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Orual 03-21-2004 05:51 PM


Orual, I'm going to give Imladris a bit of time for an intervening post if she wants one and then I'll send Raefindan by Ravion's table-- Unless you want Ravion to go and challenge the aspiring young hat thief?
I'm not sure what you mean by challenge....challenge him to what?

Imladris 03-21-2004 06:13 PM

How about when he tries to steal her hat? That way, it would give me something to actually post about... :p Plus give Aeron a lesson in behaviour. mark12_30 and Orual, is that okay?

mark12_30 03-21-2004 07:49 PM

Sounds great to me!

(mouse peers around corner to watch the show)

Imladris 03-21-2004 09:43 PM

mark12_30 and Orual , I hope my post is alright. Please tell me to edit if it's not. If it is alright, then Aeron will more than likely try to escape again...


Orual 03-21-2004 10:48 PM

Fun fun fun, Imladris! I think Ravion's fixing to make an enemy...


mark12_30 03-22-2004 05:02 PM

....and they're off!!!

You guys rock... what a team.


I'm off to an appt-- I'll check in again late this evening-- but don't slow down for me!!

Aylwen Dreamsong 03-22-2004 05:46 PM

I hope to have a Bellyn post up late late tonight or tomorrow after track! Sorry for the slight delay...

Nuru -- Liornung is so cool! :D


mark12_30 03-23-2004 08:18 AM

I forget where we left off in terms of "will Ravion know when they start out that Mellonin is female"--- but that's why I had Mellonin get suddenly shy about going to Ravion's table. Feel free to either bring Raefindan into the conversation or sidetrack him...

mark12_30 03-23-2004 06:01 PM

lmp-- fun stuff! How long is Ravion going to sit on Aeron, I wonder... Ravion's a stocky, solid fellow, and Aeron isn't!

And Ędegard-- ooooo, cranky!

I love it.

How about we toss the idea of trying to fool either Ravion or Aeron with Mellondu's disguise in her brother's clothes. It'll just be her way of travelling incognito, but the troop will know. Aeron can still threaten to spill the beans-- in a village, or wherever they are when he decides his sister should come too.

Imladris 03-23-2004 11:43 PM

Dare I say these words? Poor Aeron! ;) Nah, just joking of course. I've thoroughly enjoyed it.

And speaking of Mellonin trying to fool the troop or whatever we decide, how exactly is Aeron going to get in the troop, if ye don't mind me askin'? ;)

This has been absolutely great so far....:D


mark12_30 03-24-2004 06:27 AM


Aeron's travels... How about as "punishment" for stealing and as an opportunity to reform, Ravion puts Aeron to work for a day while they're preparing for the trip-- carry this, carry that, pack this, pack that. They'll keep a close eye on him, but there's still plenty of room for further mischief on Aeron's part. Then Aeron gets the idea to come along; heuses all his charm; much skepticism, huge debate...

Orual, what do you think?

Orual 03-24-2004 03:33 PM

That sounds great to me. I can't wait to get on the road, start developing the relationships between the characters...I think they'll be very complex and fun to write.

Speaking of relationships, just to clarify, my kind of weird, cryptic post was Ravion having one of those weird premonition feelings you get when you meet somebody you know will be a large part of your life, or at least a catalyst for some major turning point. You don't know how you know it, but you just do. Yeah, I know you're confused, but it's okay, so's Ravion.


littlemanpoet 03-24-2004 10:06 PM

I'm confused too.....
Sorry, I'd do the research but I don't really have the time. Is this Faran falsely accused, or the real thief? Or is it Aeron? Help!

mark12_30 03-24-2004 10:27 PM

When Aeron was caught stealing the hat, he was asked for his name-- he said "Faran." He lied, of course, but in the intervening posts he was referred to as Faran til he finally admitted his real name.

Point-Of-View, I guess.

Speaking of Aeron, the hat, and his real name... who are these shadowy pursuers that he so fears? Could the fear of them give him added impetus to leave Minas Tirith as soon as possible? Even if it means agreeing to do what Ravion orders him to do? Is he frightened enough that Ravion could get a deal out of him-- say, Ravion's protection for Aeron's obedience?

Imladris 03-24-2004 10:31 PM

Heh, I guess I wasn't too clear about Aeron.

He stole an expensive ring from a wealthy merchant in Minas Tirth. Naturally, the merchant wants it back. I had indeed planned that Aeron would join them just to evade his persuers. Yes, I do believe that Aeron would make a deal -- but only if the deal included his sister...

