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Are you just guessing anyone connected with caves? :D:D Edit: New page, I haven't done that for a while! BELEG - Speaker of a spell: "Become a limb!" OUTLAWS - The opposites of your wife's parents are wicked. 3. - A son named his father, but hesitated at the beginning of the world. 4. - A tasty king. 5. - Sounds grim, heir to the house. 6. - Before the road, a woman can go back and forth and seem fair. 7. - A confused alien with a Greek eye, and the first High King? I'm seeing red. 8. - In the shadows, hear me initially name my ideas for a villain. 9. - Muffin lost his tail, found a big stick, turned around and went down into a cave. 10. - Link up and profit in a break in the sun. 11. - A cat in eyeshadow definitely can't fly, but... 12. - The wretched band with an icy world covered in glitter. 13. - The Elvish fingermarks left by the childlike, or close enough for the youngest. 14. - Take a note at the top of the park, direct to the start of the word, and hide from him. hS |
Yes. That, and the two answers we already have are both connected to Turin, as is Thingol. Plus, LOG backwards is in his name, which fits with the 'big stick' part.
hS |
Well, I cannot understand the Muffin part.
Just had a thought - it's not Muffin the Mule, is it?
Or maybe a near-synonym of muffin, like bun. GOLLUM? MUL + LOG. Just noticed that he turns around. And he lives in a cave. Before I noticed that he turns around, I found out that Tolkien created an early language called MAGOL, which was quite like Hungarian. |
12. I am going to try RINGIL, Fingolfin's glittery sword.
'Wretched band' made me think of the One RING, so I went to look for things starting with RING and found out that RING actually means 'cold, icy.' Unless it's RINGLO, the cold river. RINGIL has a stronger or known glittery connection, though, even though rivers can glitter when the sun shines on them. |
Wonder if 6 is ANNATAR, because the pallindromic Anna cag go back and forth, and he did seem fair.
BELEG - Speaker of a spell: "Become a limb!" OUTLAWS - The opposites of your wife's parents are wicked. 3. - A son named his father, but hesitated at the beginning of the world. 4. - A tasty king. 5. - Sounds grim, heir to the house. ANNATAR - Before the road, a woman can go back and forth and seem fair. 7. - A confused alien with a Greek eye, and the first High King? I'm seeing red. 8. - In the shadows, hear me initially name my ideas for a villain. GOLLUM - Muffin lost his tail, found a big stick, turned around and went down into a cave. 10. - Link up and profit in a break in the sun. 11. - A cat in eyeshadow definitely can't fly, but... 12. - The wretched band with an icy world covered in glitter. 13. - The Elvish fingermarks left by the childlike, or close enough for the youngest. 14. - Take a note at the top of the park, direct to the start of the word, and hide from him. hS |
7. It's something to do with 'something+Finwe', and if the alien is Mork, I am thinking of Morifinwe, aka Caranthir the Red.
Maybe 12 starts with GAURWAITH
hS |
7. Greek word for 'eye' is Mati, so then this is Maedhros?
And 3 is then Curufin, because he technically did name his father, as they have the same name. :p
BELEG - Speaker of a spell: "Become a limb!" OUTLAWS - The opposites of your wife's parents are wicked. 3. - A son named his father, but hesitated at the beginning of the world. 4. - A tasty king. 5. - Sounds grim, heir to the house. ANNATAR - Before the road, a woman can go back and forth and seem fair. NELYAFINWE - A confused alien with a Greek eye, and the first High King? I'm seeing red. 8. - In the shadows, hear me initially name my ideas for a villain. GOLLUM - Muffin lost his tail, found a big stick, turned around and went down into a cave. 10. - Link up and profit in a break in the sun. 11. - A cat in eyeshadow definitely can't fly, but... 12. - The wretched band with an icy world covered in glitter. 13. - The Elvish fingermarks left by the childlike, or close enough for the youngest. 14. - Take a note at the top of the park, direct to the start of the word, and hide from him. hS |
Something is nagging on my brain now that I read this...something important, but I can't remember what exactly... |
hS |
It's Umarth, isn't it? Hesitation = Um World = Earth Um + (E)arth = Umarth |
And password could be BOUND AND GAGGED
8. Dark/darkness/dark lord.
Is the tasty king NOM? (Finrod). |
ETA: for #8, is it possible it's a combo of the two elements? Shadows + enemy = DARK FOE, aka Morgoth. ETA #2: for 13, going purely by letter and theme, I would hazard Ernil i Pheriannath as the youngest. |
Wow, a lot of good replies here! Let's goooo!
