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Is 4 Incanus .. the pages might say Tolkien got ink on them?
1. M ASTER SAMWISE - A Time Lord, a fool? He chooses.
2. E - Earn ill an elvish title, but outside the youngest asks: he fairy enough? 3. R - Engulf a dubious panda for one who's missing one. 4. I NCANUS - In the south, the pages could say what Tolkien got. 5. A RAGORN - Haughty? Not entirely: say rather he knows where he's going. 6. D WARF - Not one of the six (or seven?), but of their kind: forget his name and say what he is. 7. O - Born green and grey: one to his name, but whence the other? Not just his father's son. 8. C - Son of the last to rule; by title he could sail inland from the Havens, but find only one. Precisely. :) hS |
Tsk ...people lambast you for 'ink on us' then pinch your idea. :D (Actually, I think it was Nerwen who groaned at it).
Is the E one Elf-Friend for Frodo? But how ill-earned, except in the fact that his quest puts the kibosh on the three Elven-Rings? |
Oh, and is 8 Captain of Gondor, for Boromir?
Or Captain of the White Tower? |
Or perhaps Frodo is number 3 as RINGBEARER:
Ring something (circle it) for engulf it. Bear for a very dubious panda. Er ....... ? Sounds like 'a' = 1? As Observant Bilbo in the Rankin-Bass ROTK said: 'Frodo! You are missing a finger!' |
1. M ASTER SAMWISE - A Time Lord, a fool? He chooses.
2. E - Earn ill an elvish title, but outside the youngest asks: he fairy enough? 3. R INGBEARER - Engulf a dubious panda for one who's missing one. 4. I NCANUS - In the south, the pages could say what Tolkien got. 5. A RAGORN - Haughty? Not entirely: say rather he knows where he's going. 6. D WARF - Not one of the six (or seven?), but of their kind: forget his name and say what he is. 7. O - Born green and grey: one to his name, but whence the other? Not just his father's son. 8. C APTAIN OF THE WHITE TOWER - Son of the last to rule; by title he could sail inland from the Havens, but find only one. Dangit, I didn't mean to pinch Ink On Us, but clearly it got stuck in my head. :( Boromir is indeed Captain of the White Tower (with the second half of the clue pointing at the White Towers west of the Shire), and Frodo... well, you got it, though the 'er' is the dubious part. :) Two to go! You got halfway to #7 already. hS |
I was only joking about ink on us. ;)
Is a panda really a kind of bear? 'Er' was clever for 'dubious.' I guess O is Legolas but using the 4th letter, or Oropher's grandson? Speaking of which, do we know the names of any of the woodland queen-consorts? |
1. M ASTER SAMWISE - A Time Lord, a fool? He chooses.
2. E - Earn ill an elvish title, but outside the youngest asks: he fairy enough? 3. R INGBEARER - Engulf a dubious panda for one who's missing one. 4. I NCANUS - In the south, the pages could say what Tolkien got. 5. A RAGORN - Haughty? Not entirely: say rather he knows where he's going. 6. D WARF - Not one of the six (or seven?), but of their kind: forget his name and say what he is. 7. O ROPHER'S GRANDSON - Born green and grey: one to his name, but whence the other? Not just his father's son. 8. C APTAIN OF THE WHITE TOWER - Son of the last to rule; by title he could sail inland from the Havens, but find only one. It took me a long time to fit all nine members of the Fellowship into a single riddle. Now, I thought the panda wasn't a proper bear, but apparently since at least the 80s we've had DNA proof that it is a true ursid. That's the giant panda; the red panda is a musteloid, so related to weasels, skunks, and raccoons. (Also there are apparently only 8 extant bears, including the Sloth Bear with its goofy ears.) I'm pretty sure we know exactly four names of elves living in the Woodland Realm: Oropher, Thranduil, Legolas, and Galion the butler. Given the low numbers of unmarried women mentioned in the Silmarillion, I don't think there's even a hint at who Oropher's wife might have been... unless someone wants to make a case for Nellas, stalker of Turin? :D Hey, we know she liked unusual people, so a Sinda who would trek across two mountain ranges to live as king of the Silvan folk isn't out of the question... (She might have to be Thranduil's wife instead, though; as the builder of his Halls, he probably remembered Menegroth personally.) hS |
Indeed! A worthy achievement.
