View Full Version : The Theatrical Trailer

The Barrow-Wight
01-12-2001, 12:02 PM
<BR>I went to the theater for lunch today..... and spent about 10 minutes inside waiting for the previews. Finally the lights dimmed and the magic words came on the screen:<br> <br> New Line Cinema<br> <br> Actually, that wasn't so magical. But what came next was.<br> <br> A fiery animation of the Ring inscription and then a hand grasping the Ring.... a glint of gold sparked the view to a cascade of images... an army of orcs.... a close-up of the orcs .... hobbits... men... Gandalf.... an unexplainable shot of Arwen laying on a bed or a bed of roses or something... then the words I was looking for<br> <br> The Lord of the Rings<br> <br> The trailers was great but too short. It had several flashes of scenes that I can't recall at the moment, but it ended with a wonderful view of the Company of the Ring passing up a trail one by one .... Gandalf, Legolas, the hobbits, Boromir, Gimli (I didn't actually see him because a lady felt that was the time to walk in front of me) and Aragorn.<br> <br> I know there have been some Viggo Mortensen detractors saying he was no Aragorn. But he sure look like a Scoundrel to me. Gandalf looked awesome. Bean is a great Boromir (he might have made a good Aragorn). Legolas' blond, stringy hair is going to drive some folks mad, but he still looks OK.<br> <br> What I really like about what I saw in the preview was that it brought everything down to earth (or Middle-Earth). It put the characters that have been in my head for 20 years and dropped them into real scenery. Rocks, trees, snow. The 'real' story will always be in my head, but now I'll get to see it played out in front of me.<br> <br> I still think that these movies are going to be a huge boost to the JRR Tolkien literary community. People will see them and run to read the books. Especially at the breaking of the Fellowship. People are going to have to know what happens next! This break in the films is what will ensure that viewers and readers are not 'ruined' by the mistakes of the movies. The movie will introduce them and the books will educate them. Then it's our turn to help them understand! <br> <br> P.S. I didn't watch the movie (13 Days). Mrs. Wight wants me to take her to it this weekend and I didn't want to know what happens before then. So I'll get to see the trailer again <p>The Barrow-Wight (RKittle)<br> I usually haunt <a href="http://www.barrowdowns.com">The Barrow-Downs</a> and The Barrow-Downs <a href="http://www.barrowdowns.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi">Middle-Earth Discussion Board</a>.</p>

as eowyn
01-12-2001, 01:32 PM
<BR> Cool</b><br><br> I'm going to see it tonight with some friends, when did it open wherever you are? You went and payed just to see the trailer? Cool <br> <p></p>

The Barrow-Wight
01-12-2001, 01:36 PM
<BR> Re: Cool</b><br><br> It was the 12:20 matinee, so it only cost $4.50<br> I just couldn't wait <p>The Barrow-Wight (RKittle)<br> I usually haunt <a href="http://www.barrowdowns.com">The Barrow-Downs</a> and The Barrow-Downs <a href="http://www.barrowdowns.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi">Middle-Earth Discussion Board</a>.</p>

the Lorien wanderer
01-12-2001, 10:21 PM
<BR> Re: Cool</b><br><br> This is so unfair! It hasn't even come to India yet. <p>Not all those who wander are lost.</p>

01-13-2001, 01:04 AM
<BR> Re: Cool</b><br><br> Ah, don't cry Lorien Wanderer(hands him a tissue). It will get to you eventually. And if not, you can always download the trailer after Jan. 19th. <p></p>

01-13-2001, 07:10 AM
<BR> trailer and HoME XIII</b><br><br> Thanks for the update BW.<br> <br> It sounds as if the ambience of the scene's and characters will be excellent [ seriously] , as long as we don't get concerned over little details like storyline and plot .<br> <br> BTW , the arwen and roses scene is taken straight out of the soon to be released HoME XIII , the Plants and Animals of middle -Earth , in a ch. entitled Myths Transthorned, where JRRT , planned to change all references to Mallorns east of the sea to giant rose tree's.<br> <br> Lindil <p>"What then was this hope , if you know ?" Finrod asked "They say" answered Andreth :" they say that the One will himself enter into Arda , and heal Men and all the Marring from the begining to the end." Lindil is often found on posting on the 'New Revised Standard' Silmarillion at the Barrowdowns discussion board. </p>

