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the guy who be short 03-10-2007 06:18 PM

night 3
I just realised this is the last night I have here, so I may as well post it. Then I died, so the other wolves can take over.


And that's about as good as a day could be! 6 people voted for, none of them Faithful! (TGWBS)

I think that we all did extremely well, reflected in the fact that none of us received a vote... setting Rune and Brinniel at each other was a snazzy move. (Spm)

Nogrod... when?

He'll probably be protected tonight, unless the ranger knows this and double-bluffs and protects him tomorrow night.

You know, these villagers are so good at confusing themselves because we've left no trail. I don't want to start leaving one now. Whoever we kill, try to make sure the link to us isn't too strong.

I'd prefer not to kill Mith as she is one of the only people to trust in my innocence (TGWBS)

Anyway...tomorrow I plan to continue to go after Rune, perhaps...

And I think Mith is a good possibility. She's being too dramatic for my tastes anyway. The only thing I might regret about getting rid of her is her suspicion of Lalaith, who could still make a good lynch candidate, I think...

Should we consider getting rid of one of Gil or Hookbill, or do you think people will really turn on them (or can be turned on them) soon enough? (durelin[Yes! they will!)

I've based this list on peoples' accusations on each other: who suspected any other, possibly is not in league with him. It is not 100% foolproof, I might have made a mistake in reasoning somewhere, but I tried to remark only what seemed to be completely explicite suspicions on each other. Thus, by sorting these off, I came to this list of possible pairs of Ranger&Hunter (from those who are still alive):

Gil-Galad - with Kath, Kitanna, Mith, Nogrod or Rune.
Hookbill - with Mith, Nogrod, or Rune.
Kath - with Gil-Galad or Mithalwen.
Kitanna - with Gil-Galad, Mithalwen or Rune.
Lalaith - possibly is not either, because accused everyone.
Mänwe - possibly is not either, because accused everyone.
Mithalwen - with Gil-Galad, Hookbill, Kath, or Kitanna.
Nogrod - with Gil-Galad or Hookbill.
Rune - with Gil-Galad, Hookbill, or Kitanna.
Thin - possibly is not either, because accused everyone. (legate)

there are a number of people now who seem more likely to attract votes than us, namely:


ToMorrow, I plan on continuing with my suspicions of Rune and I will be looking at those last minute voters for Brinniel (which might be portrayed as an attempt to save him). These happily include Lalaith and Lommy

I did wonder whether Rune might be the Ranger for his “Silly Sod” comment after voting closed. It looks like he probably thought he was about to be lynched and was berating the village

I do not think that we should kill Hookbill or Gil-Galad. With Nogrod still around, there is always a good chance that they will be turned on. Kath is a possibility, though. (SpM)

we must try to get a gifted. Rune looks like one to me for his silly sods comment. I'm also not sure there's much chance of getting him lynched tomorrow - the case against him seemed to pop out of nowhere. Killing him would also confuse the village, because they'd find that their top 2 candidates were innocent! I'm not sure what they'd make of this, though.

Lalaith, Manwe, Hookbill, Gil there's a chance of lynching tomorrow. Stay away from them, I say.

So, in summation, who to kill:
I am for Rune and Mith, in that order.
I am neutral regarding Kath.
I am against killing the others. (TGWBS)


Originally Posted by TGWBS
So, we must try to get a gifted. Rune looks like one to me for his silly sods comment.

The more I think about it, the more I agree. And a Ranger is more likely to have made that comment that a Hunter.

My main concern about killing Rune is that there are a fair few who suspected him. I like the potential for confusion that killing Rune brings.

On reflection, I am in favour of killing Rune, and would not have any problem with killing either Mith or Kath. I would prefer to leave Kitanna, as her quietness and non-controversial approach may begin to gather suspicion. (SpM)

I'm just trying to figure out what the villagers will make of us killing Rune (if we do). I think it's pretty much a wild card - it's such an unconventional thing to do.

What could the Faithful achieve by showing the village that both its chief suspects were innocent? One theory would propose that there would be a few wolves among the Brinniel voters, who, fearing attention next day, would remove the spotlight on them by revealing that all those who voted for Rune also voted for an innocent. (TGWBS)

Killing Rune is a risk, there's no doubt about it. But it will not be expected, and I rather like that. I also think that there's a reasonable chance that he's the Ranger, and that would be a great kill. (SpM)

Maybe it is true that Rune might have been the Ranger. I would agree with going after Rune, the only thing which slightly concerns me is that I would be the only one left from the "suspicion triangle" of Rune-Brinniel-me

So, either Mith, Rune or Kath. (legate)

I'd rather not kill Rune because I think we can get him lynched, but the majority is for it, so that's fine with me. (durelin)
Also abridged from 13 pages. I died next Day, so I have no more night posts. The other faithfuls will provide.

