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Noooo Elmo isbthe name of a red monster Muppet with an orange nose. No wonder they kept him quiet.
I think the homely place is Needlehole
Now I write it out, I realise that the needle's eye was only part of the simile involving the camel, and not the actual thing the rich man had to get through to enter Paradise. T: Declare sudden flight in confusion on the Blessed Isle. HAMFAST: Hobbit on a kosher diet? ELURIN: Entice within? Disorientated. One of a doomed pair. ELBORON: The Spanish element has a princely quality. ADALGRIM: Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials? GALATHEA: Unfortunate bovine creature. LAWKS: Roundabout perambulations, Merry exclaims. ELMO: Troubled double agent in Doriath. AROS: A mixture of rowing implements needed here. NEEDLEHOLE: Probably a homely place, if no entrance to paradise. DALE: Heavy metal town? Confused. CEORL: Galadriel’s squeeze keeps beak out for a warrior. HASUFEL: Ash fuel used for transport in Rohan. ILMARE: First person joins troubled kingdom. A heavenly helpmeet. LOTH: It blooms unwillingly. DURIN: Legendary priest gets muddled and loses note, but gains direction as immortal, perhaps? Am working hard at the cryptic clue in the other thread, but no success as yet. |
I would guess Tol Eressea for the remaining clue, mainly for the Isle part. It contains aero and soar, but in both cases the remaining letters don't make sense...
No, the name's a bit more obscure than Tol Eressea. It's on the Blessed Isle, and the clue accounts for all the letters of the answer.
Tavrobel..just becausr it is the only place beginning with T I can find not because i have accounted for the letters alas
TAVROBEL: Declare sudden flight in confusion on the Blessed Isle. HAMFAST: Hobbit on a kosher diet? ELURIN: Entice within? Disorientated. One of a doomed pair. ELBORON: The Spanish element has a princely quality. ADALGRIM: Young Wormtongue confused at Great Smials? GALATHEA: Unfortunate bovine creature. LAWKS: Roundabout perambulations, Merry exclaims. ELMO: Troubled double agent in Doriath. AROS: A mixture of rowing implements needed here. NEEDLEHOLE: Probably a homely place, if no entrance to paradise. DALE: Heavy metal town? Confused. CEORL: Galadriel’s squeeze keeps beak out for a warrior. HASUFEL: Ash fuel used for transport in Rohan. ILMARE: First person joins troubled kingdom. A heavenly helpmeet. LOTH: It blooms unwillingly. DURIN: Legendary priest gets muddled and loses note, but gains direction as immortal, perhaps? Over to Mithalwen. :) |
Ohhhh aver i would never have got.... and bolt would have taken a while..ok.. i am working on one..
Where is Tavrobel? :confused:
It's a city on Tol Eressea. It's mentioned in The Book Of Lost Tales - but I forget if it's volume one or two. I was trawling on The Tolkien Gateway when I found it. Here:
http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Tavrobel I don't think Mith's Artanaro was even on The Tolkien Gateway. It took an even wider internet search to find! |
There was a character in the Shire inn rpg fr a while called Tavrobelion but i struggld with lost tale must try again.
One of the books seen and translated by Aelfwine was the Golden Book of Tavrobel. In the preamble to his English version he mentions that Pengolod the Wise carried it when he left Middle-earth and completed it there.
1 Departed Scandinavian king?
2 A strain for this lady? 3 LINDON Mafia boss after French cloth here? 4 ANDUIN Great Flower 5 Endless enigma man becomes tragic hero. 6HURIN THALION Comic muse takes direction for this hero's epesse. 7 RINGBEARER Any of about ten men, various dwarves, four halflingsthree and a half elves or a brace of Maia. 8 IMLOTH MELUI Mo lit helium in Gondor 9 Elvish jewel precedes unseen rays or spirit? Not my finest effort sorry |
4. Anduin
6. Thalion 7. Ringbearer? |
Anduin and ringbearer are right. Thalion isnt wrong despite me missing out a bit of the clue. You njust need to take it one more step.
I think number three ends in DON for Mafia boss. But none of the French words for cloth or rag seem to work. "Loque" was the one I knew without heading to Google Translate.
I did find "lambeau" meaning "shred, rag, tatter," but I guess Lamedon is a bit of a stretch from there. I love the Ringbearer clue, and am awed by Galadriel's classical knowledge - I had to look that up before I found Thalia. (One could argue that you left Deagol and Celebrimbor out of the Ringbearer clue, but that would be to split hairs). ;) I'd suggest Cuthalion - but I can't justify it from the clue. |
Oh it is simpler than that. i just had a surfeit of t clues so you just need the peron whose epesse is Thalion.....
Don is right and the cloth you hardly need french for.. while despite two years in France and a French degree and a degree in french both loque and lambeau are new to me.. |
Hurin, then?
Maybe the French cloth means a kind of material originating in France, then. Unfortunately, the only one I know is tulle (I believe I went to the town of Tulle during a family holiday in the 80's).
Hmmmm ... Tulledon or scrambled tulle isn't really taking me anywhere, though. ;) |
Yes Hurin. No to tulle and much less obsure.
8. shot in the dark - Minas Anor?
