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The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-02-2017 09:37 AM

Or it could be a boat we're looking for, like Eärrámë

I think 1 is Balar and 7 is Edhellond

Galadriel55 09-02-2017 05:18 PM

1. BALAR I hear insect and a brief alarm. A broken piece?
2. E Sounds like boat took note and tumbled into the ocean.
3. LHUN Left tribesman from the East – whoops, West.
4. ESSO Look thus, pointless confused maia reflection!
5. GWATHLO: Behold after Downer flows.
6. AERANDIR: Sailor confused awful moon.
7. EDHELLOND Boy greets short conjunction in haven.
8. RHUN Right, same tribesman from the East, and this time actually East.

#2 is neither guess. But you're right in working backwards with that one, ei go through the list of possibilities and try to make them fit.

Pervinca Took 09-02-2017 07:01 PM

Eldalonde would have tumbled into the ocean, with the rest of Numenor.

Galadriel55 09-02-2017 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 708748)
Eldalonde would have tumbled into the ocean, with the rest of Numenor.

You were conceptually closer with your first guess.

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-05-2017 06:41 AM

2. Ekkaia. Anagram of Kaiak and E, meaning the Encircling Sea.

Pervinca Took 09-05-2017 08:02 AM

Ah ... didn't know kayak could be spelt with an 'i.'

Galadriel55 09-05-2017 01:57 PM

It isn't. Hence the sounds like.

But that's the last one! Over to Pervinca.

Pervinca Took 09-05-2017 11:32 PM

Forgot the 'sounds like' - sorry.

I'll post the next one soon.

Pervinca Took 09-06-2017 04:16 AM

Here you go ...
1. Elven-rope is as soft as this.
2. Nori runs back! It’s well hard.
3. Not acid, and mingles without note. Initially titanium, and six of these helped produce this seventh one.
4. Here without hesitation, reclined; it binds.
5. Gone to the toilet in slang? Must have been in a hurry, as got mixed up, ran backwards and overshot! Blame the Dark Elf for the result.
6. One emaciated top mingles for this substance.
7. Napoleon’s isle and royal seat? Loses note in confusion for this.

Galadriel55 09-06-2017 05:23 AM

Lebethron for the last one, as Elba+throne-A.

Iron for 2?

Making the password MITHRIL?

Pervinca Took 09-06-2017 07:14 AM

Well done!
M: Elven-rope is as soft as this.
IRON: Nori runs back! It’s well hard.
T: Not acid, and mingles without note. Initially titanium, and six of these helped produce this seventh one.
H: Here without hesitation, reclined; it binds.
-R: Gone to the toilet in slang? Must have been in a hurry, as got mixed up, ran backwards and overshot! Blame the Dark Elf for the result.
I: One emaciated top mingles for this substance.
LEBETHRON: Napoleon’s isle and royal seat? Loses note in confusion for this.

Galadriel55 09-08-2017 08:36 AM

I've tried a little fiddling for the other clues, but no luck so far. But for the sake of discussion, here are a few thoughts.


"Here without hesitation" I took to mean without the "er". So HE, unless it's a synonym. Hither gives HITH. Reclined - lie? Lay? Rest? I can't combine any of these into meaningful words, forget something that binds (rope? chain? oath?)

Pervinca Took 09-08-2017 02:29 PM

You are very, very close.

HITH is indeed the first four letters.

'Lay' is almost right. You just need the past participle instead of the simple past.

Galadriel55 09-08-2017 06:31 PM

Huh, wow, I was slow on that one.

HITHLAIN - the stuff the Elven ropes were made from.

Also, on the off-chance, METEOR for -R?

Pervinca Took 09-08-2017 10:38 PM

M: Elven-rope is as soft as this.
IRON: Nori runs back! It’s well hard.
T: Not acid, and mingles without note. Initially titanium, and six of these helped produce this seventh one.
HITHLAIN: Here without hesitation, reclined; it binds.
-R: Gone to the toilet in slang? Must have been in a hurry, as got mixed up, ran backwards and overshot! Blame the Dark Elf for the result.
I: One emaciated top mingles for this substance.
LEBETHRON: Napoleon’s isle and royal seat? Loses note in confusion for this.

The -R clue does indeed run backwards, but it also overshoots by one letter. So R is the last-but-one letter of the answer, which you then put in backwards to fit into the password.