Brinniel 03-10-2007 07:47 PM

Aha! I knew Legate was a faithful! Even after I was lynched I kept him in my mental list the entire time. Well, at least one of my hunches were correct. :rolleyes:

Good job to all the faithfuls, especially Durelin, who was the only one of the faithfuls I never seriously suspected (and I'm including the time after I was dead).

Anyways, I've enjoyed playing my first game of WW, even though my time was short. I loved following the game even after I was lynched, trying to come up with my own analysis. Hopefully, studying this game will help me do better the next time around. and my newbieness... :rolleyes:

My only regret is that I couldn't devote as much time as I would've liked. This game started the same week as midterm week, when all my papers were due, so what can I say? I was swamped... The most frustrating thing I found was that deadline for me was at 4pmEST....and on Mondays and Wednesdays I had classes from 12-3:45. I hated voting so early, plus I missed out on the most exciting action. Blasted school! If I can ever get my wireless up and running I may just end up WWing on my laptop during class. :p

Ooh...this was lots of fun....I'm excited to get involved in the next game. Thanks to Mac for this lovely game and especially for PMing an invitation....otherwise, I might have never gotten involved!

Mänwe 03-10-2007 08:20 PM

Certainly a rather bloodthirsty and emotional breaking of my WW virginity as it were. Albeit it slightly marred at a certain point, which I am thankful has been resolved. And for my part I in it I apologise also.

Great bit of animation there too!

And I would also like to extend a warm thank you to Gil for watching my six on Night 3.

Gil-Galad 03-10-2007 11:07 PM

in referance to my watch list, after the first wolf kills, i fugred that the wolves were palying low by taking out some of the quiet ones, so i focused on protecting them first, i had total luck protecting Roa the first night

and i never thought Legate could be a faithful, he was too quiet and i'm pretty sure this was his first game too and its a risk giving a new person a important task, i mean this is only the second time i have received Ranger and i have only been a wolf once

but in the all good game, i lasted longer then usual...

Garin 03-10-2007 11:25 PM

Okay, I basically made a suicide attempt and you guys went along with it. My reasoning was "if these guys can read between the lines and correctly weigh my first posts against my last minute posts, they will let me live and I'll remain committed to the village." So much for that crap.
Anyways, RL issues came into play and it pained me that I would lack the time and commitment. So I just wanted to make a play that would insure that the village trusted me enough. I didn't have time to constantly defend myself.
My personal list of first day guilties: TGWBS, Saucerino, Kitanna and LEGATE.
Congrats to Legate for managing to fool just about everyone. I KNEW you were a baddie and just rolled my eyes as I watched the village act as if you were a saint. Amazing job. (Please review my posts and one can see where I dropped hints to my beloved village.)
Guy, I actually figured you were a faithful after I was lynched. Your demise was rather unfortunate but you handled it with such class. I would've put Rune as guilty over you until I was lynched. When I returned home from work and saw my demise I had that sinking that you were one of them.
SAUCE! I've actually studied your technique in games in which I did not participate. I used to have time and I love WW. My suspicions of you fell mainly into the "well, it would figure" category. I gave a a little hint to the village that if you didn't die by lynching and the faithfuls kept you alive... well.... the same could be said of me.
Keep in mind that it was early, a day's worth, into the game. I thought that you seemed a little aloof.
I'm sure you had reasons, as did I.
Also, I always want to lynch Gil.
Bless his heartl

Legate of Amon Lanc 03-11-2007 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by Garin
Congrats to Legate for managing to fool just about everyone. I KNEW you were a baddie and just rolled my eyes as I watched the village act as if you were a saint. Amazing job. (Please review my posts and one can see where I dropped hints to my beloved village.)

Thanks, Garin. Actually, if you are interested, there is one thing I have posted to my comrades on Night 2 (tgwbs dropped it when posting the short version of our plotting; in general it is unimportant):

I am really happy about getting rid of Garin, I didn't like him and he gave me creeps from the very beginning, but I didn't dare to join the march against him. I am happy it turned out for good without my intervention.
You see, it is not nice to see someone accusing you the first day you play, and even more so if you are really guilty :rolleyes:

The Saucepan Man 03-11-2007 05:46 AM

Yay!* We won! Well done, my fellow Faithfuls. I always knew that we had "right" on our side. ;)

Thanks to TGWBS for "taking my bullet". Obivously, the result would have been the same mathematically whichever of us had been lynched. But I wonder whether you might have survived longer than me. Thanks also for your sensible (and logical) contributions to our Nightly plotting. I still think that going for Rikae on Night 2 was the right thing to do. It was too risky not to, as it could in theory have left her alive for another Day, had we not. Your suggestion of Rune on Night 4 was a good one too. I believe that he would have been generally regarded as innocent for his "Silly Sods" comment otherwise.