I guess that leaves us with Peregrin, using the second letter, or perhaps Eglantine's son? I thought the youngest indicated him. His name suggests wandering, but in Latin, not Elvish. Oh, hang on .. the title in question would be ERNIL I PHERIANNATH ... and maybe that's the answer, too. |
1. M ASTER SAMWISE - A Time Lord, a fool? He chooses.
2. E RNIL I PHERIANNATH - Earn ill an elvish title, but outside the youngest asks: he fairy enough? 3. R INGBEARER - Engulf a dubious panda for one who's missing one. 4. I NCANUS - In the south, the pages could say what Tolkien got. 5. A RAGORN - Haughty? Not entirely: say rather he knows where he's going. 6. D WARF - Not one of the six (or seven?), but of their kind: forget his name and say what he is. 7. O ROPHER'S GRANDSON - Born green and grey: one to his name, but whence the other? Not just his father's son. 8. C APTAIN OF THE WHITE TOWER - Son of the last to rule; by title he could sail inland from the Havens, but find only one. [Theme: Members of the Fellowship] 'Earnill he fairyenough' indeed. ;) I always feel vaguely guilty when I have to soundalike Elvish that way - I can't help thinking Tolkien wouldn't approve. (Or maybe he would have - 'Galadhriel' is all his fault, after all.) Over to you, and well-earned! hS |
That was BRILLIANT, Huinesoron! A really special one. (Look, you've made me shout!)
I posted a longer password yesterday, but I have decided to save it for later, and so have deleted it for now and am posting this one instead. 1. An apple? Indeed, it has what he sounds like – several times over! 2. Royal Artillery in Burma’s capital? Not on. In confusion, see him. 3. Take the third of this firstborn, but refer to his father, and ask only three of the winds. 4. Listen inside the cask for him. 5. He could be a descriptive kenning for a vat. 6. If not strictly his profession, he is famed for being one. 7. An honorific bestowed on him early in the saga. 8. Shagrat decides to do this, in a tower. However, it describes not Shagrat’s prisoner, but one with a much lighter burden. |
8. Feanor? Since what Shagrat did could be described as kinslayin'.
Not Feanor, I'm afraid.
Kinslayin'? Have you been reading 'The Fresh Prince Of Beleriand?' ;) |
#1 could be PIP(pin), as an apple indeed has several pips. It also has a core, which sounds like a raven's caw, so it could be ROAC (though he mostly just talked). #6 I'm jumping straight to BURGLAR, because it came straight to mind. #8... what Shagrat did was run away. I can't help feeling this clue is pointing at Sam (whose burden was Frodo, and noted as light), but I can't link the two. It's be much easier if I mixed his name with Pippin's and called him 'Ranazir', but sadly he takes a B, and 'Ban' doesn't seem to describe what Shagrat does. #4 might be a dwarf (since they were all stuffed in casks), and #5... I have no idea, but the use of a kenning delights me. :D hS EDIT: All my answers seem to be Hobbit-themed. Hrm. |
PIPPIN: An apple? Indeed, it has what he sounds like – several times over!
2. Royal Artillery in Burma’s capital? Not on. In confusion, see him. 3. Take the third of this firstborn, but refer to his father, and ask only three of the winds. 4. Listen inside the cask for him. 5. He could be a descriptive kenning for a vat. 6. If not strictly his profession, he is famed for being one. 7. An honorific bestowed on him early in the saga. 8. Shagrat decides to do this, in a tower. However, it describes not Shagrat’s prisoner, but one with a much lighter burden. Some excellent ideas there, but barking up the wrong mellyrn except for Pippin. The lighter burden is not Frodo (although a very good idea). (And it isn't Sam's cooking pans, either). A pippin *is* an apple (such as a Cox's orange pippin). But it also has many a pip in (it) = pip in (sounds like Pippin) x lots. |
Well, one out of... lots... ain't bad!
