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Galadriel55 09-17-2013 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 686575)
I am being thick here but I don't get why three directions is north? V clever password btw

Thanks Mith! The three directions are north-down-s.

Mithalwen 09-17-2013 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 686580)
Thanks Mith! The three directions are north-down-s.

Yes of course...plank moment...

Pervinca Took 09-17-2013 04:07 PM

That was a great password, Galadriel! And the verbal "fruit salads" game was fun.

Feel indebted to Mithalwen for seeing that the second clue was *one of* the Heren Istarion - as that was how I finally saw the password.

Here's the next password. Enjoy!

1. Declare sudden flight in confusion on the Blessed Isle.
2. Hobbit on a kosher diet?
3. Entice within? Disorientated. One of a doomed pair.
4. The Spanish element has a princely quality.
5. Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials?
6. Unfortunate bovine creature.
7. Roundabout perambulations, Merry exclaims.
8. Troubled double agent in Doriath.
9. A mixture of rowing implements needed here.
10. Probably a homely place, if no entrance to paradise.
11. Heavy metal town? Confused.
12. Galadriel’s squeeze keeps beak out for a warrior.
13. Ash fuel used for transport in Rohan.
14. First person joins troubled kingdom. A heavenly helpmeet.
15. It blooms unwillingly.
16. Legendary priest gets muddled and loses note, but gains direction as immortal, perhaps?

Mithalwen 09-17-2013 04:39 PM

GladmI helped...wasn't exactly my finest hour...and now the rammas echor is exceeded...but I think 13 is Hasufel, the horse loaned to Aragorn by Eómer.

Pervinca Took 09-17-2013 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 686586)
GladmI helped...wasn't exactly my finest hour...and now the rammas echor is exceeded...but I think 13 is Hasufel, the horse loaned to Aragorn by Eómer.

Indeed it is.

1. Declare sudden flight in confusion on the Blessed Isle.
2. Hobbit on a kosher diet?
3. Entice within? Disorientated. One of a doomed pair.
4. The Spanish element has a princely quality.
5. Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials?
6. Unfortunate bovine creature.
7. Roundabout perambulations, Merry exclaims.
8. Troubled double agent in Doriath.
9. A mixture of rowing implements needed here.
10. Probably a homely place, if no entrance to paradise.
11. Heavy metal town? Confused.
12. Galadriel’s squeeze keeps beak out for a warrior.
HASUFEL: Ash fuel used for transport in Rohan.
14. First person joins troubled kingdom. A heavenly helpmeet.
15. It blooms unwillingly.
16. Legendary priest gets muddled and loses note, but gains direction as immortal, perhaps?

Mithalwen 09-17-2013 05:17 PM

4 Elboron? As only known child of Faramir I assume he would have been Prince of Ithilien in his turn and I auppose Dior's son would have been a prince ..

Pervinca Took 09-17-2013 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 686588)
4 Elboron? As only known child of Faramir I assume he would have been Prince of Ithilien in his turn and I auppose Dior's son would have been a prince ..

Yes, EL plus the element BORON - Elboron was Faramir's son and so the second Prince of Ithilien - where does Dior's son come into it, though?

1. Declare sudden flight in confusion on the Blessed Isle.
2. Hobbit on a kosher diet?
3. Entice within? Disorientated. One of a doomed pair.
ELBORON: The Spanish element has a princely quality.
5. Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials?
6. Unfortunate bovine creature.
7. Roundabout perambulations, Merry exclaims.
8. Troubled double agent in Doriath.
9. A mixture of rowing implements needed here.
10. Probably a homely place, if no entrance to paradise.
11. Heavy metal town? Confused.
12. Galadriel’s squeeze keeps beak out for a warrior.
HASUFEL: Ash fuel used for transport in Rohan.
14. First person joins troubled kingdom. A heavenly helpmeet.
15. It blooms unwillingly.
16. Legendary priest gets muddled and loses note, but gains direction as immortal, perhaps?

Mithalwen 09-17-2013 05:48 PM

Sorry got one draft Elured and Elurin were Elboron and Elbereth.

