![]() |
Well, I'll hazard a guess here, half laughingly:
#1 Museums? The hobbits had one at Michel Delving, as far as I know they were the only ones. Memory's daughters were the Muses... but there's no Greek letter "Um" ;) Sophia |
Correct, Sophia :)
1. Museum
2. Adorn 3. Lambe 4. Lassemista 5. Oldbuck 6. Radbug 7. Nevrast |
Aged is old. So the answer must be Oldbuck. |
Sorry for the consecutive posting - working these out as I go.
I'm guessing that the Password is Mallorn. |
All three correct!
Thank you, Saucepan Man. FYI, Radbug's eyes were squeezed out (hence, "exophthalmic").
Whoops - here I go again.
Which makes #2 Adorn - a river and a synonym for "decorate".
I think I'm caught up now
MALLORN is the Password, and Nevrast is correct for #7.
Correct again. :)
The last one is perhaps a bit obscure, but it's in LotR and, as I said, is a scramble. EDIT: perhaps felled would be more accurate than fallen. |
Great job, Saucepan Man!
And Sophia. :D |
And now for something completely different ...
Thank you Turambar. :)
A bit different this one. Each clue is made up of the first letter or letters of a word or phrase associated with a number. You need to solve each clue to find the number associated with it. To give a non-Middle-earth example, if the clue were HITD this could stand for Hours in the Day, in which case the answer would be 24. All the clues below are Middle-earth-related. Once you have all the numbers, you need to add them all up to produce another number. The password is the clue that would be associated with this answer (ie the first letter(s) of a word or phrase associated with it). Are you still with me? Oh well, let's see how it goes. 1) RFEK 2) ROTW 3) SOF 4) BR 5) TOV 6) HOTE 7) GOG 8) FS 9) S Fire away! |
#1 RFEK-> Rings for the Elven Kings (under the sky), 3?
#3 SOF -> Sons of Feanor, which would be Seven? #6 HOTE -> Houses of the Edain, 3? #9 S -> Silmarils, 3? |
First salvo.
2. The only thing I recognise is "of the West."
3. Sons of Fëanor - 7 5. Trees of Valinor - 2 7. Gates of Gondolin - 7 |
Wild shot in the dark
That's adding up--->Council of Elrond?
More guess?
#4 BR -> Black Riders, 9?
#2 ROTW -> may either be Rulers of the World? (in which case I'd say 1, Manwe or Eru), or Rulers of the West? (in which case I'd go for 9, the Aratar) The numbers I'm totalling up now (minus my weird guesses for number 2) = 34. Inclusive of my weird guess for 2 = 43. I'm wondering whether the secret total number might be 50, the age of Bilbo and Frodo at the beginning of their respective journeys? (AOBAF -> Age of Bilbo and Frodo? :p) Saucy, don't quite know what kind of format you're looking for as a password.... of course, don't know if my guesses are right either ;) |
Correct answers so far:
1) Rings for Elven-kings = 3
2) ROTW 3) Sons of Feanor = 7 4) Black Riders = 9 5) Trees Of Valinor = 2 6) Houses Of The Edain = 3 7) Gates Of Gondolin = 7 8) FS 9) Silmarils = 3 Glad to see that you've got the idea. :) Quote:
You have to get the correct letters. |
Been reading CbC again, Saucy?
#2 Rods of the Wizards? 5?
1) Rings for Elven-kings = 3
2) Rods of the Wizards = 5 3) Sons of Feanor = 7 4) Black Riders = 9 5) Trees Of Valinor = 2 6) Houses Of The Edain = 3 7) Gates Of Gondolin = 7 8) FS 9) Silmarils = 3 One more to go ... |
1 more?
8) First Shirriff?
'Fraid not.
Hmm... Farthing Stone? 3?
1) Rings for Elven-kings = 3
2) Rods of the Wizards = 5 3) Sons of Feanor = 7 4) Black Riders = 9 5) Trees Of Valinor = 2 6) Houses Of The Edain = 3 7) Gates Of Gondolin = 7 8) Farthing Stone = 3 9) Silmarils = 3 Now you need to find the Password. |
GO (Gimli's orcs)?
You're on the right track.
OKBG (Orcs Killed By Gimli)? Anything along that line?
P.s. this was a great puzzle idea. http://forum.barrowdowns.com/ubb/icons/icon14.gif |
TATLTUAE: The Answer To Life, The Universe, And Everything. :p
Of course! |
EKBGAHD (Enemies Killed By Gimli At Helms Deep)?
I must say I like Encaitare's answer. :D |
That'll do!
Turambar, I think that I should give it to you or this could go on for a while. My answer was KBG (Kills By Gimli), which was incorporated in your last two answers.
So the thread is yours. :) Although it was a close thing with Enca. ;) |
Actually, Sophia and Nilpaurion had all the clue answers, so either of you would like to go, please do. :)
If not, I'll try to come up with something. |
Нет, нет, Турамбар!
You got the password. You go. :)
calls for silence
"I second that motion."
We like a challenge. |
"We like a challenge"
Ok, then. All cryptic:
1. SHAGRAT - (Mordor’s tobacco enthusiast?) 2. ORALD - (Rohan’s old one got confused, and became an enigma by another name.) 3. His glee curable, the warrior composed an elegy to his friend. 4. MANDOS - (What will Man do subsequent to death - did even this one know the answer?) 5. His eye sees Teleri from out the dim past, The first rider, we know, is one that must fast, His lore less arcane than wizards forbode, His might, as if Denethor on Gil-galad rode. 6. TIW - (Even with his backward intelligence, he invented letters.) 7. HASUFEL - (To answer your question, No, I hasn’t – the horse bore me aloft.) --------------------------- Password: SOLMATH (guessed by The Saucepan Man) |
the poetry is intriguing
7) Aragorn, who borrowed Hasufel?
Is the password Solmath? |
I actually thought that those were somewhat tough. Saucepan Man is Oll Korrect. |
attempting the poem
5) Alduya? (Q. treesday), Sindarin form, Orgaladhad? I've still got Mardi Gras in the head, ugh
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