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Old 03-12-2007, 03:18 PM   #2521
The Squatter of Amon Rûdh
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Pipe The REST

Here you are, ladies.

-e / --s / -e-er / -e--t / t- / -e / ---t---- / -er- / ----;/ --- / -e / --s / -e-er / -er- / str---.
Man kenuva métim' andúne?
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Old 03-13-2007, 02:27 AM   #2522
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
N-y Ns?
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-13-2007, 04:26 AM   #2523
The Squatter of Amon Rûdh
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Pipe RENTS are due

Certainly are. Here you go.

-e / --s / ne-er / -e-nt / t- / -e / -n-t--n- / -er- / ----;/ -n- / -e / --s / ne-er / -er- / str-n-.
Man kenuva métim' andúne?
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Old 03-13-2007, 05:04 AM   #2524
Banshee of Camelot
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now I recognise it!

"But of course, he is only a little man.He was never meant to be anything very much; and he was never very strong."

The Second Voice about Niggle
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-13-2007, 08:02 AM   #2525
The Squatter of Amon Rûdh
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Pipe We have a winner.

That's the one, Guinevere.
Man kenuva métim' andúne?
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Old 03-14-2007, 01:35 PM   #2526
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Sorry for the delay! Here is a new one to guess:

"-/ ---'-/ -------/ ----/ --/ ----/ ----/ -----/ ----/ ---/ -----/ --/, --/ ---/ ----/ ---/ -----/ -----/, --/ -----/ ----/ --/ --/ ----/ ---/ -----/."

(I hope you will continue to honour this game with your participation, Squatter. )
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-14-2007, 02:12 PM   #2527
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
It's always T-time as far as I'm concerned!
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-14-2007, 02:26 PM   #2528
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a lot of T for you

"-/ ---'t/ -------/ ----/ --/ t---/ ----/ -----/ t---/ ---/ -----/ t-/, --/ ---/ t---/ ---/ -----/ t----/, --/ -----/ ----/ -t/ --/ t---/ --t/ t----/."
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-15-2007, 02:29 AM   #2529
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
O, please
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-15-2007, 09:08 AM   #2530
Tuor in Gondolin
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Walking To Rivendell and beyond 12,555 miles passed Nt./Day 5: Pass the beacon on Nardol, the 'Fire Hill.'
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Old 03-15-2007, 01:09 PM   #2531
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TOP - but there are no P's, sorry.

"-/ -o-'t/ -------/ ----/ --/ t---/ --o-/ -----/ t---/ ---/ -o---/ to/, o-/ ---/ t---/ ---/ -o---/ t----/, o-/ -o---/ --o-/ -t/ --/ t---/ -ot/ t----/."
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-16-2007, 02:54 AM   #2532
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
D, please
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-16-2007, 09:08 AM   #2533
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TOD - no P

"-/ do-'t/ -------/ ----/ --/ t---/ --o-/ -----/ t---/ ---/ -o---/ to/, o-/ ---/ t---/ ---/ -o---/ t----/, o-/ -o--d/ --o-/ -t/ --/ t---/ -ot/ t----/."
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-16-2007, 10:09 AM   #2534
The Squatter of Amon Rûdh
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How about A?
Man kenuva métim' andúne?
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:55 PM   #2535
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TOAD ( no P)

"-/ do-'t/ -------/ -a--/ --/ t---/ --o-/ -----/ t---/ a--/ -o---/ to/, o-/ ---/ t---/ a--/ -o---/ t----/, o-/ -o--d/ --o-/ -t/ --/ t---/ -ot/ t----/."
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-16-2007, 01:23 PM   #2536
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
Sss, my preciousss?
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-16-2007, 01:40 PM   #2537
Banshee of Camelot
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TOAD (no S, no P)

"-/ do-'t/ -------/ -a--/ --/ t---/ --o-/ -----/ t---/ a--/ -o---/ to/, o-/ ---/ t---/ a--/ -o---/ t----/, o-/ -o--d/ --o-/ -t/ --/ t---/ -ot/ t----/."
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-17-2007, 05:42 AM   #2538
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
R there any Rs?
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-17-2007, 11:12 AM   #2539
Banshee of Camelot
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DO ART (no S, no P)

"-/ do-'t/ -------/ -a--/ --/ t---/ --o-/ ---r-/ t---/ ar-/ -o---/ to/, or/ ---/ t---/ ar-/ -o---/ t--r-/, or/ -o--d/ --o-/ -t/ --/ t---/ -ot/ t--r-/."
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-17-2007, 01:42 PM   #2540
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
Ah, now I recognize the quote! It's one of my favourites from Roverandom, and it's the title "hero" speaking to himself:
I don't believe half of them know where they are going to, or why they are going there, or would know it if they got there.
For some reason, that strikes me as being an appropriate remark about politicians!
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-17-2007, 02:31 PM   #2541
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Thumbs up exactly!