Durelin, I enjoyed our little spats, and you handled the pressure that you came under in the middle of the game wonderfully. And, Legate, a newbie performance par excellence. I don't think that you were ever seriously in the running to be lynched. Both of you played those final two Days very well indeed. You were lucky with Lommy's list but, when I considered it myself that Night, she looked to be the best option for the kill, even though she looked likely to be the Hunter.

I was rather a reluctant Faithful, in some ways, I am afraid. Being a Faithful is probably the most time-consuming role in this game since one is occupied during the Nights as well as the Days, and posts during the Day take that much more time to check before submitting (and, even then, I made some careless mistakes). So, it is a daunting task, and I did not have as much time as I would have liked to devote to it (at least in the first few Days). Still, I cannot complain about the quality of my comrades in the least. They were wonderful players to share Faithfulness with.

Still, I was rather frustrated that I attracted suspicion early on. I was a little peeved with Roa for putting me so much in the spotlight so early on, although I understand what you were trying to do. From the list, though, I presume that you did think me innocent when you were going aggressively against me on Day 1. Still, your performance on Day 2, particularly after you were revealed, was wonderful and, in effect "bought us a Day".

Nogrod was a right thorn in the side, especially from my perspective, throughout. Funnily enough, your intuition was spot on, but I never thought that there was really much of a case against me on the evidence. It was largrly based upon "feeling", which was of course correct. The fact that you thought that I was acting the way you would if Faithful explains a lot. Lalaith, you too were rather a thorn in the side later on. Day 4, we really should have got you lynched. Alas, it was not to be ...

I actually played in much the same way that I would have had I been innocent (except Day 5), albeit with less time to do so. Hence my frustration at there being no solid case against me. My one unconvincing argument, perhaps, was that Durelin was a Faithful trying to associate herself with me as an innocent. With the benefit of hindsight, I would perhaps not have gone down that road, but happily it did Durelin little harm.

Talking of which, I really enjoyed my "borrowed Day", Day 5. I was almost certain that I would end up being lynched, so I played it as my "kamikaze" Day. My main aim was to make Durelin look better, by each of us going for each other, avoid much mention of Legate, and generally confuse with my analyses and suspicion lists. I was there right at the end watching as I was lynched, although I did not post, willing Legate to put in a decisive vote for me. :D

Those well placed Faithful-on-Faithful votes can do wonders, as I know from my first game as a Wolf. On Day 5, I thought it would be good for my fellows to go against me, and for me to go against Durelin, as we had just lost one of our number, and so might not be thought willing to lose another.

Anyway, many thanks to all for a thoroughly enjoyable game, and particularly to the MacMod for great modding, for some most enjoyable narratives (I loved my death, being a big Python fan) and also for giving me an extra Day ...

I will post highlights of the Night 5 discussions, but Durelin or Legate will have to cover the remainder.
* "Yay!" is now obviously a generally accepted sign of Faithful/Wolf-ishness. :p

Rune Son of Bjarne 03-11-2007 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by SPM
setting Rune and Brinniel at each other was a snazzy move.

To what extend do you mean that you set me and Brinniel at each other?
Did you mean the whole Rune-Brinniel vote thing in genneral or me and Brinniels quarrels. . .

The funny thing is that I never ever really suspected TGWBS, probably as the only one in the village. I must say that you all played lovely, I was aware of SPM and Durelin, but mostly due to Nogrod's analysis. Legate on the other hand. . . .

anyways something that really bothered me after my death was when Durelin said something like "Rune's spite vote for Brinniel", seing you are a wolf I shall forgive you for that comment;)

The thing is that I make a point out of not vote out of spite and in fact I try to avoid voting for people that just voted for me, but in this case Brinniel just jumped too much to my attention. I could have voted for Legate again, but I had nothing to add to my case so it would probably not have done any good, only making me look bad for only going after him.

I thought it was a highly intertaining game, unfortunately I became bussy towards the end and have not seen what happened the last days.

The Saucepan Man 03-11-2007 06:06 AM

Night 5 Faithful discussions
Again, edited highlights (and smilies removed) ...


Originally Posted by Durelin
I really hope my vote for Legate didn't look like a wolf cover up.

