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Morsul the Dark 07-09-2017 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 707266)
1. ShireYour Higness, to use a similar title, we've arrived in these green lands.
2. AnduinAlso you enter, the river where one fled and one followed.
3. MoriaGreater abundance lies with the Vowels of the Earth it sounds like, too deep though.
4. Wife Galadriel to Celeborn
5. Imladris In a dream this place was spoke, in this place all are healed.
6. SmeagelUnwanted companion, sounds like an elemental being
7. ELose a part of your own being. After all there are many, and asight to behold.

Elemental Beings Golem>Gollum then if you have the password it's just a simple switch to his other name

Pervinca Took 07-09-2017 03:18 PM

7. Elves. ;) Lose a letter from 'selves,' for a folk 'wondrous fair' to behold. Still many of them in the first two Ages.

Or, if 'your own being' indicates the singular, I guess it's ELF, from 'self.'

Morsul the Dark 07-09-2017 03:25 PM

Onward and upward :D you've got it!

Pervinca Took 07-09-2017 04:02 PM

A great password - elf/elves was my favourite clue! :) All the answers could be connected to Samwise, too.

Here's one I made earlier:

1. Dwarves have never taken to these.
2. It betrays in the roundest manner.
3. Narnian prince begins to reside in hobbit dwellings? Such a mingling! See them shine!
4. Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner’s sword.
5. Leader in disarray gains a thousand: a jewel to adorn a steersman.
6. Lalaith in the dark land? Serves quarrellers right, some might say!
7. Objects of heavenly beings impersonating Miss Nightingale?
8. Sounds like Noah’s vessel cast in granite! Resplendent thing.
9. Day’s opposite becomes null, in song.
10. Happy days, and light ones.

Morsul the Dark 07-09-2017 06:06 PM

1. Horses?

Pervinca Took 07-09-2017 07:34 PM

Good idea, but no. The answer to number one is from an actual sentence in 'The Hobbit.'

Nerwen 07-09-2017 08:52 PM


Pervinca Took 07-10-2017 12:36 AM

1. Dwarves have never taken to these.
2. It betrays in the roundest manner.
3. Narnian prince begins to reside in hobbit dwellings? Such a mingling! See them shine!
4. Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner’s sword.
5. Leader in disarray gains a thousand: a jewel to adorn a steersman.
6. Lalaith in the dark land? Serves quarrellers right, some might say!
7. Objects of heavenly beings impersonating Miss Nightingale?
Arkenstone: Sounds like Noah’s vessel cast in granite! Resplendent thing.
9. Day’s opposite becomes null, in song.
10. Happy days, and light ones.

Nerwen 07-10-2017 12:58 AM

Regarding #6- LITHLAD is one letter off being an anagram of "Lalaith", but I'm not sure how to get the a - d swap from the rest of the clue...:confused:

Pervinca Took 07-10-2017 04:11 AM

It's actually much easier than that. For the 'Lalaith' part of the clue, you need not an anagram but a literal translation.

To help you all, none of the answers is a person or a place. :)

Nerwen 07-10-2017 05:10 AM

In the meantime, I think #5 is EMERALD? (Anagram of "leader" + M).

Nerwen 07-10-2017 05:23 AM

And #3 is SILMARIL. ("Ril(ian)" + "smial"). Are the answers all jewels?

Pervinca Took 07-10-2017 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 707296)
And #3 is SILMARIL. ("Ril(ian)" + "smial"). Are the answers all jewels?

Plus smialS, for SilmarilS. It says hobbit dwellingS. :D

Not all the answers are jewels. I would have liked to keep the theme as tight as that, but it's often not possible to do that and also have the letters form a password. I quite like the way the theme and answers turned out, though. ;)

I trust you located the mariner's emerald? It's mentioned in a song. ;)

1. Dwarves have never taken to these.
2. It betrays in the roundest manner.
Silmarils: Narnian prince begins to reside in hobbit dwellings? Such a mingling! See them shine!
4. Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner’s sword.
Emerald: Leader in disarray gains a thousand: a jewel to adorn a steersman.
6. Lalaith in the dark land? Serves quarrellers right, some might say!
7. Objects of heavenly beings impersonating Miss Nightingale?
Arkenstone: Sounds like Noah’s vessel cast in granite! Resplendent thing.
9. Day’s opposite becomes null, in song.
10. Happy days, and light ones.