The Barrow-Wight
01-13-2001, 08:13 AM
<BR> Re: trailer and HoME XIII</b><br><br> lindil, you are cracking me up <br> But you need to put a disclaimer by these silly remarks of yours. We've come to take you as a serious scholar, and someone may mistake your humor for fact and start spreading it.<br> &quot;Well I heard so-and-so at the Downs! Eeek&quot;<br> <br> <p>The Barrow-Wight (RKittle)<br> I usually haunt <a href="http://www.barrowdowns.com">The Barrow-Downs</a> and The Barrow-Downs <a href="http://www.barrowdowns.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi">Middle-Earth Discussion Board</a>.</p>

the Lorien wanderer
01-13-2001, 08:29 AM
<BR> Re: trailer and HoME XIII</b><br><br> Hey top wight. That's &quot;hands her a tissue&quot;. <p>Not all those who wander are lost.</p>

01-13-2001, 08:33 AM
<BR> :(</b><br><br> But disclaimers would spoil the joke , would they not .<br> But I see your point ,<br> I will have to go back to serious scholar mode, I really don't know what has come over me.<br> Although I must say, Idon't see my remarks here as any sillier than Arwen on a bed of roses in thhe first place <br> <br> lindil <p>"What then was this hope , if you know ?" Finrod asked "They say" answered Andreth :" they say that the One will himself enter into Arda , and heal Men and all the Marring from the begining to the end." Lindil is often found on posting on the 'New Revised Standard' Silmarillion at the Barrowdowns discussion board. </p>

01-13-2001, 01:19 PM
<BR> Re: :(</b><br><br> Wow. I have seen a trailer, but i don't think its the one you saw. Where did you see it??? <br> <br> /Raw <p></p>

01-13-2001, 02:28 PM
<BR> 13 Days LotR trailer</b><br><br> It is time for little réd to give her thoughts on the trailer attached to the film 13 Days here in the States...<br> <br> My overall impression was one of approval, but not overwhelming approval. I liked it, but I was not 'wowed', so to speak. <br> <br> The scenes flashed by so quickly that I could not take them in. It amazes me that some folks posting their own responses to the trailer after seeing it just once can remember specific scenes so distinctly! The redeeming quality of the trailer was the very end, the scene of the fellowship climbing up Caradhras. They all looked fabulous.<br> <br> And I even managed to sit through the entire 13 Days. It wasn't terrible, but it seemed very loooong. But hey, I got a history lesson. Pretty sad that I know more about Middle Earth history than our own! hehe <br> <br> -lil réd<br> <br> <p><blockquote><p>"He was as noble and as fair in face as an elf-lord, as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves, and as kind as summer."</p> <p>-A Short Rest, <i>The Hobbit</i></p></blockquote></p>