And sorry, SPM. Though you are still alive.

I don't wanna diiiiieeeeee! What do we do?

Well, I guess we obviously kill Nogrod. I wonder why Lalaith wanted to save herself so badly, though? Is she Gifted? Might be something we can use against her...


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc
Well, it's somewhat funny. But first, I want to apologize to you for not being here today, nevertheless, seeing what has been happening, maybe it's for the best. Also looking at the votes, probably I wouldn't be of much help anyway even if I came and voted, since voting for Lalaith and thus saving both SpM and tgwbs would immediately associate me with you, and although we'd have a dead Lalaith then and all four of us, the numbers will still be against us and we'd be clearly exposed. Apart from maybe Hookbill (and that's really only slightly), noone seems to be suspecting me at the moment, except for you (let's not overact it!), and no one seems to associate myself with you. Hopefully. Gah, but I don't want to be some sort of solo Faithful, I want to preserve us all! Or, us three, at least.

It is very, very, very unfortunate that Nogrod happened to pick you all three *grrr* Well, I think it didn't do as much shame as it could, but still, it is enough. Maybe, just maybe, the confusion raised by Mac's mistake will distract the village somehow. But only maybe.

Okay, we are still alive, as Durelin said, so now let's play this game on. After all, the village was losing and losing for many days, as the Mod himself said, it was about time they got one of us.

First, I suggest raising a suspicion on Lalaith tomorrow for taking her vote from tgwbs and assigning it to SpM to let herself live. Not only that she might be a Faithful trying to save her neck, but even she might have retracted a vote from her comrade (known Faithful). Do not lose your cool, SpM. Those who voted for Lalaith toDay must vote for her tomorrow, and even more. Darn, I am only afraid from my post logic in game I should be suspecting SpM now...

Secondly, on who to kill. I wouldn't take Nogrod's sputter about the Ranger not protecting him yesterday too seriously. But... I have somehow come to doubt whether Nogrod actually is not the Ranger (or worse, Hunter), although he mentioned, I think, on the start of the Day 2 something quite confusing about the Ranger (like if Rikae could know who protected her or something like that). Nevertheless, do you suggest we go after Nogrod now?


Originally Posted by The Saucepan Man
Nogrod was a right thorn in the side toDay. Even though his early accusations of TGWBS, Durelin and I were later revealed to be tactical, why did he have to pick the three of us? I suspect that his intuition is on track, but he lacks the evidence to back it up. As I said in the thread, I don’t mind being suspected, but I thought his reasons (for all three of us) were very poor.

There is a risk that Nogrod was not protected last Night. But I get the feeling from his attempt to remind us of this possibility that he was. He will know, after all. Mith also made this point, which might point to her being the Ranger. Something to bear in mind.

But, for toNight, I think that we should go for Nogrod. I suspect he will not be protected and he is too much of a liability to keep around. It should quieten things down, too.


Originally Posted by The Saucepan Man
I am not overly optimistic about my chances toMorrow. If necessary, neither of you should hesitate to vote for me. It’s probably the one time when a Faithful-on-Faithful vote won’t be overly suspected, given that we lost one of our number toDay. It might be best to avoid both of you voting for me but, unless there is a miraculous turn around in my fortunes, one of you should. And make sure that it’s at a time when it counts. Durelin is probably best placed to do so, but play it as you see best.

As I said, I think that Legate is best placed of the three of us, so our main aim (apart from getting innocents lynched) should be to ensure that that remains the case.

Note - I doubt that Noggie is the Hunter but, if he is, he will probably take me down. If he is, I believe that Mith is his accomplice. Either way, we (you?) should consider killing Mith the next Night, especially if Lalaith is lynched toMorrow.


Originally Posted by The Saucepan Man
I have been looking at who TGWBS suspected and who suspected him. Here is a rough and ready list.

[This was a more basic version of the list I posted on Day 5.]

The best tack to take with this might be to look at those who he hardly mentioned and who didn't mention him, for example, Hookbill and Kitanna. It might also be used against Mithalwen. However, that might also implicate the two of you, Durelin especially. I might use it, as I have already expressed strong suspicions of Durelin.

His expressed belief in my innocence will almost certainly be used against me.

The more I think on it, the more I wonder whether it might be in the team's best interests for Durelin and I to have a big run-in toMorrow since, if one of us is lynched, it might well stand the other in good stead.


Originally Posted by Durelin
Yes, I think I already set it all up for you and I to go at each other's throats, Saucie. Unfortunately.

I agree that Nogrod should be our *attempted* kill. *crosses fingers* Do we know yet if Manwe is dead?

