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Wrong sort of mount. :smokin:
Oh and the instruction iiterally means halt but in context get down
If it's not a mountain, the only possibility I can think of for a straight clue is an elvish word beginning with A.
Unless it's a picture frame. Or ... a horse ... Arod? (That at least is an anagram of an elvish order - Daro - which I thought meant "Be still." Legolas was, perhaps, not translating the word, just interpreting and deciding on a course of action). |
The straight clue ia mount. However mount is polysemic. It can be a geographical feature but you want another meaning.
See my edited post.
That is it. Legolas drops down but according to Hammond and Scull daro means stop or halt...
]1 RAUROS Muddled Sauron gains right but loses direction. Falls.
2 AROD Confused instruction to get down or mount? 3 MERIADOC More aid comes initially reorganised by a good friend. 4 MIRDAN Having lost his way a Royal Academician minds a crafty fellow. 5 ARTANARO Craft sun and form of address for a king 6 SINDARIN Speech fault of singer beyond the sea? 7 ERELAS Highlight before a girl loses her way? 8 CELEBORN This the French tolerated before changing direction for a tree. 9 HADOR Possessed alternative blond. 10 OROPHER Poor confused girl elf 11 RORIMAC Master confused tup swallowing dwarf child initially. |
3 M More aid comes initially reorganised by a good friend.
Meriadoc! A good friend to Frodo. Tearing my hair out for ages on this one - looking up Mablung and Malbeth (which contains abet) and loads of others in search for your "Beleg" style good friend. Wasn't mixing "more" into the anagram, or using the word "comes" for the "initial" part. |
It was going to becmaster not good friend until I used Rorimac ao I translated Holdwine. Otherwise I thought that was straightforward? But merry is a favourite character so it seems easier.
I didn't think of translating Holdwine. :o
4 M Having lost his way a Royal Academician minds a crafty fellow. R + A plus MINDS minus S = Mirdan ... was he crafty, though? Ah, hang on ... "mírdain is a noun meaning "jewel-smiths" in Sindarin. "While unattested, the singular form is commonly held to be mírdan ("jewel-smith")." (From Tolkien Gateway). I thought there was a character called Mirdan, but perhaps it's simply a word meaning jewel-smith. That would account for the "crafty fellow," ... if Mirdan is right, that is. |
It was going to be mirdain and then I relised I was an I short and making it singular was easier. I didn't know it wasn't official. I was in a RPG set around the siege of Ost in Edhil and got used to it.
Sorry. Anyway well fone it was a mighty solo effort. |
Mirdan really sounds like it should be a proper character, anyway. ;)
Thanks again for some great clues. Time for the next password: 1. Note added to a slapdash dish results in conflagration. 2. Disturbingly, blames the rations. 3. Mythical king said and heard to eat in lost kingdom. 4. We hear hesitation and time asked for a doomed maiden. 5. German wheel sounds appalled by this chap. 6. Ruin the French honey for an epesse. 7. Pinch around a town in Surrey, but lose liquid to grace a nightingale’s birth. 8. A poetically spectral warship sounds in his nomenclature. |
Cheers. 7 Niphredil? they greeted the birth of Luthien. A pinch is a nip and redhill is a town in Surrey. Take away l for liquid and it works.
1. Note added to a slapdash dish results in conflagration. 2. Disturbingly, blames the rations. 3. Mythical king said and heard to eat in lost kingdom. 4. We hear hesitation and time asked for a doomed maiden. 5. German wheel sounds appalled by this chap. 6. Ruin the French honey for an epesse. NIPHREDIL: Pinch around a town in Surrey, but lose liquid to grace a nightingale’s birth. 8. A poetically spectral warship sounds in his nomenclature. |
Okeydoke..now when I wasca lass I was very taken by a pome called The Highwayman which haa the line "when the moon is a ghostly galleon tossed on cloudy seas".. so I will guess Galion.forvthe last one.
Andis the second lembas anagrak of blames? |
1. Note added to a slapdash dish results in conflagration. LEMBAS: Disturbingly, blames the rations. 3. Mythical king said and heard to eat in lost kingdom. 4. We hear hesitation and time asked for a doomed maiden. 5. German wheel sounds appalled by this chap. 6. Ruin the French honey for an epesse. NIPHREDIL: Pinch around a town in Surrey, but lose liquid to grace a nightingale’s birth. GALION: A poetically spectral warship sounds in his nomenclature. |
Yay. I read the highwayman laat night to check memory and it ia very melodramatic but still fab.. now have a vague idea that german for wheel is Rad ...or at least cycling is Radfahren iirc.. and since appalled is often synonymous with aghast.. Radagast would work?
1. Note added to a slapdash dish results in conflagration. LEMBAS: Disturbingly, blames the rations. 3. Mythical king said and heard to eat in lost kingdom. 4. We hear hesitation and time asked for a doomed maiden. RADAGAST: German wheel sounds appalled by this chap. 6. Ruin the French honey for an epesse. NIPHREDIL: Pinch around a town in Surrey, but lose liquid to grace a nightingale’s birth. GALION: A poetically spectral warship sounds in his nomenclature. |
Having thought ruin was an anagram indicator and playing around with french for The it then occured to try french for honey which is miel and the only epesse that ends thus that I knoq of ia undomiell..and so ruin ain't an anagram hint but simply undo..assuming it is Undomiel of course.