Pervinca Took 09-18-2013 12:19 AM

Ah OK, is that somewhere in HOME?

Mithalwen 09-18-2013 04:52 AM

Prolly. How peculiarv3 is Elured isn't it? Lose E, literally disorientating.removing the east! Lured is enticed.

Galadriel55 09-18-2013 05:10 AM

5. Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials?

Funnily enough, for this one the only thing I have so far is Marigold (Gamgee), who is not related to the Tooks and who contains "old". :rolleyes:

Mithalwen 09-18-2013 08:07 AM

Having studied the family trees, Pippin's grandfather - who wasn't a Thain himself, was Adalgrim, which is anagram of Grima lad.

Pervinca Took 09-18-2013 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 686592)
Prolly. How peculiarv3 is Elured isn't it? Lose E, literally disorientating.removing the east! Lured is enticed.

Very close, but the function of "disorientated" is much less elaborate, and you have changed tense to get to Elured. ;)

Adalgrim is correct, though, and for the reason you stated.

1. Declare sudden flight in confusion on the Blessed Isle.
2. Hobbit on a kosher diet?
3. Entice within? Disorientated. One of a doomed pair.
ELBORON: The Spanish element has a princely quality.
ADALGRIM: Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials?
6. Unfortunate bovine creature.
7. Roundabout perambulations, Merry exclaims.
8. Troubled double agent in Doriath.
9. A mixture of rowing implements needed here.
10. Probably a homely place, if no entrance to paradise.
11. Heavy metal town? Confused.
12. Galadriel’s squeeze keeps beak out for a warrior.
HASUFEL: Ash fuel used for transport in Rohan.
14. First person joins troubled kingdom. A heavenly helpmeet.
15. It blooms unwillingly.
16. Legendary priest gets muddled and loses note, but gains direction as immortal, perhaps?

Mithalwen 09-18-2013 03:59 PM

Will try the other then..Elurin. just an anagram of lure in...overcooked it

Pervinca Took 09-18-2013 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 686598)
Will try the other then..Elurin. just an anagram of lure in...overcooked it

Yes. I was just trying to avoid using "confused" too many times. I think "disorientated" kind of works as a "scramble/mix/anagram" indicator, but the idea of using it to extract an E is very cool indeed and something I hadn't thought of. ("Loses note/direction/point" is harder to solve, though, of course - several possibilities to choose from).

I thought you might guess that one quickly after your comment re. Dior's sons. ;)

Thought "within" a bit naff but couldn't think of another synonym for "in" in that context.

1. Declare sudden flight in confusion on the Blessed Isle.
2. Hobbit on a kosher diet?
ELURIN: Entice within? Disorientated. One of a doomed pair.
ELBORON: The Spanish element has a princely quality.
ADALGRIM: Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials?
6. Unfortunate bovine creature.
7. Roundabout perambulations, Merry exclaims.
8. Troubled double agent in Doriath.
9. A mixture of rowing implements needed here.
10. Probably a homely place, if no entrance to paradise.
11. Heavy metal town? Confused.
12. Galadriel’s squeeze keeps beak out for a warrior.
HASUFEL: Ash fuel used for transport in Rohan.
14. First person joins troubled kingdom. A heavenly helpmeet.
15. It blooms unwillingly.
16. Legendary priest gets muddled and loses note, but gains direction as immortal, perhaps?

Mithalwen 09-18-2013 05:03 PM

Not a lot of cows in Middle Earth that we see...but Farmer Giles' Galathea gets squished... So I will try her.

Ooh2 Hamfast? Been bugging me all day.

Galadriel55 09-18-2013 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 686600)
Ooh2 Hamfast? Been bugging me all day.

Ohhh, I get it! Good one!

Mithalwen 09-19-2013 06:26 AM

Stab atvthe password The Eagle and Child?

Pervinca Took 09-19-2013 12:13 PM

All three correct! :)

And I was going to say that Tolkien was usually kind to animals in his tales ... but then I remembered that two sets of ponies got eaten. (At least, I think the goblins would have eaten the first lot). And Snowmane didn't have a very easy end, either.