#6 makes me think we're looking for someone who's name is a 'job' description. GANDALF could fit, as he wasn't strictly speaking an elf with a wand, but I'm not sure he was 'famed' for it. There's a whole string of kings of Numenor and Gondor whose names are descriptions of what they did - Tar-Ciryatan was a ship-builder, Hyarmendacil was a victor in the south - but that feels like a stretch too far. Or, heading back to the Shire: what about Sam's old GAFFER? #2: The capital of Myanmar is Naypyidaw, but the capital of Burma was Rangoon. The clue seems to suggest that RA should be removed, but I can't make anything from anagrams of 'Ngoon'. Perhaps I need to add 'off' ('not on'), or perhaps I need to remove 'on' instead of RA... rango? Groan! We're clearly in a Gormenghast crossover. :D hS |
I never said you should *remove* RA from Rangoon. You might have to remove something else, though. ;)
The profession one *is* a profession, but not a Numenorean king, although their descriptive names are fascinating, and I wasn't fully aware of this before. Not any of your other guesses, either, I'm afraid. |
I know who #2 is. I just had an epiphany, and.....
Might #2 be Argon? Huin already explained why |
Close, but not Argon.
So we add the RA back in and find ARAGORN?
#3 feels like it's pointing towards House Finwe and their habit (well, Feanor's habit mainly) of naming everyone Finwe. Nothing more concrete than that yet. hS |
PIPPIN: An apple? Indeed, it has what he sounds like – several times over!
ARAGORN: Royal Artillery in Burma’s capital? Not on. In confusion, see him. 3. Take the third of this firstborn, but refer to his father, and ask only three of the winds. 4. Listen inside the cask for him. 5. He could be a descriptive kenning for a vat. 6. If not strictly his profession, he is famed for being one. 7. An honorific bestowed on him early in the saga. 8. Shagrat decides to do this, in a tower. However, it describes not Shagrat’s prisoner, but one with a much lighter burden. Yes, having removed an O and an N ('Not on.') Not Finwe. 'Refer to his father' is because I want you to refer to him as someone's son, simply because his actual name will not fit into the puzzle, letter-wise. Think why we would only ask three of the four winds ... or even better, sing it? |
If 'take the third' is pointing at the letter, then are we asking the West, South, and North winds if they have heard the horn of DENETHOR'S SON Boromir?
hS |
PIPPIN: An apple? Indeed, it has what he sounds like – several times over!
ARAGORN: Royal Artillery in Burma’s capital? Not on. In confusion, see him. DENETHOR'S ELDEST SON: Take the third of this firstborn, but refer to his father, and ask only three of the winds. 4. Listen inside the cask for him. 5. He could be a descriptive kenning for a vat. 6. If not strictly his profession, he is famed for being one. 7. An honorific bestowed on him early in the saga. 8. Shagrat decides to do this, in a tower. However, it describes not Shagrat’s prisoner, but one with a much lighter burden. We are indeed. |
I'm wondering if #7 is ELF-FRIEND, which I think was a title given by Gildor to Frodo before he even left the Shire.
Oh, and is #6 GARD(E)NER, for Sam's later surname? hS |
PIPPIN: An apple? Indeed, it has what he sounds like – several times over!
ARAGORN: Royal Artillery in Burma’s capital? Not on. In confusion, see him. DENETHOR'S ELDEST SON: Take the third of this firstborn, but refer to his father, and ask only three of the winds. 4. Listen inside the cask for him. 5. He could be a descriptive kenning for a vat. 6. If not strictly his profession, he is famed for being one. ELF -FRIEND: An honorific bestowed on him early in the saga. 8. Shagrat decides to do this, in a tower. However, it describes not Shagrat’s prisoner, but one with a much lighter burden. Indeed. Gildor names Frodo Elf-Friend, in 'Three Is Company,' I think. 6 is not Gard(e)ner, though. |
C'mon, Huey ... what does a vat do? ;)
Gets filled with alcohol or dye. I keep wanting to suggest BRANDYBUCK, but unless you seal it up and set it on fire it shouldn't be bucking!