Perhaps a late wolf sort of sacrifice is for the best. Just play it by ear, and I readily give up myself if things are looking bad for me. I'll probably continue going after both of you, but not solely. I don't want people to pay more attention to you Legate, but I want to distance myself from you because chances are I'm going to get lynched sooner than you. Hopefully you won't get lynched at all.


Originally Posted by Durelin
I might suggest the crazy idea that Gil is a possible wolf because their votes for each other could have been a last minute attempt to distance themselves from each other, to keep Gil out of everyone's heads fully? Hmm...

I'll probably ramble about you Sauce and say how I'm confused that TGWBS would express that he thought you innocent if you are a wolf, too, because I would think he'd better separate himself...yadda....


Originally Posted by Durelin
Do you want to duke it out, Spaman, and throw everyone for a loop? I think we should definitely do so if for any reason Nogrod is protected. We might find the dynamics of the village completely different, though, toMorrow, without him around. Lommy may take his place in some respects, but she is at least more reasonable.


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc
Since Durelin said she'd probably go after you, SpM, I most likely won't vote for you toMorrow (if such an option arises). Hopefully an argument that I am not 100% sure about you and that you might be either a total baddie or an innocent caught in bad situation will not seem strange. Durelin, I'd probably mention something like you are high on my list now, because I felt uneasy of you and now you might be constructing something, casting suspicion away from yourself by voting me etc. (is it adviceable to mention it, or should I skip the "voting for me" part?) Otherwise, I'll go against Mithalwen mainly, possibly not believing in Lalaith's guilt (so far I said almost nothing about her), mentioning Gil-Galad only sideways as a possibility of being the "black horse" after all, and expressing suspicion of Lommy.

Sacrifice being nice (oh! I'm a poet!), however, if we somehow manage to go through the next Day unharmed, it would be even better. Let's play it now how it comes. But, still we need to get rid of the Ranger/Hunter fast, or we'd have the pair on our backs. Stick with what you said in your PMs now (unless something better strikes you). Until then, and if Nogrod is the Hunter, have a nice Night/Day/.


Originally Posted by The Saucepan Man
My assessment is that, if he's [Nogrod] not protected, we're in with a reasonable chance. If he is, I think it will be an uphill struggle. Either way, I believe that you will have to conquer your fears, Legate, and prepare yourself for a lone struggle.

Your plans sound fine to me. Agreed that it all depends upon how things look in the early stages and we should play it by ear. However, I suspect that I and, to a lesser extent, Durelin will be under some pressure. Of the two of us, I think that my lynching would do us less harm, as matters stand.

Better still, neither of us, but we shall see.

The Saucepan Man 03-11-2007 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by Rune
To what extend do you mean that you set me and Brinniel at each other?
Did you mean the whole Rune-Brinniel vote thing in genneral or me and Brinniels quarrels. . .

Well, both really, but the latter more. It was nothing major, but the strategy (from my perspective, at least) was to encourage suspicion between the two of you.

Rune Son of Bjarne 03-11-2007 06:16 AM

hmmm. . . I want to dismiss any sugestion of me being manipulated, but of course you guys probably influenced my judgment. At least I cannot completly dismiss the theory.

I belive that my motivation was my own, but I suspect that you guys could have enhanced this motivation and I guess that is also the way a wolf wants to influence people.

The Saucepan Man 03-11-2007 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Rune
hmmm. . . I want to dismiss any sugestion of me being manipulated, but of course you guys probably influenced my judgment. At least I cannot completly dismiss the theory.

Well, it was our job to try to influence and manipulate opinion. Whether or not we succeeded with you, I cannot say, but the results were consistent with our intentions. And, since we were the "bad" guys, we will take the credit. :p ;)

The Saucepan Man 03-11-2007 06:32 AM

Been reviewing our Nightly discussions and just wanted to post this, from my first PM on Night 2:


Originally Posted by me
As for our Queen’s list, it looks like we have a pretty astute Cobbler. Two out of four ain’t at all bad on Day 1. Hence my feeling that it might be Mith. Obviously, we can discount the two “unknowns” listed (unless they are playing mind games with us). My original thought, as Day 1 had progressed, had been Manwe, but I hoped not as I had defended him rather too much. Now, I doubt it’s him, since a Cobbleresque Manwe surely wouldn’t have gone so strongly for Nogrod if he thought him a Wolf. So, my current thought is Mithalwen (and I’m also factoring in here her early mention of the Cobbler). Lalaith is another possibility. And a further thought just struck me ... Roa? Another possible explanation for her defence of Nogrod?

