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Old 08-31-2024, 03:42 PM   #1
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Join Date: Sep 2010
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An alternative First Age timeline inspired by Huinesoron

To get one thing out of the way immediately - my proposal for an alternative timeline IS NOT based on the framework that Huinesoron used: in fact, as I'll demonstrate shortly it is largely based on an earlier timeline/conception that Tolkien used in the NoME.

This whole endeavour was based on two of my biggest annoyances with Tolkien (who can never leave good enough alone): namely the fact that the First Age, whatever iteration, is way way too long (for example, Huinesoron has a 6,000+ year First Age, Tolkien mused about having the First Age last for 100,000 years or so, and even the AAm + Grey Annals has it at almost 5,000 years long - none of this simply fits with the slow and gradual shortening of Ages throughout history; but that is just my opinion).

However, with all that said, I find that framework a lot more in line with the rest of the legendarium. And no, it's not "canon" of course, but I'd very much like if others here (especially Huinesoron) looked at it as a fun exercise.

Think of it as my attempt to throw away any concerns about the matter of "Tolkien wrote it last, therefore it's imperative to use it"... (also, whether or not Tolkien 'abandoned' an idea is irrelevant for the purposes of this project - after all, not every aspect that he got rid of was inherently bad IMO) - anyway, enough ranting.

Anyway, to start with:

1) The whole thing that inspired this post is this little obscure passage in the NoME, chapter XIII ('Key Dates'), Text 2B, pp. 100-1:

+ that little timeline on p. 99 of 'Key Dates' in NoME

Old Scheme. “Days of Bliss” last [VY] 1–1050 before “Awaking” = 10,500 sun-years. Not long enough. Let “DB” be longer, and Elvish Events packed at end. The intrusion from outside into the “artificial” world of the Valar soon destroys it!

New. The Trees flower for 864 VY before Awaking = 124,416 sun-years. Quendi then awake in Spring of [VY] 865 (124,417 [YS]). “DB” still goes on, but Quendi start reckoning of First Age with Awaking.

First Age must last somewhat longer than SA (= 3,441). Still be more regularly “duodecimal” (as mythological) up to Death of Trees and after! Say, 4,056 years.

Death of Trees is 24 VY (= 3,456 [YS]) after Awaking = VY 888. First Age should then occupy 4,032 years = 28 VY. That is 3,456 (Death of Trees) + 576 sun-years (= 4 VY). But actually war lasts until 600? So FA = 4,056 [YS] = 28[VY +]/24[YS].

Quendi therefore enter Valinor sometime after VY 864. After VY 864 all dates should be given in sun-years (as well as VY). Found 864 sun-years after awaking = 6 VY. VY 870. (About 12 VY elapse before all settled in Valinor. VY 876.)

So to summarize what Tolkien is saying here:

1) The Two Trees flower for 864 VY (i.e. 124,416 sun-years before the Awaking of the Elves)

2) The Elves awake in spring of VY 865/1

3) The reckoning of the First Age starts with the Awaking of the Elves

4) Tolkien decided that the length of the First Age should be 4,056 solar years, somewhat longer than the Second Age (which lasted for 3,441 years)

5) Death of the Trees occured in the solar year 3,456 (VY 888 originally; but since Tolkien moved the Awaking of the Elves to VY 865/1, that figure should be VY 889/1)

6) The First Age spans the said 3,456 years as said above until Death of the Trees + the last 6 centuries where most of the action in the Silmarillion takes place (i.e. Beleriand), i.e. 3,456 + 600 = 4,056 years total

7) And lastly, it took 864 solar years for Orome to find the Quendi (VY 870; though that was changed to VY 871/1) - and what's more, it took the Eldar additional 6 VY (864 solar years) to eventually reach (or establish) themselves in Aman!

Summary: it took the Elves 1,728 solar years to reach Aman, and they spent the exact same amount of time living there before the Noldor returned to Middle-earth!

As I said in the beginning, my second gripe I wanted to address is the utterly bizzare decision on Tolkien's part to have 20+ generations of Elves between Imin/Tata/Enel and their descendants.

I won't even comment too much on it, excep to recommend Scheme 2 (chapter XVII, pp. 126-130 of the NoME).

All in all, as I said in the beginning, I think it would be a fun exercise to develop an ultimate timeline for this slightly earlier idea of Tolkien's writings (in a similar fashion that Huinesoron did) - and I would be incredibly curious if Huinesoron managed to do with it what he did with his original constructed timeline: by that I mean fitting all other Tolkien's timelines within this framework (i.e. AAm, Grey Annals, the latest XIII timeline and the Great Journey timeline).

Sorry for the long post.
Hige sceal þē heardra, heorte þē cēnre,
mōd sceal þē māre, þē ūre mægen lytlað.

Last edited by Arvegil145; 09-02-2024 at 07:23 AM.
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