Nerwen 07-10-2017 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 707297)
Plus smialS, for SilmarilS. It says hobbit dwellingS. :D

Yes, I realised that after I'd posted.


Not all the answers are jewels. I would have liked to keep the theme as tight as that, but it's often not possible to do that and also have the letters form a password.

I trust you located the mariner's emerald? It's mentioned in a song. ;)
Of course.

Nerwen 07-10-2017 07:26 AM

Talking of that song, is #9 Night of Naught, or, failing that, something to do with it?

Pervinca Took 07-10-2017 07:29 AM

1. Dwarves have never taken to these.
2. It betrays in the roundest manner.
Silmarils: Narnian prince begins to reside in hobbit dwellings? Such a mingling! See them shine!
4. Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner’s sword.
Emerald: Leader in disarray gains a thousand: a jewel to adorn a steersman.
6. Lalaith in the dark land? Serves quarrellers right, some might say!
7. Objects of heavenly beings impersonating Miss Nightingale?
Arkenstone: Sounds like Noah’s vessel cast in granite! Resplendent thing.
Night of Naught: Day’s opposite becomes null, in song.
10. Happy days, and light ones.

Galadriel55 07-14-2017 08:20 AM

Not a very confident guess, but perhaps Ring for 2?

Pervinca Took 07-14-2017 03:25 PM

Yes, essentially ... but can you give a namesake of it that demonstrates how it betrays? ;)

Nerwen 07-14-2017 08:15 PM


A long shot- could #7 be LAMPS OF THE VALAR?

Pervinca Took 07-15-2017 01:13 AM

1. Dwarves have never taken to these.
2. It betrays in the roundest manner.
Silmarils: Narnian prince begins to reside in hobbit dwellings? Such a mingling! See them shine!
4. Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner’s sword.
Emerald: Leader in disarray gains a thousand: a jewel to adorn a steersman.
6. Lalaith in the dark land? Serves quarrellers right, some might say!
Lamps of the Valar: Objects of heavenly beings impersonating Miss Nightingale?
Arkenstone: Sounds like Noah’s vessel cast in granite! Resplendent thing.
Night of Naught: Day’s opposite becomes null, in song.
10. Happy days, and light ones.

Not 'Precious,' but yes to the Lamps.

Nerwen 07-15-2017 02:23 AM

I thought you might be referring to Gollum offering to swear "on the Precious" and Frodo replying that it was "treacherous".

What about "Isildur's Bane"?

Oh, and another hint for the "Lalaith" one would be much appreciated.:Merisu:

Nerwen 07-15-2017 06:19 AM

What about "Days of Bliss" for #10?

Pervinca Took 07-15-2017 07:16 AM

1. Dwarves have never taken to these.
Isildur's Bane: It betrays in the roundest manner.
Silmarils: Narnian prince begins to reside in hobbit dwellings? Such a mingling! See them shine!
4. Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner’s sword.
Emerald: Leader in disarray gains a thousand: a jewel to adorn a steersman.
6. Lalaith in the dark land? Serves quarrellers right, some might say!
Lamps of the Valar: Objects of heavenly beings impersonating Miss Nightingale?
Arkenstone: Sounds like Noah’s vessel cast in granite! Resplendent thing.
Night of Naught: Day’s opposite becomes null, in song.
10. Happy days, and light ones.

10: I think 'Days of Bliss' might actually be another name for the answer I'm looking for, so you are very close.

6. There is something that Gandalf says will be their only reward if they quarrel.

Nerwen 07-15-2017 07:27 AM

"Years of the Trees", then?

By the way, the WW game has resumed- it's a Day phase.