Well done, Esty! and I agree about the politicians.
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-17-2007, 02:38 PM   #2542
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
Here's another quote that could be put in the politician category...
-- - --- ---- ------- - ------ --- --- --- --- ---- -- ---- --- ---- ----'-- --- ---, ------- ------ -- - -------- ------- -- ---------, --- - ------ --- ---- ---- --- -- --------.
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-17-2007, 03:41 PM   #2543
Banshee of Camelot
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A please
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-18-2007, 07:40 AM   #2544
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
-- - -a- ---- ------- - ------ --- --- a-- --- ---- -- ---- --- --a- ----'-- --- ---, -a----- ------ -- a ------a- ------- -- ---------, a-- - ------ --- --a- ---- --- -- --------.
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-18-2007, 01:35 PM   #2545
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N please
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-18-2007, 02:25 PM   #2546
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!

-- - -an ---- ---n--- - ------ --- --- an- --- ---- -- ---- --- --a- ----'-- --- ---, -a---n- ------ -n a -----na- ------n -- -------n-, an- - ------ --- --a- ---- --- -- --------.
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-19-2007, 01:56 PM   #2547
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how about some T ?
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-19-2007, 03:06 PM   #2548
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
A N T or T A N ?

-- - -an t--- ---nt-- - ------ --t --- an- --- ---- t- ---- --- t-at t---'-- --t ---, -a---n- ------ -n a -----na- --t---n -- ----t--n-, an- - ------ --- t-at t--- --- -t --------.
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-19-2007, 03:25 PM   #2549
Banshee of Camelot
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R please
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-19-2007, 03:42 PM   #2550
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
the R A N T that wasn't a rant

-- - ran t--- ---ntr- - ------ --t --- an- --- ---- t- ---- --- t-at t---'r- --t --r, -a---n- ------ -n a -----na- --t---n -r ----t--n-, an- - ------ --- t-at t--- --- -t -r---r--.
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-20-2007, 11:31 AM   #2551
Tuor in Gondolin
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Tuor in Gondolin has been trapped in the Barrow!
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Walking To Rivendell and beyond 12,555 miles passed Nt./Day 5: Pass the beacon on Nardol, the 'Fire Hill.'
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Old 03-20-2007, 11:44 AM   #2552
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!

-- - ran t--- ---ntry - ------ --t --- an- --- ---- t- ---- --- t-at t--y'r- --t --r, -a---n- ------ -n a -----na- --t---n -r ----t--n-, an- - ------ --- t-at t--y --- -t -r---r-y.
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-20-2007, 02:47 PM   #2553
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"If I ran this country I should put him and his like to some job that they're fit for, washing dishes in a communal kitchen or something, and I should see that they did it properly."

Councillor Tompkins to Atkins, about poor Niggle. (horrible idea, living in a country with such principles!)
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-20-2007, 03:00 PM   #2554
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
Yes, not a pleasant sentence, but memorable for that very reason! You got it, Guinevere!
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-22-2007, 02:34 AM   #2555
Banshee of Camelot
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Thank you, Esty.

"-----/ ---/ ---/ -/ ------/ --/ --/ ----/ --/ -----/, --/ ----/ -------/. -------/ -----/ ----/ -/ ---/ --------/ -----/ --/ ---/ -----/."
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-22-2007, 08:55 AM   #2556
Tuor in Gondolin
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Tuor in Gondolin has been trapped in the Barrow!
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Any "z"s?
The poster formerly known as Tuor of Gondolin.
Walking To Rivendell and beyond 12,555 miles passed Nt./Day 5: Pass the beacon on Nardol, the 'Fire Hill.'
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Old 03-23-2007, 01:50 PM   #2557
Banshee of Camelot
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Not even one Z, sorry
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-23-2007, 02:11 PM   #2558
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
S, please, preciousss...
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 03-23-2007, 02:18 PM   #2559
Banshee of Camelot
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"-----/ --s/ ---/ -/ ------/ --/ --/ s---/ --/ -----/, --/ ----/ ------s/. -------/ ---s-/ ----/ -/ ---/ s-------/ ----s/ --/ ---/ -----/."
Yes! "wish-fulfilment dreams" we spin to cheat
our timid hearts, and ugly Fact defeat!
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Old 03-23-2007, 02:56 PM   #2560
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!
D, please.
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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