Chilling thought, but JRRT must have known how many horses suffered and perished in the Great War. :( I wonder if that is somehow reflected in his stories, as one of the realities of war. I really ought to read that John Garth book that I bought so long ago ....

T: Declare sudden flight in confusion on the Blessed Isle.
HAMFAST: Hobbit on a kosher diet?
ELURIN: Entice within? Disorientated. One of a doomed pair.
ELBORON: The Spanish element has a princely quality.
ADALGRIM: Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials?
GALATHEA: Unfortunate bovine creature.
L: Roundabout perambulations, Merry exclaims.
E: Troubled double agent in Doriath.
A: A mixture of rowing implements needed here.
N: Probably a homely place, if no entrance to paradise.
D: Heavy metal town? Confused.
C: Galadriel’s squeeze keeps beak out for a warrior.
HASUFEL: Ash fuel used for transport in Rohan.
I: First person joins troubled kingdom. A heavenly helpmeet.
L: It blooms unwillingly.
D: Legendary priest gets muddled and loses note, but gains direction as immortal, perhaps?

Mithalwen 09-19-2013 01:28 PM

Oh the dragon ones...yes I think Bill's unlikely survival was penance maybe. But The hobbit was written before horses had been totally superseded as transport and become merely recreational.

Totally awesome password. I was baffled by the double e since it clearly wasn't Bree. Then was looking for eagle places in middle earth.

Pervinca Took 09-19-2013 01:37 PM

I already had a password ready, but I got clue-writing fever last weekend when we were puzzling over Galadriel's, and for some reason decided out of nowhere to try to do The Eagle And Child. Am working on one a bit more along the lines of Galadriel's last one, too (I hope that's OK?). (Because that was doublepluscool). ;)

Mithalwen 09-19-2013 01:49 PM

Oxonmoot on your mind....

Pervinca Took 09-19-2013 02:07 PM

Probably. ;)

Galadriel55 09-20-2013 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 686607)
Am working on one a bit more along the lines of Galadriel's last one, too (I hope that's OK?). (Because that was doublepluscool). ;)

You are to goodmindful (I'd say thoughtful but that's a word that would not exist alongside doublepluscool :)). I'm not the first one to twist the password - a while ago I read through this thread, and what tricks and scrambles you can't find! In one password you had to take the first letter of the answer and the first letter of the clue to get the password.

Pervinca Took 09-20-2013 01:27 PM

Codebreakers, indeed. :cool:

I'll be away until Sunday evening, but Mith can text me if any answers need confirming, and post my replies (or the gist of them) on my behalf.

Mithalwen 09-20-2013 03:49 PM

Last one I think is Durin calledvdeathless and anagram of druid if you switch a d for n.

Edit have texted Pervinca and thismis correct

Mithalwen 09-21-2013 03:59 AM

Trying Aros for the a ..anagram of oars.

Mithalwen 09-21-2013 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 686619)
Trying Aros for the a ..anagram of oars.

And Dale anagram of lead

Pervinca Took 09-22-2013 03:36 PM

Yes, all three correct, as confirmed by text.

T: Declare sudden flight in confusion on the Blessed Isle.
HAMFAST: Hobbit on a kosher diet?
ELURIN: Entice within? Disorientated. One of a doomed pair.
ELBORON: The Spanish element has a princely quality.
ADALGRIM: Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials?
GALATHEA: Unfortunate bovine creature.
L: Roundabout perambulations, Merry exclaims.
E: Troubled double agent in Doriath.
AROS: A mixture of rowing implements needed here.
N: Probably a homely place, if no entrance to paradise.
DALE: Heavy metal town? Confused.
C: Galadriel’s squeeze keeps beak out for a warrior.
HASUFEL: Ash fuel used for transport in Rohan.
I: First person joins troubled kingdom. A heavenly helpmeet.
L: It blooms unwillingly.
DURIN: Legendary priest gets muddled and loses note, but gains direction as immortal, perhaps?