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-09-2017 04:14 PM

1 is milk, as Sam tells Frodo
6 is Ithildin

I have a feeling that the parsing for the others is going to be tortuous.

Pervinca Took 09-09-2017 04:53 PM

MILK: Elven-rope is as soft as this.
IRON: Nori runs back! It’s well hard.
T: Not acid, and mingles without note. Initially titanium, and six of these helped produce this seventh one.
HITHLAIN: Here without hesitation, reclined; it binds.
-R: Gone to the toilet in slang? Must have been in a hurry, as got mixed up, ran backwards and overshot! Blame the Dark Elf for the result.
ITHILDIN: One emaciated top mingles for this substance.
LEBETHRON: Napoleon’s isle and royal seat? Loses note in confusion for this.

The other two shouldn't be *too* hard. Look at the theme that has emerged, then try working backwards to justify the answers.

(For Galadriel and anyone else, Ithildin = I + thin + lid).

Pervinca Took 09-10-2017 03:15 AM

HINT: You need to look in the First Age for the remaining two answers. (Actually, for one of them, maybe look even before that ....)

Galadriel55 09-10-2017 08:32 AM

Second try: SWORD for Eol's creation?

Pervinca Took 09-10-2017 11:11 AM

You're close ... but haven't you noticed that the theme of this password is materials rather than objects? ;)

That particular clue has a sensible answer, but quite a silly way of getting the letters ... in a way, a bit like Nerwen's esteemed 'mutt healer.' :)

Galadriel55 09-10-2017 02:01 PM

Did some reading. Pretty sure it's galvorn, a word I hadn't remembered before. But no idea how you get there.

Pervinca Took 09-10-2017 02:10 PM

MILK: Elven-rope is as soft as this.
IRON: Nori runs back! It’s well hard.
T: Not acid, and mingles without note. Initially titanium, and six of these helped produce this seventh one.
HITHLAIN: Here without hesitation, reclined; it binds.
NROVLAG: Gone to the toilet in slang? Must have been in a hurry, as got mixed up, ran backwards and overshot! Blame the Dark Elf for the result.
ITHILDIN: One emaciated top mingles for this substance.
LEBETHRON: Napoleon’s isle and royal seat? Loses note in confusion for this.

Galvorn = Gorn lav. ;) (Cockney slang, incorporating a bit of ellipsis).

(I couldn't resist the further lavatorial semantic opportunities that this and the 'overshooting' element presented, I'm afraid). :D

(I mean, even elves must have to go to the toilet ....)

Galadriel55 09-10-2017 07:03 PM

Now struggling with the last one. Beginning to wonder if Drawven rings were made of titaneas or something. :rolleyes:

By the way, I have to say that's a brilliant and very dedicated password. Much as it's curious to solve, cause you have to go back to the text for some clues and work both backwards and forwards, it must have taken a lot of effort to get words from such a limited theme to line up. Hats off!

Pervinca Took 09-11-2017 04:01 AM

That's kind of you to say, but you yourself upped the bar by making (I think) the first themed password and working so hard to find answers to fit that theme. It has made constructing passwords more fun and challenging, as well as solving them, so thank you for that.

1. You already have most of the Titanium part of the clue, with the initial T.

2. Now, what kind of substance is Titanium?

3. Do a little googling for Middle-earth substances, and keep in mind the earlier history of Middle-earth.

Nerwen 09-11-2017 09:12 AM

I believe answer is "Tilkal", referencing "The Book of Lost Tales". Ti + alkali - A (note)?

Pervinca Took 09-11-2017 09:45 AM

MILK: Elven-rope is as soft as this.
IRON: Nori runs back! It’s well hard.
TILKAL: Not acid, and mingles without note. Initially titanium, and six of these helped produce this seventh one.
HITHLAIN: Here without hesitation, reclined; it binds.
NROVLAG: Gone to the toilet in slang? Must have been in a hurry, as got mixed up, ran backwards and overshot! Blame the Dark Elf for the result.
ITHILDIN: One emaciated top mingles for this substance.
LEBETHRON: Napoleon’s isle and royal seat? Loses note in confusion.

Yes, Aule took 6 metals and from them made a seventh, TILKAL, harder than all the rest, and from it forged Angainor.

Just the T (the initial of Titanium), plus alkali minus A.