01-16-2001, 01:52 PM
<BR> Re: 13 Days LotR trailer</b><br><br> I saw the trailer this past Saturday and I loved it! My husband (who I couldn't get to read more than a few chapters of the Hobbit) even thinks it looks like the movies will be great. I was glad I had read Rkittle's description of it from his lunch outing because it went so fast that it was hard to grasp every scene. Also, my husband thought it was over when they faded to the title, so he dove into the popcorn and missed a few of the nine walkers. My eyes were glued, thanks to Rkittle! <br> <br> I know there have been a few people on the boards saying that they don't want to see the movies because they'll lose the images they've already formed in their heads, and only see the movies when re-reading. This scares me a bit too, but what I've seen of the characters so far looks great (I think). Legolas &amp; Gimli look amazing! (Even though I pictured Legolas with dark hair, I'll get over it) At any rate, I've been looking at drawings by John Howe and Ted Nasmith for years. And even though some of their interpretations differ from what's in my head, they haven't ruined my enjoyment of the books or my ability to create my own images and ideas of characters. <br> <br> I am nervous about the movies only because I think it will be so hard to portray the deep feelings that Tolkien can write about. The strength of his work is not so much in the dialogue, but in the way he tells the tale. I'm just not sure that any actor can portray the heartbreaking desperation that Sam feels when he has to leave Frodo at Cirith Ungol. Or be the 'twilight' or the 'morning' as Arwen and Galadriel are compared Or appear youthful, but with a light in the eye that has seen countless ages. Can an actor go from being Strider to being Aragorn? Can you just 'put on' the honour of Kings past, or an 'elvish-air'? <br> <br> I know that I will still thoroughly enjoy these movies, because I KNOW what these characters stand for. I KNOW the evil and desperation of Mordor, I have felt the weight of the Ring, I have heard the first mallorn leaf fall in Lorien, and I have tasted the bitterness of forsaking Middle Earth. BUT, unless PJ has found some way of relaying these things to the audience, someone who has not read these books may not be as powerfully affected by the movies. That's my biggest fear, that the NON-Tolkien-geeks see these movies and wonder what the heck the rest of us have been clamouring about for the last half-century!<br> <br> Okay! I've rambled enough! Bottom line - I am impressed with what I've seen so far regarding these movies. I wait in eager anticipation....<br> <p></p>

Mister Underhill
01-16-2001, 02:10 PM
<BR> Re: 13 Days LotR trailer</b><br><br> Well spoken, amyrlis! I couldn't have said it any better myself. Welcome to the Downs. <p></p>

01-16-2001, 02:25 PM
<BR> Re: The Theatrical Trailer</b><br><br> Thank you Mister Underhill! It's nice to find a spot where I can share my deep-seeded love for Tolkien's works (which has been rekindled of late due to the movie madness). My husband thinks I'm kind of wierd! <p></p>

01-17-2001, 08:26 AM
<BR> Welcome to the board!</b><br><br> <br> Beautiful post -<br> <br> <br> &quot;at any rate, I've been looking at drawings by John Howe and Ted Nasmith for years. And even though some of their interpretations differ from what's in my head, they haven't ruined my enjoyment of the books or my ability to create my own images and ideas of characters. &quot;<br> <br> Being one of those concerned ones , I will say I am planning on giving the movie a visiit - <br> however looking at pictures for years does not have the sensory/mental imprinting power of a highly anticipated movie seen in Dolby surround sound at high volumes on a giant screen [w/ potentiallly numerous repetitions]. Anyone who has seen star wars films alot and then read the later post- return of the jedi books will know just how easily images of the characters come to them , even w/ bad writing and unrealistic situations. In SW this is a plus as the movies came first .<br> <br> Personally , I am hoping that one viewing will not create that for me , but I have little doubt that for people who see the movies alot before getting far into the books will have those images as firmly in their head as princess leia and luke. I am also wondering if the frequent moviegoers [who have this as their first LotR experience] will want the LotR canon changed to fit the movie! <br> <br> lindil <p>Lindil is often found on posting on the New Silmarillion Canon Forum at the Barrowdowns discussion board. 'The dwindling Men of the West would often sit up late into the night, and awaken early before dawn- exchanging lore and wisdom such as they possessed , so that they should not fall back into the mean and low estate of those , who never knew or more sadly still, had indeed rebelled against the Light.' </p>

the Lorien wanderer
01-17-2001, 09:19 PM
<BR> Re: Welcome to the board!</b><br><br> Hey...I never thought about that. The 'Tolkien virgins' as someone said, will want the book altered to fit the movie. <br> <br> Amyrlis, I think you've voiced most of our fears in that post. We all know that the movie will only be an interpretation of the book. However, for all non-tolkien readers that will be the interpretation that stays with them. Whereas all of us &quot;know the evil and desperation Mordor&quot;, &quot;have felt the weight of the ring&quot; and &quot;have heard the first mallorn leaf fall in Lorien&quot;. And thus, whatever the Peter Jackson version looks like, I still have my middle earth-the way I see it.<br> Magnificently written by the way@Amirlys. <p>Not all those who wander are lost.</p>