Mithalwen 09-23-2013 12:30 PM

Sure this is wrkng but fixating .Eglador for the Doriath one and Lissuin for the bloom on. But neither fully work.

Pervinca Took 09-23-2013 01:58 PM

No. But to make it easier, the remaining E is a person you might find in Doriath, and the "bloom one" is a linguistic clue.

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-25-2013 06:48 AM

I think I've worked out some of these.

LOTHLORIEN is the reluctant bloomer
LAWKS is, I suspect the exclamation
CEORL is the warrior
and ILMARË is the heavenly helpmeet

There are some difficult ones in there. I shall have to get my thinking cap on.

Mithalwen 09-25-2013 07:18 AM

I wondered about ceorl because all the letters are in Celeborn but was stymied by beak.
I couldn't get beyond laps for roundabout perambulations....gah

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-25-2013 07:56 AM

Celeborn - neb then unscramble

Pervinca Took 09-25-2013 01:12 PM

Well done! Mostly correct. "Neb" is found more in northern dialect, perhaps (nowadays, at least) - "Keep your neb out" was an expression my mother was quite fond of.

Yes, Ilmare is "I" plus "realm," Varda's helpmeet (and both quite concerned with the stars and the heavens). I did look up helpmeet, and it doesn't necessarily have to be a helper who is a mate as in partner (although it usually is).

Lothlorien is very nearly right, but I usually account for every bit of the word ... you've just provided a little too much. Maybe splitting hairs, but ....

I'd say the first T is the most obscure of those remaining. But it's findable.

T: Declare sudden flight in confusion on the Blessed Isle.
HAMFAST: Hobbit on a kosher diet?
ELURIN: Entice within? Disorientated. One of a doomed pair.
ELBORON: The Spanish element has a princely quality.
ADALGRIM: Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials?
GALATHEA: Unfortunate bovine creature.
LAWKS: Roundabout perambulations, Merry exclaims.
E: Troubled double agent in Doriath.
AROS: A mixture of rowing implements needed here.
N: Probably a homely place, if no entrance to paradise.
DALE: Heavy metal town? Confused.
CEORL: Galadriel’s squeeze keeps beak out for a warrior.
HASUFEL: Ash fuel used for transport in Rohan.
ILMARE: First person joins troubled kingdom. A heavenly helpmeet.
LOTH: It blooms unwillingly.
DURIN: Legendary priest gets muddled and loses note, but gains direction as immortal, perhaps?

Mithalwen 09-25-2013 01:28 PM

Never heard of neb. But I am a Southron...

Mithalwen 09-25-2013 01:29 PM

Oh is the L just loth ..Sindarin for Flower?

Pervinca Took 09-25-2013 01:46 PM

Yes (now edited into my last post).

Mithalwen 09-25-2013 01:51 PM

Oooooh Elmo...Thingol's mysterioua and possibly Muppet brother. Anagram of mole.

Pervinca Took 09-25-2013 02:02 PM

Good work! (Completely confused on the Muppet aspect, though) ...was he considered an Elf of very little brain, or did he do some daft things that I've forgotten?

T: Declare sudden flight in confusion on the Blessed Isle.
HAMFAST: Hobbit on a kosher diet?
ELURIN: Entice within? Disorientated. One of a doomed pair.
ELBORON: The Spanish element has a princely quality.
ADALGRIM: Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials?
GALATHEA: Unfortunate bovine creature.
LAWKS: Roundabout perambulations, Merry exclaims.
ELMO: Troubled double agent in Doriath.
AROS: A mixture of rowing implements needed here.
N: Probably a homely place, if no entrance to paradise.
DALE: Heavy metal town? Confused.
CEORL: Galadriel’s squeeze keeps beak out for a warrior.
HASUFEL: Ash fuel used for transport in Rohan.
ILMARE: First person joins troubled kingdom. A heavenly helpmeet.
LOTH: It blooms unwillingly.
DURIN: Legendary priest gets muddled and loses note, but gains direction as immortal, perhaps?

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