Pervinca Took 07-15-2017 07:33 AM

1. Dwarves have never taken to these.
Isildur's Bane: It betrays in the roundest manner.
Silmarils: Narnian prince begins to reside in hobbit dwellings? Such a mingling! See them shine!
4. Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner’s sword.
Emerald: Leader in disarray gains a thousand: a jewel to adorn a steersman.
6. Lalaith in the dark land? Serves quarrellers right, some might say!
Lamps of the Valar: Objects of heavenly beings impersonating Miss Nightingale?
Arkenstone: Sounds like Noah’s vessel cast in granite! Resplendent thing.
Night of Naught: Day’s opposite becomes null, in song.
Years of the Trees: Happy days, and light ones.

Nerwen 07-20-2017 05:14 AM

Sorry for neglecting this in favour of WW, Pervinca. Is the answer "Miscellany?"

Pervinca Took 07-20-2017 05:35 AM

M: Dwarves have never taken to these.
Isildur's Bane: It betrays in the roundest manner.
Silmarils: Narnian prince begins to reside in hobbit dwellings? Such a mingling! See them shine!
C: Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner’s sword.
Emerald: Leader in disarray gains a thousand: a jewel to adorn a steersman.
L: Lalaith in the dark land? Serves quarrellers right, some might say!
Lamps of the Valar: Objects of heavenly beings impersonating Miss Nightingale?
Arkenstone: Sounds like Noah’s vessel cast in granite! Resplendent thing.
Night of Naught: Day’s opposite becomes null, in song.
Years of the Trees: Happy days, and light ones.

Mithalwen 07-23-2017 08:23 AM

Is one matches? I think there is something about them preferring tinderboxes in the Hobbit? But then I thought I had posted this already (my puter sometimes eats posts)

Pervinca Took 07-23-2017 11:51 AM

Matches: Dwarves have never taken to these.
Isildur's Bane: It betrays in the roundest manner.
Silmarils: Narnian prince begins to reside in hobbit dwellings? Such a mingling! See them shine!
C: Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner’s sword.
Emerald: Leader in disarray gains a thousand: a jewel to adorn a steersman.
L: Lalaith in the dark land? Serves quarrellers right, some might say!
Lamps of the Valar: Objects of heavenly beings impersonating Miss Nightingale?
Arkenstone: Sounds like Noah’s vessel cast in granite! Resplendent thing.
Night of Naught: Day’s opposite becomes null, in song.
Years of the Trees: Happy days, and light ones.

Yes indeed! At one point in the story it says that Oin and Gloin have lost their tinder-boxes, (so incandescence clues for Gloin are doubly apt, although I didn't realise it at the time ;)) and then, in brackets, that 'Dwarves have never taken to matches even yet.' There are at least two other references to matches in Middle-earth ... Merry says just before the Scouring that the Shirefolk only need a match, and their rebellion will flare up (metaphorical), and Bilbo looks for his matches under the Misty Mountains and there aren't any (literal).

Doesn't seem to be a previous post, Mith (have checked again). But it doesn't matter now. :)

Just two clues to go. I gave a big hint for the Lalaith one upthread, and for the other one, I would resort to song. ;)

Nerwen 07-24-2017 12:01 AM

I'm guessing the Lalaith one refers to something like "laughter of Mordor" or "laughter of the Enemy", but I haven't been able to find the quote.

Pervinca Took 07-24-2017 03:20 AM

Matches: Dwarves have never taken to these.
Isildur's Bane: It betrays in the roundest manner.
Silmarils: Narnian prince begins to reside in hobbit dwellings? Such a mingling! See them shine!
C: Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner’s sword.
Emerald: Leader in disarray gains a thousand: a jewel to adorn a steersman.
Laughter of Mordor: Lalaith in the dark land? Serves quarrellers right, some might say!
Lamps of the Valar: Objects of heavenly beings impersonating Miss Nightingale?
Arkenstone: Sounds like Noah’s vessel cast in granite! Resplendent thing.
Night of Naught: Day’s opposite becomes null, in song.
Years of the Trees: Happy days, and light ones.