3 Mafia boss after French cloth here?
Lindon? Worked backwards from the only other -don place I could think of, and looked up "lin" to see if it meant anything in French (possibly cognate with the word "linen"). Apparently it does indeed mean flax or linen in French. 8 Mo lit helium in Gondor Imloth Melui? (I guessed this one was an anagram, but I kept trying to do things with Ithil, and wondered at one point if it was one of the beacons and and the "lit" element was part straight and part cryptic ....) And perhaps Galadhrim for the password? (If correct, more credit due to Galadriel than to me). 5 isn't Durin, is it? |
Yes I thought since so few don places lin might be recognised from linseed or lingerie lining even. the botanical name is linum but I suspect lin may be coparable to golden woodem leaden woolen etc
I was going to use Ioreth but her old home was more of a challenge. Not Durin Not Galathrim |
Oh just to clarify I deliberately excluded Celebrimbor and Deagol since I feel Ringbearer signifys more than haviing them in your possession for longer than "ooh shiny! mine! No! Aargh!" and while Celebrimbor made the three he seems apart somehow.
Yes - I knew "linge" for linen used in the context of laundry/washing,but not "lin" until I looked it up. Agreed about Deagol - I just like to think of him as the forgotten Ringbearer. After all, he had already given Smeagol a present. ;)
I wonder if any Silmaril lore passed to Celebrimbor from his grandfather, and whether it's mere coincidence that they both made three of what they made. (Feanor possibly made the 9 Palantiri too, of course). 5. Barking up entirely the wrong tree, I'm sure, but the only real "enigma man" I can think of (unless you count why Beorn is sometimes a bear) is Bombadil. And I suppose he's endless. How the "tragic hero" could fit I don't know, unless his other name, Iarwain Ben-adar, is also the name of a tragic hero in another tale. Unless - cutting the end off enigma was giving me no joy - perhaps it's "enigma man" one needs to take the scissors to. Synoynms of the term haven't led me anywhere, so .... |
But Déagol would be slippery slope to including Bombadil...
Deagol did possess it, though, just for a few moments, before the next keeper claimed it, whilst it was just passed or lent to Bombadil for a few minutes, then went back to its keeper.
Not disputing, just musing. ;) EDIT: I'd say Haladhrim, but I can't seem to find an instance of it. And Haradrim doesn't seem to include the second H. |
Neither right . You were closer before.now panicking and will check I haven't made up a word.
2 3 LINDON 4 ANDUIN 5 6 HURINTHALION 7 RINGBEARER 8 IMLOTHMELUI 9 The names are quite long towards the end, which could of course just be a coincidence, but I think that the password might be diagonal or backwards-diagonal or something. A diagonal one would give _ _ NU_TAE_. Which doesn't give anything. I'm very tempted to say the password is a straight IMLADRIS, but it doesn't have the H. |
Artanis for the lady under strain - another name for Galadriel.
correct for Artanis and the password is initials
1 FINGON Sounds like a departed Scandinavian king? 2 ARTANIS A strain for this lady? 3 LINDON Mafia boss after French cloth here? 4 ANDUIN Great Flower 5 TURIN Endless enigma man becomes tragic hero. 6 HURIN THALION Comic muse takes direction for this hero's epesse. 7 RINGBEARER Any of about ten men, various dwarves, four halflingsthree and a half elves or a brace of Maia. 8 IMLOTH MELUI Mo lit helium in Gondor 9 MIRUVOR Elvish jewel precedes unseen rays or spirit? |
"Unseen rays" - completely baffled. It couldn't possibly be the fire in Feanor "that maybe ye know not of"? Fea means spirit, of course.
Could Feanor himself be the Elvish jewel, metaphorically speaking? The greatest of the Noldor, whose marring was mourned most of all the unhappiness that befell in those early days? |
Absolutely nothing to do with Feanor. This is actually very straight forward.:smokin:
Nimphelos - but all I can find in that is "nymph" for "spirit."
Nope. All elements of correct answer are there.
Password: either Falathrim or its form in Sindarin dialect, Falathrin?
From the Tolkien Gateway: "The Falathrim were the shoreland Elves of the Falas who took Círdan as their lord from the beginning. Their last home on Middle-earth before finally leaving for the Undying Lands was the Grey Havens, but before that they dwelt mainly in the ancient havens of Eglarest and Brithombar." 1. I'll guess Fingon ... but is Finland part of Scandinavia? From Wikipedia: "The terms Scandinavia and Scandinavian entered usage in the 18th century as terms for the three Scandinavian countries [Sweden, Norway and Denmark], their peoples and associated language and culture, being introduced by the early linguistic and cultural Scandinavist movement. Sometimes the term Scandinavia is also taken to include Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Finland, on account of their historical association with the Scandinavian countries." |
Fingon is correct as is Falathrim ..I ditched geography at thirteen but liked the punniness.I have only just noticed the enigma man musings btw. No comment for now.
I guessed Finwe first, but it didn't really have enough of the sound of the word "away" in it.
I was looking for kings ending in -dane for a while ... not to mention trying to find answers with Olaf or Harald in them! ... TURIN!! From Alan Turing, of the Bletchley Park codebreakers. Decrypters of Morse code that had been encrypted by Enigma machines in WW2. Lose the final G and it's endless. And I was trying to get to Turin from the idea of the Turin shroud being an enigma, or wondering how enigma could be connected with some of the letters of Thorin, Thror or Thrain .... |
9. Miruvor. (mir+uv+or, makes a spirit/drink) That was clever. I only realized after I had the word that the spirit part doesn't mean ghost or something similar.
I'm convinced that the second letter of the T clue is O, but I can't find the right To- person. Unless it's Tolman, but he's hardly a tragic hero. Edit: xed with Pervinca. Ahhhhh! And I thought that it's Tom losing the M. Very clever. :) |
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