Happy deathday, Form, and many happy returns! I feel like the expression carries more literal sense here than in the birthday context - no matter where life takes you, I wish you many returns back to this old place, and may they be happy and numerous. There was a thread buried somewhere for the Tolkien Coming of Age Club; you make a point that now that the Downs has been around long enough that there is a fair handful of active Downers who could form a Downs Coming Of Age Club.

I can also completely relate to the awe and discombobulation of realizing half your life has been spent on the Downs; having joined at a relatively young age, I will be hitting that point in the near future (or already hit it on my last birthday, depending on how you round), and find the thought absolutely baffling. Here's to the first 18, and - shall we say that now at last you are a fully fledged Downer in your own right, and your BD "career" is just dawning?