Sorry I wasn't clear. :(

mark12_30 03-25-2004 06:09 AM

gaining momentum?
My good Imladris, you probably WERE clear, I have brain-like-sieve, remember? :rolleyes:

So-- looks like we've got enough to get out of the city. Orual, you can proceed with "indenturing" Aeron. Once that is settled, the four can relax and chat over some ale, and Mellonin can ask for news about her brother (the current excitement has temporarily diverted her...)

So... this be the plan: Aeron's enslavement; Ravion's revelation; a day of hasty preparations; and-- departure!

I was going to suggest that Aeron foot the bill for the preparations, but he will no longer have his hefty coin bag, will he... shucks.

Raefindan and Mellonin as yet have no weapons, do they? Hmmm. I was going to have Mellonin buy a knife, and outfumbled it.

Orual-- I'm glad Ravion is the sort that has premonitions! It'll come in handy for lots of plot twists, I hope? I **love** writing in response to surprises...

Imladris 03-25-2004 08:46 AM

Actually, Aeron still has the money he stole from the Inn. From your last post, Mellonin suspects he was the one that stole it, but she, as yet, have no solid proof. So, if you wish, Aeron can still foot the bill... ;)

mark12_30 03-25-2004 09:42 AM

the bag
Morien is watching, and even if he wasn't, the other three wouldn't do that. Unless someone can think of a believable plot twist in which Aeron can lie like a rug and pin the blame on someone else-- and who would believe him, since he has the amount of the Inn's earnings in his pouch? It would have to be some story.

Unless he can pull that off, we will have to scrounge. None of our characters are particularly rich... Mellonin has a few coins put by, Raefindan I don't know. I don't think Mellonin has anything she could sell... who knows, we may end up doing chores-for-food as we travel!

Orual, Ravion can hunt, right? Venison, rabbit, maybe some birds...

We could all get pretty hungry along the road. Or sick of meat.

Imladris 03-25-2004 07:38 PM

I'm sorry my post is so short...I wrote it up last night and I couldn't think of anything more to say...

Of course, Aeron isn't going to give the money over just like that, so he decided to imply that another person did it...hope that is okay with everyone. :)


mark12_30 03-25-2004 08:38 PM

Istawen, your post was long enough to do what you wanted to do with your character-- and that's exactly long enough! Good post! I'm looking forward to Orual's response.

How is the Rohan team doing? Do you want to catch up to Mellon/Amroth, or shall I keep him ahead for a little longer? His mannish body won't be able to keep ahead of those horses for much longer anyway. I should think they'd catch him fairly soon.

mark12_30 03-26-2004 04:13 AM

I see you, lmp... Hmmm, three pursuers on horseback. What's a weary elf-man to do?... ...Nuru, Aylwen?

Orual, **great** post! Ravion fascinates me.

mark12_30 03-26-2004 01:29 PM

another horse-thief
Ravion is not alone; he shares his vice with an ancient elf-lord, apparently.

ps. As long as they are in-character-and-canon, and don't turn the entire storyline inside out-- please, please, don't be shy about plot twists and surprises. I like 'em. Go ahead and put them into the storyline. If they're way out, we can complain on the discussion thread and edits can be made. So if in doubt-- try it! We can always edit. And the game moves more quickly, and is more challenging that way.

alaklondewen 03-26-2004 02:55 PM

I've posted Erebemlin's first post. I do apologize for its short length, but I was uncomfortable taking him further as the point of the post might be lost. Please let me know if anything needs to be edited.


~ Alak

mark12_30 03-26-2004 03:36 PM

loved it.
alak, your post was great! The length, I thought, was just right.

I only had one question on the use of "intellection"? I'm no English major! But I wondered...

I loved the hints you put in.

Nuru-- you and I cross-posted, and I didn't see it til just now. Good thing it worked out! I don't think any editing is neccessary. (Wow, huh?) Loved your post, especially the aprt about Liornung habitually talking to himself!

osanwe thread

alaklondewen 03-26-2004 03:48 PM

Thanks, Helen. :)

I went back over that section, and I reworded it slightly. There should be no question now.

Aylwen Dreamsong 03-27-2004 11:42 AM

Posted! I did a lot with all the other Rohan characters in my post, so Nuru, lmp, and Helen, if you want me to change anything let me know and it will be taken care of!

-Aylwen :)

mark12_30 03-27-2004 12:53 PM

leading vs riding
Hi Aylwen! Good post! I like Bellyn's compassion, and it will probably be the best key for the group to work with Amroth. The contrast between the appearance of Mellon's body and the activity of Amroth's mind and spirit is lots of fun!

One change-- I don't think anyone had dismounted. The whole horse-"stealing" scene takes place as the three are approaching Mellon-Amroth, and happens in maybe ten seconds. I picture Ędegard's temper flaring, but I wanted to leave that up to lmp!