01-18-2001, 09:06 AM
<BR> Re: Trailer</b><br><br> It's just so nice to know that the trailer was good. I really hope it indicates that the same can be said for the entire film. <p></p>

as eowyn
01-18-2001, 04:51 PM
<BR> Re</b><br><br> What I have to say: <br> Okay here I am again after seeing it. I liked it, it was more of a teaser then a trailer though. It didn't tell anything about the plot.<br> I didn't get: <br> The flash showing the beautiful maiden lying under the tree, when was that? <br> <br> I didn't like: <br> The part where Galadriel is talking to Frodo, it was too mushy I mean &quot;Even the smallest person. . . &quot; I found it rather sad (in the ironic sort of way). <br> But the part the I liked the least was after when that <br> &quot;sometimes adventure finds you&quot; thing came up that wasn't right. <br> <br> I did like:<br> The millions of orks (very cool <br> The way it all looked, even if I wasn't a Tolkien fan I'd still want to see it.<br> And of course the last scene of the felllowship, I thought they did the proportions very well. <p></p>

01-19-2001, 09:25 PM
<BR> Re: Re</b><br><br> I saw the trailor at the movies and then the other day they played the Trailor at the end of the show extra on TV. So I have seen it twice. It just makes me want to see the movies soon. <p>Lord of the site <a href="http://ring-lord.tripod.com">Ring Lord </a></p>

01-20-2001, 05:54 AM
<BR> Trailer</b><br><br> Unfortunately I could not be bothered going to the theater to see the trailer so I downloaded a clippy, poor quality .mov of it that some poor guy had taken with a camera when he went to see it. Because of this, it seemed as if the projector was playing at 10 fps and each image of the movie screen was interrupted briefly by black. <br> <br> Annoying, but I got the jist of it. The Fellowship climbing Caradhras looks like something out of Vertical Limit (argh) which brought to mind a concern: is PJ going to turn LotR into a Hollywood Action blockbuster? Images of Shelob as a giant Starship-Troopers type bug come to mind - <br> <br> Tolkien's world is a fantasy, a legend and a history, (among many other superlatives) not a glossy action film script - but I secretly fear (although I want to see the movies) that the movie will forsake the elements that make it an epic and a literary masterpiece for the sake of giving Liv Tyler a few more seconds of screen time and getting Viggo a bit bloodier. <p>“The adventures have always been within my own skull.”<br> <i>Frank Burnett<i/></p>

The Barrow-Wight
01-20-2001, 09:07 AM
<BR> Re: Trailer</b><br><br> It must have been the quality of the clip you saw, enep. The scene of the party walking up Cardhras (the wide shot) was grand and beautiful, but it was showing the scope of the massive mountain compared to the tiny Company trudging up it. I didn't even detect a trace of Hollywood Blockbuster in the shot. <p>The Barrow-Wight (RKittle)<br> I usually haunt <a href="http://www.barrowdowns.com">The Barrow-Downs</a> and The Barrow-Downs <a href="http://www.barrowdowns.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi">Middle-Earth Discussion Board</a>.</p>

01-20-2001, 05:51 PM
<BR>True, true...</b><br><br> I am not attempting to take the splendour away BW; it WAS a great shot and an excellent contrast, and I doubt that the movie will be shot badly. But it still seems to me that (not just that particular scene) will be overdone. <br> <br> Shelob - does PJ see her as a garden spider or a giant alien killing machine? Nazgul - black birds or teethed terrors? It all boils down to his individual perspective...but this has probably been discussed in other threads so I'll leave that. BTW, I viewed the clip from the website with RealPlayer. Looks WAY better there. <p>“The adventures have always been within my own skull.”<br> <i>Frank Burnett<i/></p>

01-22-2001, 12:23 AM
<BR> Re: Trailer</b><br><br> That shot you are talking about was awesome. <br> <br> I'm very interested if Jackson will capture just how fearful and dreadful just the mere presence of the Black Riders.<br> <br> Btw I thought 13 Days was really good, despite Costner. <p>Lord of the site <a href="http://ring-lord.tripod.com">Ring Lord </a></p>