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Old 12-18-2002, 11:14 PM   #49
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Nalana, I think you're rude. Thank you for saying you over reacted, but I just have to say this. And don't get offended. This is more of my advice to you for the future. And this goes for anyone else out there. And I'm just saying how I feel (you'll see what I mean at teh end). Who are you to tell us we are rude when we say what we feel? You are a hypocrite. How can you say <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> All they have to do is simply state what they didn't like and why... they did that plus saying how terrible PJ was and everything. that's rude. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>?<P>How?<P>You are being rude yourself in telling other that the way they feel is offensive. Part of a first impression is how you feel. You can tell what you think of something, but if you don't tell it true, emotional, raw, and how you feel about it, then its just monotony, and its empty. Without any of that, then your first impression and your reply is spineless and weak. People aren't putting PJ down and looking for everything that he did 'not to their liking', they were just saying how they felt and what he did that made their first impression so angry and dissapointed. In a nut-shell, I think that you need to calm down and let people just say how they feel. Don't get offended, because I belive that you have no right to. People are saying how they feel and what they think, and if you can't handle it then leave and save the people like me the trouble of writing all this. If you don't like it then you can disagree, but don't get offended.<P>Once again, please don't get offended. I'm just saying what I feel. <P>With that out of the way, I agree a lot with Turoch's first reply. I was really dissapointed and I didn't think that TTT would be changed that much. I really like the movie, however, I felt that it was rushed and that it missed a lot of points and themes that the book presented. I think that PJ changed the plot too much and he really did drop the ball. It was good action, but still it was too much action type. It should be fighting in the battle, not this modern stuff with Legolas sliding on the shield. It looked really tight, but it was too unreal. Would that have really happened? As Lostthuniel said, on well placed pike or spear would be 'bye bye' for Legolas. And when Legolas swung around the horse to get on it, that was cool once again, but it looked too fake. I liked the movie overall but I felt that TTT was focusing more on the fad-tpye fans who have no respect for the book and the real (Tolkien) fans. PJ went too far around certain parts in the book.<P>Someone asked if the movies were not made for the fans then who were they made for? Well, I think that the movie was made for the fans, but also made to introduce people to LotR, and for the fad-type people. And now I am beginning to think that this wasn't really made for the fans or anyone else, maybe it was just for money or fame.<P>I think that people were using PJ as a scapegoat just a little. Remember that there were others who had their part in changing the plot. Like Fran Walsh (how I loathe her). The reason that we consider it all PJ's fault is because he is the main guy. If he's going to assume the role he did in the movies, as the head-honcho, then he has certain responsibilities, and if the movie fail to deliver in any way whatsoever, then his responsibility reuires him to take the blame.<P>Greyistar. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> This is a movie BASED on a book by JRR Tolkien it is not THE book by JRR Tolkien. If you do not like it then read the book. Its a great book but it isn't a movie. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>We know that. However, if its based on the book, then when they change it as much as they did, its a dissapointment. If some are looking forward to the movie and then it falls short of their expectations, then its kind of sad. Yes they can go read the book but it makes a lot of us very angry and dissapointed. That's just the way we feel. Some of us like one of the movies but don't like the other. When that's the case, its kind of worse because a movie trilogy doesn't work that well if any of the three is not up to any of the other's standards. But the one thing that ****es me off is when someone I know hasn't read the books and says something like,'Yeah! Legolas Rocks!' They have every right to say that and feel that way. But it makes me angry because tehy only think that he's cool because of the movie and they have no intention of reading the books at all. It's just sad. And this movie is introducing middle-earth to some people, but their first impressions (from the movies) just mess up the whole thing. This is really hard to explain so sorry if I'm not that clear.<P>Tigerlilly. As I said before, we didn't intend to see exactly what we read. We had expectaions and different levels of them. But for some of us, the movie fell miles short of them. You are most likely going to be right. I did like the movie even though I was dissapointed. I'm definately going to see it again and I'm sure I'll like it better. Oh yeah, isn't a relief to finally talk freely about the movie with all of us? <P>I thought that PJ really portrayed gollum well. I like the way gollum talked and how they did the camera angles for slinker and stinker/smeagol and gollum. I wasn't really too excited about the way he moved. And at some points the mouth movements seemed to be off with the talking. I thought that PJ did a really good job on him. Like when Frodo scolds Sam for making fun of Gollum and asking why he always calls him names and brings him down. It kind of like asking why he was such a bully to gollum. I liked the was Frodo calls him smeagol and forms a bond. I also like the way that Frodo and gollum's relation is clearly shown. Frodo bears the ring so he knows what it's like for gollum. PJ really portrayed gollum the way I see him. But as much as like the job he did on gollum, I still wish that he stuck closer to the book. And one reason is because not everybody sees gollum like I do. So if he stuck closer to the book, it would show gollum more like every one saw him.<P>I won't go into much detail on the things I really didn't like, especially since most of them were already stated. And I'll only talk about two of them. First, I really didn't like how they made Frodo's journey, and especially when it got to Faramir. I didn't like how they had Faramir portrayed and how Frodo offers the ring to the wraith on the nazgul. It was just really far from the true plot and too far-fetched. And I thought Gimli was hilarious but they really took it too far. They were pretty much beating a dead horse, actually it was more like taking an ak47 and unloading on the dead horse. Oh well.<P>Overall, the movie was disappointing but good.<p>[ December 19, 2002: Message edited by: MLD-Grounds-Keeper-Willie ]
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