yes to Hurin, no to other two.

Urwen 05-03-2020 11:26 AM

TURGON: A steward and burner's grandfather.
HURIN: A steward and one of four with the same name.
3. A protagonist by another name.
ROWAN TREES: Bregalad loved them.
5. A secret held a secret; one of two (former) buddies.
6. Her name is what she is.
7. Faithful (?); one of two (former) buddies.
8. A councillor restores, with minor disturbance and loss of path.

Galadriel55 05-03-2020 11:38 AM

8. Erestor?

Urwen 05-03-2020 11:39 AM

TURGON: A steward and burner's grandfather.
HURIN: A steward and one of four with the same name.
3. A protagonist by another name.
ROWAN TREES: Bregalad loved them.
5. A secret held a secret; one of two (former) buddies.
6. Her name is what she is.
7. Faithful (?); one of two (former) buddies.
ERESTOR: A councillor restores, with minor disturbance and loss of path.

Pervinca Took 05-03-2020 12:38 PM

6. Ar-Feiniel?

7. Voronwe?

Urwen 05-03-2020 12:41 PM

No. -_-

Forget about Silmarillion characters, they don't fit this theme.

Pervinca Took 05-03-2020 12:46 PM

OK ...

Well, Arwen means 'noble maiden,' or Undomiel means Evenstar.

Galadriel55 05-03-2020 12:49 PM

I have a feeling one of the former buddies pairs is Deagol/Smeagol, but I can't make it work.

Pervinca Took 05-03-2020 01:15 PM

3. Estel?

Urwen 05-03-2020 01:48 PM

TURGON: A steward and burner's grandfather.
HURIN: A steward and one of four with the same name.
3. A protagonist by another name.
ROWAN TREES: Bregalad loved them.
5. A secret held a secret; one of two (former) buddies.
ARWEN: Her name is what she is.
7. Faithful (?); one of two (former) buddies.
ERESTOR: A councillor restores, with minor disturbance and loss of path.

Estel is incorrect. I know for a fact that you like this particular protagonist a lot, Pervinca. In fact, I am surprised you haven't guessed him yet.

Pervinca Took 05-03-2020 02:15 PM

I just thought the password started with the word 'the.' ;)

IORHAEL, then?

Oh! THIRD AGE (password).

And maybe DEAGOL, as Galadriel thought? Is the secret the Ring?

Maybe the secret (Ring) also held the secret of Deagol's murder?

Urwen 05-03-2020 02:59 PM

Urwen just nodded.

Urwen 05-03-2020 03:00 PM

TURGON: A steward and burner's grandfather.
HURIN: A steward and one of four with the same name.
IORHAEL: A protagonist by another name.
ROWAN TREES: Bregalad loved them.
DEAGOL: A secret held a secret; one of two (former) buddies.
ARWEN: Her name is what she is.
G: Faithful (?); one of two (former) buddies.
ERESTOR: A councillor restores, with minor disturbance and loss of path.

Urwen 05-04-2020 03:45 AM

One more to go.

Pervinca Took 05-04-2020 04:00 AM

Gollum ... if the ? is enough to negate 'faithful.'

Urwen 05-04-2020 04:26 AM

TURGON: A steward and burner's grandfather.
HURIN: A steward and one of four with the same name.
IORHAEL: A protagonist by another name.
ROWAN TREES: Bregalad loved them.
DEAGOL: A secret held a secret; one of two (former) buddies.
ARWEN: Her name is what she is.
GOLLUM: Faithful (?); one of two (former) buddies.
ERESTOR: A councillor restores, with minor disturbance and loss of path.

And over to you. You've earned it.

Pervinca Took 05-04-2020 04:52 AM

Thank you! Here's another. Excuse me if I am not able to put in numbers and highlight codes straight away - got a deadline looming.

1. He’s a confused little creature!
2. Land of the vanished portal, they say. Take the second.
3. Here find a mountain ash, hollowed in the centre, where heartsease starts to grow. And take the second again.
4. A halfling? Not he of the rhyme, but one of his ….
5. Tumladen, Lossarnach, Ringlo, Blackroot, Anduin, Morgul.

Urwen 05-04-2020 04:54 AM

2. Gondor (Gone door)

Urwen 05-04-2020 04:56 AM

5. Vale?

Urwen 05-04-2020 04:57 AM

Password: Book V?

Pervinca Took 05-04-2020 04:58 AM

B: He’s a confused little creature!
GONDOR: Land of the vanished portal, they say. Take the second.
-O: Here find a mountain ash, hollowed in the centre, where heartsease starts to grow. And take the second again.
K: A halfling? Not he of the rhyme, but one of his ….

VALES: Tumladen, Lossarnach, Ringlo, Blackroot, Anduin, Morgul.

Urwen 05-04-2020 05:05 AM

4. Kin?

Pervinca Took 05-04-2020 05:14 AM

B: He’s a confused little creature!
GONDOR: Land of the vanished portal, they say. Take the second.
-O: Here find a mountain ash, hollowed in the centre, where heartsease starts to grow. And take the second again.
KINDRED: A halfling? Not he of the rhyme, but one of his ….

VALES: Tumladen, Lossarnach, Ringlo, Blackroot, Anduin, Morgul.

Near enough. I think the text says 'near kindred' or 'close kindred.' (Gandalf to Denethor).

Urwen 05-04-2020 05:15 AM

Gorgoroth for 3?

Huinesoron 05-04-2020 05:31 AM

#3: A mountain ash is a Rowan (one of my favourite trees!), and 'hollowed in the centre' points towards ROHAN. I forget whose heartsease grew there - context suggests Merry?


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