So after all that, let's see what we got! BELEG - Speaker of a spell: "Become a limb!" OUTLAWS - The opposites of your wife's parents are wicked. UMARTH - A son named his father, but hesitated at the beginning of the world. NOM - A tasty king. 5. D - Sounds grim, heir to the house. ANNATAR - Before the road, a woman can go back and forth and seem fair. NELYAFINWE - A confused alien with a Greek eye, and the first High King? I'm seeing red. DARK ENEMY - In the shadows, hear me initially name my ideas for a villain. GOLLUM - Muffin lost his tail, found a big stick, turned around and went down into a cave. 10. A - Link up and profit in a break in the sun. 11. G - A cat in eyeshadow definitely can't fly, but... 12. G - The wretched band with an icy world covered in glitter. ERNIL I PHERIANNATH - The Elvish fingermarks left by the childlike, or close enough for the youngest. 14. D - Take a note at the top of the park, direct to the start of the word, and hide from him. All answers come in pairs; I'll dig out the quotes when we finish, but: Beleg - Outlaws Umarth (Hurin) - ??? Nom (nomnom) - Annatar (Thu/Gorthaur/Sauron) Nelyafinwe (Maedhros) - Dark Enemy (Morgoth) Gollum - ??? Ernil i Pheriannath (Pippin) - ??? ??? - ??? hS |
5 could be Daur, which sounds like 'dour'.
That would make Grishnakh and Gorbag contenders as hobbit-binders. Frodo was only bound in the earlier drafts, but I'm taking 'Bound and Gagged' as a metaphorical expression for 'captured.'
11. Is Gothmog (GOTH+MOG)
Gollum was bound by ANBORN, (perhaps), but he was bound AND gagged by ARAGORN.
Both have ANOR for sun. |
I am convinced that "icy world" is Hoth, which offers words like GAURHOTH and GLAMHOTH. I am betting on the latter, as Pippin's capturers, and very glam with glitter. But why wretched? Or is this specifically regarding Ugluk&co, who met a sour end?
Wretched band of orcs, who end up dead.
Huey seems to have disappeared...
The question is, who beginning with D captured Frodo?
Damrod guarded him awhile, along with Mablung, but does the name work? DAUR *has* to be right - it fits the clue so well. |
BELEG - Speaker of a spell: "Become a limb!" OUTLAWS - The opposites of your wife's parents are wicked. UMARTH - A son named his father, but hesitated at the beginning of the world. NOM - A tasty king. DAUR - Sounds grim, heir to the house. ANNATAR - Before the road, a woman can go back and forth and seem fair. NELYAFINWE - A confused alien with a Greek eye, and the first High King? I'm seeing red. DARK ENEMY - In the shadows, hear me initially name my ideas for a villain. GOLLUM - Muffin lost his tail, found a big stick, turned around and went down into a cave. 10. A - Link up and profit in a break in the sun. GOTHMOG - A cat in eyeshadow definitely can't fly, but... GLAMHOTH - The wretched band with an icy world covered in glitter. ERNIL I PHERIANNATH - The Elvish fingermarks left by the childlike, or close enough for the youngest. 14. D - Take a note at the top of the park, direct to the start of the word, and hide from him. Beleg & Outlaws Umarth (Hurin) - Gothmog Nom (nomnom) - Annatar (Thu/Gorthaur/Sauron) Nelyafinwe (Maedhros) - Dark Enemy (Morgoth) Gollum - Daur (Frodo) Ernil i Pheriannath (Pippin) - Glamhoth (Orcs) ??? - ??? Two to go, and by chance they're a pair! One is an English name, one isn't. hS |
Hang on ... is A ANGAINOR?
ANOR + GAIN, making Melkor the bindEE.* * Who, to fit the clue, we must call the (D)ARK (L)ORD. I had forgotten about Frodo (or rather Sam, on Frodo's orders) tying up Gollum. |
BELEG - Speaker of a spell: "Become a limb!" OUTLAWS - The opposites of your wife's parents are wicked. UMARTH - A son named his father, but hesitated at the beginning of the world. NOM - A tasty king. DAUR - Sounds grim, heir to the house. ANNATAR - Before the road, a woman can go back and forth and seem fair. NELYAFINWE - A confused alien with a Greek eye, and the first High King? I'm seeing red. DARK ENEMY - In the shadows, hear me initially name my ideas for a villain. GOLLUM - Muffin lost his tail, found a big stick, turned around and went down into a cave. ANGAINOR - Link up and profit in a break in the sun. GOTHMOG - A cat in eyeshadow definitely can't fly, but... GLAMHOTH - The wretched band with an icy world covered in glitter. ERNIL I PHERIANNATH - The Elvish fingermarks left by the childlike, or close enough for the youngest. DARK LORD - Take a note at the top of the park, direct to the start of the word, and hide from him. So there it is - the Bondage in Middle-earth password, as requested. Everyone say thank you to our participating couples (and, er, multiples?):
Over to Urwen! hS |
Excellent password. Finding pairs was a nice extra.
Even if we didn't get Gimli's apocryphal tying up of Legolas. :D |
hS |
Gah! When Dark Enemy first popped up, I thought it was referring to Morgoth and the Angainor - but then assumed I was just wrong about that pair when he was paired up with Maedhros, and just never returned to it.
I loved that password, Hui. It is creative and hilarious. It's amazing that you managed to find so many first letter clues too. It's actually quite remarkable how many people were bound at one point or another (as to who bound Frodo - Shelob did, I kept trying to force her into the password too!), and, ME kinkiness aside, it's such a ridiculously wonderful theme, and so well done. I still can't get over Nomnomnom. Tasty Elvses! |
Let me use this space to ask someone, anyone, to continue the other games, such as the Riddles in the Downs, Bad Guy Trivia or Family Tree Trivia? Please?
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