Imladris 03-27-2004 09:19 PM

I'm sorry I haven't been posting. Things have gotten a tad busy. My deepest apologies. I shall try to post tomorrow.


mark12_30 03-27-2004 09:56 PM

post length
In general: When pressed for time, feel free to put up a brief post as appropriate. Handing the momentum to another team member can buy you some extra time.

The story is rolling along beautifully, by the way, and I am thoroughly enjoying it! Liornung's behavior might not have surprised Amroth, but it sure surprised me. Sounds like Ędegard has some struggles coming his way...

I've been pondering Mellonin's next few days. She is in service to Estelyn, who is royalty. I'm hoping that Estelyn would have left instructions with Morien the Innkeeper to outfit her with a few simple things, and I'm also hoping that he would likewise help out Raefindan as best he could. Little things like a dagger, and a pair of boots... although, now that I think of it, I should think Mellonin would have had some boots of her own.

Orual, I forget-- does Ravion own a horse or does he walk everywhere like Strider did? Maybe part of that pearl necklace will go towards a pack horse.

Orual 03-27-2004 10:24 PM

Ravion's horse
Ravion owns a horse--well, sort of "owns". He still has the one he stole during the War, that he just never got around to returning... :p

mark12_30 03-27-2004 10:32 PM

Ah! Excellent! Then the pearls can buy food and such.

Gee, I'm good at spending someone else's necklace, aren't I?

Does Ravion's horse have a name? Ędegard's elderly bay mount is still Anonymous, poor fellow. Woundn't it be funny if his name was "Minstrel", with all the tension between Ędegard and Liornung? :D

littlemanpoet 03-28-2004 08:24 AM

the old bay mare
Since Ędegard's old bay was named by his father, and just happens to be a mare (making this up as I go) ---- she is named Gerta. Sorry, no minstreling. :D However, Liornung is free to try serenading Gerta if he likes. :p

mark12_30 03-28-2004 11:28 AM

the old bay whoops
I'd better edit-- I had Ędegard calling her "Old Boy!"

mark12_30 03-29-2004 09:47 AM

Kudos to all
This team continues to perform. Great posts, everyone! Love the developing tension between Ędegard and Liornung.

In another few posts, we may have a visit from Estelyn; I invited her (as Mellonin's soon-to-be-ex-exployer) to put in an appearance. Please make her feel welcome.

The road calls! The horizon beckons! To Rohan, and beyond...

mark12_30 03-29-2004 01:23 PM

**More silver trumpets ringing**
Aylwen Dreamsong has just been admitted to the List of Members who can initiate RPGs within Gondor!

Congratulations, Aylwen!

Mellonin is waiting at the Seventh Star to buy you a glass of wine and listen to you sing!

mark12_30 03-29-2004 02:09 PM

yet more congratulations
Tapestry team, Nurumaiel just confirmed my suspicions: that the song Liornung sang in post #48 was indeed composed by Nurumaiel herself.

I have quite enjoyed it. It has a classic celtic melancholy, a clear rhyming scheme, and a good cadence (appropriate for a rider.) Kudos, Nuru!

Nurumaiel 03-29-2004 04:31 PM

Rohan team
Thank you yet again, Helen, for your kind words.

I feel as though I should do another post for Liornung but I'm not quite sure what to write. More talk between those members of the company, or will any event take place? In all truth I've quite forgotten whether it is morning or evening. Will they be stopping soon to eat something or rest their mounts or camp or.....?

By the way, greetings to you Estelyn! *bow*

Aylwen Dreamsong 03-29-2004 04:43 PM

Thank you, Helen. :) I'll be at the Seventh Star soon enough.

And, I agree whole-heartedly with Helen on your song, Nuru. Very lovely indeed. Though I am in the same boat, for I have also forgotten the time of any case, I don't think anyone would mind if you had the group take a pit-stop. I will post soon, conveying Bellyn's awe at a kind comment from Aedegard. :eek: ;)

Welcome, Estelyn!!

Imladris 03-29-2004 05:03 PM

Just to make everything clear: Aeron is up to his old tricks again when he says that Gwyillion is his older sister. She's really two years younger than he I think. He said that to make the group more likely to accept her.

Congrat, Aylwen, for being initiated into Gondor! And welcome Estelyn!

Orual 03-29-2004 10:07 PM

I've posted, and Ravion is graciously deferring the decision on Gwyllion's acceptance into our little clique to Mellonin, mostly because he doesn't want to make it himself.

Back to horsey stuff. Ravion's horse's real name is Laurėroch (as in, the name he had before Ravion stole him), but Ravion calls him Gond, alternately because he's 'dumb as a rock' and 'stubborn as a rock'. So his name is Gond, or at least that's what Ravion will tell you.


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