It could also be said to brew or ferment, but I can't fit those to anything... I guess I could start looking for Middle-earth people named Phil Withwine? (Doesn't sound all that unlikely for a Hobbit, actually...) Or, I suppose, a vat gets charged at 20% on most transaction. Wasn't there a dwarf in Nogrod named Taxes...? hS |
Brandybuck is *close.*
I am wondering what the password can be. The only word I can think of that fits is PANCAKES, which doesn't seem to relate to any of the clues so far.:confused:
Edit: If so, it's looking more and more as if the theme is "Members of the Fellowship"- again! But with only eight candidates? |
PIPPIN: An apple? Indeed, it has what he sounds like – several times over!
ARAGORN: Royal Artillery in Burma’s capital? Not on. In confusion, see him. DENETHOR'S ELDEST SON: Take the third of this firstborn, but refer to his father, and ask only three of the winds. 4. Listen inside the cask for him. HOLDWINE: He could be a descriptive kenning for a vat. 6. If not strictly his profession, he is famed for being one. ELF -FRIEND: An honorific bestowed on him early in the saga. 8. Shagrat decides to do this, in a tower. However, it describes not Shagrat’s prisoner, but one with a much lighter burden. THEME: The nine members of the Fellowship (again!) Quite so. As with Huey's last puzzle, all nine of the Fellowship are there, and one of them is the password. |
I think #4 is THARKÛN ("hark" inside "tun"), giving PANTH_E_
Uh... PANTHIEF?:confused: |
I'm thinking #8 most likely refers to the "lighter burden" of Gimli the Lock-bearer. But then, the first part of the clue... what...?
Edit: I get it- it is LOCKBEARER! Because Shagrat LOCKED the BEARER in the tower, right? |
I believe the password is PANTHAEL (Elvish translation of "Samwise"), making the final clue ARCHER (i.e. Legolas). |
PIPPIN: An apple? Indeed, it has what he sounds like – several times over!
ARAGORN: Royal Artillery in Burma’s capital? Not on. In confusion, see him. DENETHOR'S ELDEST SON: Take the third of this firstborn, but refer to his father, and ask only three of the winds. THARKUN: Listen inside the cask for him. HOLDWINE: He could be a descriptive kenning for a vat. ARCHER: If not strictly his profession, he is famed for being one. ELF-FRIEND: An honorific bestowed on him early in the saga. LOCKBEARER: Shagrat decides to do this, in a tower. However, it describes not Shagrat’s prisoner, but one with a much lighter burden. THEME: The nine members of the Fellowship (again!) All perfectly correct! 'Panthael' does not translate Samwise, but means full-wise, which Aragorn says in his letter would be a fairer name for him. Kudos should go to Huinesoron, as I would not have thought of doing a 'Fellowship' password on my own. That was why I removed the original password I posted (which no-one had started). I tried for ages to get three different ones to work. With Peregrin and Holdwine as the password, I managed all but two clues and would have had to use other letters and/or run things backwards. With Panthael I had to cheat as well, on one, plus use a couple of 'vague' answers, so I gave up. Then I looked at the Panthael one again in the morning and thought it wasn't too bad. Well done Nerwen and Huey, and over to Nerwen! |
Which just goes to show once again the merits of this thread: you can have two passwords in a row about the same thing and yet each one is still unique in style and challenging to solve.
Meant to ask this before, but:
rango? Groan! We're clearly in a Gormenghast crossover. (For Huey) - I have read Titus Groan and Gormenghast, but I don't remember a Rango - can you enlighten me? P.S. Phil Withwine was inspired! |
Oh ... Titus Groan ... groan is an anagram of rango, whatever rango means ....
New password. In a surprising turn of events, the theme in not "Members of the Fellowship" this time. That should help you narrow it down!:smokin:
Oh, and the password is not made up of initial letters. 1. Earth's anonymous gourmands. 2. Mordor's misnamed alarms. 3. Bewildering- me, in a conflict? What would my dad say, if I had one? 4. Emo feline at the Pelennor. 5. ...but are they worms now? 6. Emaciated king of beasts confused for even more ravenous predator. |
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