Although my initial instinct was to kill Roa on Night 2, I ended up in the same post in which I proposed killing her, thinking her a possible Cobbler. I became more and more sure of this as I reviewed the Day 1 posts, and so was not greatly surprised by Rikae's reveal. Had we not gone for Rikae on Night 2, I would have suggested Nogrod as our target. Which might have affected things significantly, as Rikae would then have dreamed of aomeone else on Night 2, possibly one if us.

I should add that I thought that you did a great job Rikae. Not only did you deliver the village the Cobbler, but you allowed Nogrod a platform from which he became a very tricky customer for us.

I would also add that, quite apart from the fact that I somehow became the principal alternative, I did think lynching Roa to be a good thing for us on Day 2. Had someone other than either Rikae or Roa been lynched, we would have been left unsure whether our target, Rikae, was in fact the Seer. That said, I would also have voted for Roa had I been innocent, despite the well-put arguments to the contrary.

the guy who be short 03-11-2007 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by SpM
The best tack to take with this might be to look at those who he hardly mentioned and who didn't mention him, for example, Hookbill and Kitanna. It might also be used against Mithalwen.

Durelin and Hookbill managed this expertly. I can't believe Gil got lynched after our dual votes the day I died. Nice manipulation of my words, Faithfuls (and misguided innocents).

Gil-Galad 03-11-2007 12:29 PM

i think the major reason why you faithfuls didn't kill me off was because i was gaining more and more speculation

Lalaith 03-11-2007 01:03 PM

If it hadn't been for my one big blind-spot, this would have been one of my best games. (Speaking on a purely personal level) I began suspecting 3 out of the four wolves on Day three, and never really stopped suspecting any of them. I don't think I've ever had such a successful spotting rate. And my instinct for trustworthy individuals was almost perfect.

Almost. The blind-spot was of course Legate, and this was the fatal flaw in my entire game. ...that, and of course the fact that I too quickly became too discredited and suspected a player for anyone except Noggie and Lommy to listen to me....sigh...

Thinlómien 03-12-2007 04:02 AM

That was a great game!
But even though I was a Fenris the only time I have been a wolf, I will never ever complain about how difficult it is to be a wolf since now I know how is it to be the hunter! :p I mean, the balancing between shouting your suspicions aloud on the thread and trying to get them lynched and having them on your list is just something that does not suit me. I'm too honest for that. :D But trying the role was great fun and I'm very surprised how accurate I was in general.

That last list of mine... Argh.
Anyway, I'm glad that Mith wasn't a wolf since I changed the second on the list from Mith to Hookbill. Durelin and Legate... Your doubting comments about the SPM lynch saved you. I thought it would have been too bold from both of the wolves to express doubt about their fellow's lynch... And obviously I was wrong there. So even though I had been suspecting both of you that eased my suspicion fatally. And as I was fairly sure of Kitanna :rolleyes: and concerned about Hookbill slipping under the radar and about some of his statements I put them on my list. (When faced by a fleeting doubt I told myself: "Well, Durelin or Legate or Mith they might lynch the next day...")

Oh, and this made me laugh so much:

Lommy may take his place in some respects, but she is at least more reasonable.
I've actually noticed that when the big guys (meaning noww extremely vocal, reasonable players that tend to takethe lead) that I agree with me are dead, I kind of pick up some of their arguments and suspicions that I've found reasonable along the way and start grilling some unfortunate people with them extended with my own theories...

But that was truly a lovely game and you wolves were plain masterful!

Thinlómien 03-12-2007 04:09 AM

A curious remark
I must say how dumbfounded I was when Lalaith made her suspicion list and listed only me and Gil as the innocent-looking ones.

(That was actually one of the reasons I trusted her so much, I thought she had spotted our alliance and as we weren't dead soon I thought she must be innocent.)

But Lal, was that just hunch/general feel or did you guess we were the remaining gifteds?

And what should have been in the ramble of the last post, I must add that I almost feel like having a ww-pause until I get a net access home... the lack of it was especially frustrating this time!

Durelin 03-12-2007 02:11 PM

Abridged version of the Night Six...

Night Six


Originally Posted by Legate
The Ranger/Hunter pair, after toDay - I hope I am not assuming too much, or that I am not mistaken - but if I am not, it is either Kath&Gil-Galad or Mith&Hookbill.


Originally Posted by Durelin
I think trying to go after the Ranger at this point is the best we can do. Besides that, I do not believe there is anything tracing Kath back to either of us.

Kath is probably a good choice for a kill. Lommy is too, but she might be a little riskier...