I had to include 2 substances also around in our own age to make a password, though. ;) I did think of adding a reference to Dain Ironfoot to make the Iron one more Middle-earthish, but there was iron in Middle-earth and there was a mention of Nori. Milk already is because it's part of Sam's elven-rope simile.

Well done both, and over to Galadriel!

Galadriel55 09-11-2017 07:38 PM

Tried to follow up with as cool a theme as yours, but had to go broader. I got a couple themes to work, but half of the words were reversed, so I went with the easier theme but well-fitting words. Your password is a hard act to follow. ;)

1. Sounds like drink precedes father of this man.
2. We run amok and laugh.
3. Blind set up bolted and tangled.
4. Small offspring tosses second person into garbage basket.
5. Negative German, Asian last name. So confused and sad.

Happy riddling!

EDIT: holy bananas! I missed my 7000th post by 50 posts! I'm getting worse at this with every thousand. :rolleyes: But I still like to celebrate my chattiness. Maybe eventually the quantity will overrule the quality? :Merisu:

Pervinca Took 09-12-2017 12:12 AM

I missed my 1,000th too. ;)

Is 5 Nienor, because of 'nein' and its meaning? (Mourning). Not sure about the Asian last name, though.

I suppose Niniel (maid of tears) is closer to the' sadness' element ... maybe 'el' fits better for the Asian element?

P.S. And URWEN for 2? And maybe HURIN for the password?

Galadriel55 09-12-2017 05:22 AM

Yes to Urwen and Niniel (name is Li). No to Hurin.

Will edit this post to update password in a few hours when I turn on the computer.

Pervinca Took 09-12-2017 06:01 AM

Perhaps Turin for the password?

Galadriel55 09-12-2017 11:04 AM


Galadriel55 09-12-2017 11:31 AM

1. T Sounds like drink precedes father of this man.
2. URWEN We run amok and laugh.
3. R Blind set up bolted and tangled.
4. I Small offspring tosses second person into garbage basket.
5. NINIEL Negative German, Asian last name. So confused and sad.

PS. Happy belated 1000'th! :)

Pervinca Took 09-12-2017 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 708829)
1. T Sounds like drink precedes father of this man ...

PS. Happy belated 1000'th! :)

And to you for 7,000 posts. :)

Could the first one be TUOR? (Sounds like T (tea) plus his father, Huor?)

And maybe IBUN for number 4? (Bin + U, and he's a dwarf).

Galadriel55 09-12-2017 05:06 PM

1. T Sounds like drink precedes father of this man.
2. URWEN We run amok and laugh.
3. R Blind set up bolted and tangled.
4. IBUN Small offspring tosses second person into garbage basket.
5. NINIEL Negative German, Asian last name. So confused and sad.

You are sooo close with Tuor. Like almost spot on. Just use a different man and father.

Pervinca Took 09-13-2017 12:13 AM

The only other one like that I know is Turin son of Hurin.

Galadriel55 09-13-2017 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 708835)
The only other one like that I know is Turin son of Hurin.

And what do you get when you put a drink in front of Hurin?

Pervinca Took 09-13-2017 10:16 AM


And a quick search tells me that this was Finduilas's name for Turin.

3. R Blind set up bolted and tangled.

Apparently REMBINA means 'entangled' in Quenya?

The only synonym I can think of for blind is 'screen,' and I got nowhere with that. Also, I can't think of any blind characters in Tolkien's works. Have tried mingling 'ran' and 'locked' for 'bolted' with screen and couldn't come up with anything. So I thought I might try the 'tangled' part as the straight clue.

(I expect I am wrong).

... REMBINA has RAN in it, but I can't account for the rest of the elements.

Galadriel55 09-13-2017 02:45 PM

1. THURIN Sounds like drink precedes father of this man.
2. URWEN We run amok and laugh.
3. R Blind set up bolted and tangled.
4. IBUN Small offspring tosses second person into garbage basket.
5. NINIEL Negative German, Asian last name. So confused and sad.

There is a minor blind character related to Turin's storyline, in Dor-Lommin. And you are correct with RAN.

Pervinca Took 09-13-2017 04:09 PM

There is Ragnor (ran + org?), but I think he is a companion of Barahir?

Galadriel55 09-13-2017 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 708848)
There is Ragnor (ran + org?), but I think he is a companion of Barahir?

You are off by one letter.

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