" 'Come, come!' said Gandalf. 'We are all friends here. Or should be; for the laughter of Mordor will be our only reward, if we quarrel.' "

(When they have to hand over their weapons at Theoden's halls and Aragorn does not want to hand over Anduril). (In fact, he has a bit of a tantrum about it, is told he can hand it over or fight everyone in the hall alone, and Gimli says 'Not alone,' or something very similar).

I think I remember it most because of Michael Hordern's voice.

Pervinca Took 07-25-2017 07:47 AM

C: Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner's sword.

C'mon guys! What shields a mariner's sword?

Nerwen 07-26-2017 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 708553)
C: Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner's sword.

C'mon guys! What shields a mariner's sword?

A scabbard... and I've been thinking it might refer to the line about Eärendil's scabbard being "of chalcedony", but I couldn't make the rest of the clue until it occurred to me that it could be "halcyon" + "dec". Is that it?

Pervinca Took 07-26-2017 05:25 PM

Matches: Dwarves have never taken to these.
Isildur's Bane: It betrays in the roundest manner.
Silmarils: Narnian prince begins to reside in hobbit dwellings? Such a mingling! See them shine!
Chalcedony: Heavenly start to December contrives to shield a mariner’s sword.
Emerald: Leader in disarray gains a thousand: a jewel to adorn a steersman.
Laughter of Mordor: Lalaith in the dark land? Serves quarrellers right, some might say!
Lamps of the Valar: Objects of heavenly beings impersonating Miss Nightingale?
Arkenstone: Sounds like Noah’s vessel cast in granite! Resplendent thing.
Night of Naught: Day’s opposite becomes null, in song.
Years of the Trees: Happy days, and light ones.

Correct answer and reasoning. Well done! And over to you. :)

(Quite what use a quartz scabbard would be to the average soldier I don't know, but it's Earendil's ... all his accessories are shiny and precious and more mythical than practical. And maybe Bilbo imagines half of the precious/semi-precious substances for the poem). (And I really wanted an excuse to have the word chalcedony in a password).

Apologies for the delay. I was writing this reply when the battery ran out, and then was called away on errands.

Nerwen 08-05-2017 06:59 AM

And now I should be the one apologising! Sorry- I've had a busy week.


1. To revive, counsellor's end becomes new beginning.
2. Building blocks? Near-maiden? Isn't he obvious?
3. Wander at this time, in turmoil, to find lost sailor.
4. Feline is confused- but he is dark and perilous!
5. Meanwhile, antelope's cousin is tumbled about and suffused with evil. (No wonder she has a death wish).

Pervinca Took 08-05-2017 05:29 PM

Just a guess, but is 2 INGWE - ING (from building blocks) and WE (nearly 'wen')?

5. AREDHEL? Has 'deer' in it but also nearly spells 'a red hell'?

Nerwen 08-05-2017 08:07 PM

No, but "deer" is correct for #5, and it's basically the right reasoning.

Pervinca Took 08-06-2017 06:11 AM

2. LEGOLAS? ('Lego' + most of 'lass').

A guess at ELVES for the password?

5. SERINDE? My first thought was Miriel, but I couldn't find a deer in her name! How did I forget her other name? ('deer' + 'sin').

3. VORONWE. 'Rove' plus 'now.'

4. Could this be EOL, if Leo (for lion) is the 'feline' element?

Nerwen 08-06-2017 08:36 AM

All correct!:) And yes, "Elves" is the password.

1. To revive, counsellor's end becomes new beginning.
LEGOLAS: Building blocks? Near-maiden? Isn't he obvious?
VORONWË: Wander at this time, in turmoil, to find lost sailor.
EÖL: Feline is confused- but he is dark and perilous!
SERINDË: Meanwhile, antelope's cousin is tumbled about and suffused with evil. (No wonder she has a death wish).

Pervinca Took 08-06-2017 12:47 PM

1. To revive, counsellor's end becomes new beginning.

ERESTOR? 'Rest' for revive, 'or' for the end of counsellor, start of 'end' becomes the beginning for the 'e'?


Oh! Anagram of 'restore,' rather than 'rest,' for 'revive.' End of 'restore' becomes beginning of 'Erestor.'

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