Originally Posted by Legate
Now it struck me. Gil-Galad probably really is the Hunter. He always mentions "moving someone higher on his list", and he posts quite frequently a list of people. Which, I think, is just what Hunter should post to the Mod - maybe he posts it even outside to acknowledge his Ranger comrade (Kath). Okay, maybe it's nothing. But anyway, I think it is the best if we get Kath


Originally Posted by Durelin
Well, I still think for toNight that Kath is a good choice. Lommy and Gil I would like to get rid of soon...


Originally Posted by Legate
Hmm... hopefully toMorrow, vox populi will go either against Gil or Hookbill... or Lalaith... or someone else, after all, this doesn't matter that much now :D At present time, there are not many votes needed... we can sway the things more to our cause, though of course I'd possibly avoid obvious cooperation if it is not needed...

Durelin 03-12-2007 02:12 PM

Abridged version of Night Seven... Legate should post the entirety of his VERY LONG hunter pondering PM. It was just amazing. The amount of work and thought he put into that...insane. I wasn't sure if you'd want it all shared, though, Legate, so I've only shared small (very small by comparison) pieces.

Night Seven

I don’t have anything from my first PM that Night, but I know I was pushing for the killing of Lommy.


Originally Posted by Legate

That was some move, Durelin!!! The village nailed it! We couldn't've done better ourselves!!! I managed to run here literally in the last minute only to see the result of toDay's work! Wooohoo! Great, great, great! Let's open the bottle of champaign...


Originally Posted by Legate
I'm gonna double-check it now. I guess the Hunter is not among the people who voted for Gil, so neither Hookbill, Kitanna nor Mithalwen is the Hunter, possibly (unless it is some sort of double trick, which I doubt).

The remaining are Lalaith and Thin.


Originally Posted by Durelin
Lalaith is a bit of a danger to me, but don't think she's enough of one to overly worry about it, and I certainly don't want to get caught in a Durelin killed Lalaith situation, even if people might see it as a "framing."

I think it possible she could get lynched toMorrow. If not, though...she should at least be our next kill.


Originally Posted by Legate


Originally Posted by Legate
Lommy, later:

Originally Posted by Lommy
I disagree with Gil-Galad who says that the faithfuls are most probably sticking together at this phase. I'm almost sure that yesterDay (or even the Day before) there was at least one faithful-on-faithul -vote. That statment actually makes me slightly wary of Gil: it would be very convenient for him as a wolf to say that, remembering the spat between him and TGWBS...

Does she know Gil is her Gifted comrade and thus innocent (and this is bluff), or not? If they are R&H, would she say things like that? But Lommy is a master-player, or isn't she? Could this be a provocation for the Faithfuls?


Originally Posted by Lommy
I personally don't think Gil's a faithful (wouldn't he show more interest in the game if he had a special role?) and his confused remark about Glirdy being killed by the wolves speaks for his innocence, as he doesn't strike me as the wolf who plays a confused villager -type.

How to read this?

I realize now that I really should have paid more attention to that last quote...^^


Originally Posted by Durelin
So we could go for someone we pretty much know isn't the Hunter, like Hookbill or Kitanna. Or we could try our luck with Lommy. I wouldn't put it past Lommy to "bluff" or whatever, but that doesn't mean anything.

I don't want to kill Hookbill or Kitanna because they could easily take some of the fall for Gil's lynching. On the other hand, I don't want to blow it tonight.

Alright, I think Hookbill is our best lynch option tomorrow. I'd like to have Kitanna as an option, too, but if we want to be safe, she is a very safe kill option.


Originally Posted by Legate
[Kitanna]'s a "safe" option for us, but... her death will:
a) eliminate a possible target for Lommy (thus, a possible lynch target toMorrow, but worse, bringing Lommy to having to choose another suspect)
b) eliminate a person who suspects Hookbill quite a lot (unless after the Gil fiasco she changes her mind)

The kill of Lommy might:
a) cast suspicion on Kitanna, because she voted for her (well... "if the Faithfuls were that stupid to do this", but anyway it can bring a debate of it at least)
b) eliminate a person whom quite a lot people think innocent
c) eliminate a person who thinks Hookbill and also maybe Lalaith innocent

The kill of Mithalwen seems somewhat risky. I am afraid she might be the Hunter, unless she wants to completely misguide everyone. Or is just crazy.