I don't think I put in "ruin" to create a distraction and suggest an anagram that wasn't there. I think I was just trying for a completely different clue for "undo," because I used Undomiel in my last password, indicating it with the verb "loose" (as in release). So this time it was ruin in the melodramatic Victorian/Shakespearean sense. ;) 1. Note added to a slapdash dish results in conflagration. LEMBAS: Disturbingly, blames the rations. 3. Mythical king said and heard to eat in lost kingdom. 4. We hear hesitation and time asked for a doomed maiden. RADAGAST: German wheel sounds appalled by this chap. UNDOMIEL: Ruin the French honey for an epesse. NIPHREDIL: Pinch around a town in Surrey, but lose liquid to grace a nightingale's birth. GALION: A poetically spectral warship sounds in his nomenclature. |
Anagram obsession.
I qould say 4 was urwen / er qhen but that would give the paasqord an unusual double u unless that is an anagram too... |
P.S. This could be because I go to "edit" in my last post to get the "what's solved so far" version of the password, then copy and paste it into my next post and add the next solved bit - and that time I didn't close the previous version first. (Possibly). 1. Note added to a slapdash dish results in conflagration. LEMBAS: Disturbingly, blames the rations. 3. Mythical king said and heard to eat in lost kingdom. URWEN: We hear hesitation and time asked for a doomed maiden. RADAGAST: German wheel sounds appalled by this chap. UNDOMIEL: Ruin the French honey for an epesse. NIPHREDIL: Pinch around a town in Surrey, but lose liquid to grace a nightingale's birth. GALION: A poetically spectral warship sounds in his nomenclature. |
Ah that makes morecsense..Glaurung for password then?
G: Note added to a slapdash dish results in conflagration. LEMBAS: Disturbingly, blames the rations. A: Mythical king said and heard to eat in lost kingdom. URWEN: We hear hesitation and time asked for a doomed maiden. RADAGAST: German wheel sounds appalled by this chap. UNDOMIEL: Ruin the French honey for an epesse. NIPHREDIL: Pinch around a town in Surrey, but lose liquid to grace a nightingale's birth. GALION: A poetically spectral warship sounds in his nomenclature. I've always thought the name Glaurung the most cruel and vicious sounding of all Tolkien's villains. (Although not in reality the most evil). Perhaps because it uses the same vowel sounds/diphthong as "devour." |
Realising that I have mentally mispronounced this always... as arthdane Arthedain..Arthur and dine?
G: Note added to a slapdash dish results in conflagration. LEMBAS: Disturbingly, blames the rations. ARTHEDAIN: Mythical king said and heard to eat in lost kingdom. URWEN: We hear hesitation and time asked for a doomed maiden. RADAGAST: German wheel sounds appalled by this chap. UNDOMIEL: Ruin the French honey for an epesse. NIPHREDIL: Pinch around a town in Surrey, but lose liquid to grace a nightingale's birth. GALION: A poetically spectral warship sounds in his nomenclature. |
Ooh flash of inspiration after fruitlessly scouring indexes..Ghash? G and Hash...
It didn't help that I couldn't get beyond bubblecand squeak for a slapdash dish.
GHASH: Note added to a slapdash dish results in conflagration. LEMBAS: Disturbingly, blames the rations. ARTHEDAIN: Mythical king said and heard to eat in lost kingdom. URWEN: We hear hesitation and time asked for a doomed maiden. RADAGAST: German wheel sounds appalled by this chap. UNDOMIEL: Ruin the French honey for an epesse. NIPHREDIL: Pinch around a town in Surrey, but lose liquid to grace a nightingale's birth. GALION: A poetically spectral warship sounds in his nomenclature. And well done. Over to you. :) |
As Mith is too busy at the moment, she's given me permission to post the next password. Here it is:
1. He’s expanding, or so ’tis said. 2. Hobbit known for decorative candy? 3. The French purposes (if slightly mixed) reveal him. 4. Shrub loses sleeping disorder to reveal a deceiver. 5. Teutonic lion disturbed among the Teleri. 6. Paternal biped. |
5. Olwe - the German for lion is Lowe, according to Google, so when scrambled it gives the gentleman.
I think it's a weak masculine noun (like Junge and Neffe), but I'm picturing a classroom and a German teacher from long ago. ;) Think I'm right, though. 1. He’s expanding, or so ’tis said. 2. Hobbit known for decorative candy? 3. The French purposes (if slightly mixed) reveal him. 4. Shrub loses sleeping disorder to reveal a deceiver. OLWE: Teutonic lion disturbed among the Teleri. 6. Paternal biped. |
Thanks Perv inca.. I will try to finish one to have in hwnd..
Oh could six be Daddy Twofoot?
1. He’s expanding, or so ’tis said. 2. Hobbit known for decorative candy? 3. The French purposes (if slightly mixed) reveal him. 4. Shrub loses sleeping disorder to reveal a deceiver. OLWE: Teutonic lion disturbed among the Teleri. DADDY TWOFOOT: Paternal biped. |
There was an Angelica whom Bilbo gave a mirror I think...
1. He’s expanding, or so ’tis said. ANGELICA (BAGGINS): Hobbit known for decorative candy? 3. The French purposes (if slightly mixed) reveal him. 4. Shrub loses sleeping disorder to reveal a deceiver. OLWE: Teutonic lion disturbed among the Teleri. DADDY TWOFOOT: Paternal biped. |
Sudden flash of inspiration, I hope..3 Legolas ? Le + anagram of goals
1. He’s expanding, or so ’tis said. ANGELICA (BAGGINS): Hobbit known for decorative candy? LEGOLAS: The French purposes (if slightly mixed) reveal him. 4. Shrub loses sleeping disorder to reveal a deceiver. OLWE: Teutonic lion disturbed among the Teleri. DADDY TWOFOOT: Paternal biped. |
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