Hookbill - 99% not the Hunter. Might be suspected, so I think it would be best to leave him alone this night.
Kitanna - 90% not the Hunter. Might be suspected, so I think it would be best to leave her alone this night.
Thinlómien - I think she is not the Hunter - or at least I think it the less probable of all three (Mith, Lalaith, Lommy). Is trusted quite a lot, so I think it would be best to kill her this night.
Lalaith - Not sure if she is the Hunter. Trusts me but does not trust you, so I think it would be better not to kill her this night, since it might leave tracks and also, she could be the Hunter far more likely than Lommy (from my thoughts).
Mithalwen - I think she is the Hunter, at least I think it is the most probable of all three. Not any other problem with her, so I'd rather leave her alone this night.


Originally Posted by Durelin
All we can do is risk it, and Lommy has been an assumed innocent anyway. Also, though I have been on her suspicion list, I don't think you have, so if she is the Hunter, with only two choices, she will certainly pick two others before you, and possibly two before me? Maybe. :D



Originally Posted by Legate
I think this would be good. Well, unless Lommy turns out to be a Hunter :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Mac
You have killed the hunter. "eek"

Which one of you will go with him?

You will see... :P


Originally Posted by Legate
Darn it.

Lalaith 03-12-2007 02:52 PM

OMG. I can't believe didn't even think Lommy was the Hunter anyway so all my careful deductions that Saturday were a COMPLETE WASTE OF was a really nice day, I could have been out in the sunshine and everything....
*throws another childish tantrum*

Lommy, I thought you must be innocent because you kept saying things I'd been thinking. Which tends to be a good sign, in my experience.
And I thought Gil was innocent because of the Glirdan thing, a wolfish nighttime discussion would have cleared up his confusion and clearly he hadn't been party to any such discussion.
And then, when Gil turned out to be the Ranger, I realised you must be the Hunter. Because we were the only two to defend him.

The Saucepan Man 03-12-2007 05:08 PM

Many thanks for posting that Durelin. Legate's compelling analyses and dedutions were another Night-time highlight for me, so it's great to see that he continued analysing and deducing right up to the end. :D

Your choice of Kath was quite unexpected to me, even though we had discussed her previously, so it's good to see the reasoning. I thought that was probably what led you to kill her.

My own view (from the grave) was that Lommy was the best choice for Night 7. I thought that there was a 50:50 chance of her being the Hunter (on the basis that only she and Lal did not vote for Gil), but I had thought that Lal had defended him more throughout the game. It didn't occur to me that a Huntress Mith might have put in the last minute vote for Gil to avoid detection, but (even though it was not the case) it was solid reasoning. Still, even though I thought that there was a significant risk that Lommy would take one of you with her, she looked the best bet because she had in effect become an all-but-known innocent. I also thought that, even if she took one of you with her (and I thought Durelin the most likely), the other would still be in with a good chance, albeit that this would involve seeing through another Day.

Anyway, interesting stuff, so thanks. :)

Oh and Noggie, I would have been rambling on about always seeming to vote for the Seer whether I had been innocent or guilty because ... well ... I always do. I even managed to vote for her in this game without actually intending to ... :D

Lalaith 03-12-2007 09:58 PM

Oh and btw, Lommy, if I *had* guessed you and Gil were the H&R, there's no way I would have drawn attention to it by grouping you together as innocents like that! Sorry, it must have been rather worrying for you both...

Thinlómien 03-13-2007 01:55 AM

Those PMs are so funny! :D Thanks for sharing.


Originally Posted by Lalaith
Oh and btw, Lommy, if I *had* guessed you and Gil were the H&R, there's no way I would have drawn attention to it by grouping you together as innocents like that! Sorry, it must have been rather worrying for you both...

It actually wasn't, since almost no one was heeding what you were saying... ;) And I thought that if you were a wolf, you wouldn't have said that, but killed us in the night and thus I thought you were innocent...

Legate of Amon Lanc 03-13-2007 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by Durelin
Legate should post the entirety of his VERY LONG hunter pondering PM. It was just amazing. The amount of work and thought he put into that...insane. I wasn't sure if you'd want it all shared, though, Legate, so I've only shared small (very small by comparison) pieces.

I think for illustration, it suffices. Who would want to read it, anyway :D And I think you chose good parts, it maps the main thoughts.

And yes... insane is quite precise word for that. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Thinlómien
Those PMs are so funny! Thanks for sharing.

I think that was the funniest part of it. And the last night was perhaps the funniest for me. You can probably guess from what you read :)

Rikae 03-13-2007 07:02 PM

OK, I just got back from my trip, and thought I ought to apologise to my fellow villagers for being so suspicious early on. It occured to me, too, after I revealed myself, that I could have saved my neck simply by switching my own vote. :rolleyes: It's a learning experience, I guess...I'll do better next time I'm gifted, I promise. :(

Nice job, faithfuls.

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