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Old 06-06-2004, 09:53 AM   #158
Mighty Mouse of Mordor
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Lands of the North, where no man can reach....
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This seems like such a great game.

Okay, I had actually worked on an Orc Captain for some time now. Yesterday I sat all morning waiting for the game to open so I could post my character. I left my computer for one hour and when I came back it had opened. Unfortunately, or unfortunate for me, Pio had posted an Orc Captain character for another Player. Bummer.

Anyway, I decided to just make a new character. So, here is for another Captain; Easterling Captain, Dol Guldur Main forces.

Didn't turn out that well, since I'm still holding on to that Orc Captain thing. Heh. Anyway, I'll give it a try.


1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – YES, - Hunt for the Dragon, Flight from Rohan, C&C, Haunted, Breelanders All, Last hope of Moria and I co-owned Setting Sails for Valinor.

2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? None

3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn? – YES- Long ago though.


Southron Captain - Dol Guldur Main Forces

NAME: Herding Gratnas

AGE: In his middle thirties

RACE: Haradrim


WEAPONS: Almost anything is suitable for this Haradrim. He has the strength and knowledge to handle any weapon that might suit for any occasion. He always carries, however, his bow and sword in battles. They were both stolen from other warriors that were of high rank. His sword is beautifully decorated, and some may think that a sword as powerful in it’s making and as strong as this has nothing to do in a foul man's hands, which is also true in this case. Those markings and decorations that shone brightly from the sword before are hardly seen now. This is caused by the old blood, from his enemies, which still linger in its curves.

His bow is just like any other bow, neither printings nor any form for decoration. The function of the bow is however, remarkable. Even though the shooter may not be of highest quality the bow guarantees a nice and clear shot. With this bow, Herding, has reached many a man and brought them to shadow.

Apart from that, Herding is quite good with his daggers/knives. They are usually easy to use, and they are very reliable.

APPEARANCE: Herding is quite tall and he has a stealth body. His skin is dark like all of his kind. His eyes are hidden beneath his dark eyebrows, and if you are so lucky to notice them at all, you will see nothing but emptiness. Yes, for they are empty indeed. There is no colour whatsoever, and the light and happiness cannot be found within. Apart from that he has strong features in his face; cheekbones high, mouth wide and a black beard. His hair is neither short nor long, all that is certain I that the colour is black as the night itself.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Herding takes things very seriously. He feels no sympathy with those who fail because they simply are too childish or too naive to see the consequences of their actions. Herding hardly feel any sympathy with anyone but himself. He is of that opinion that people deserve what they get and the other way around. When it comes to himself though, he isn't that cheeky. He hates defeats, whether it's on the battle field or in other circumstances.

Herding is very selfish. He puts himself before others. He is cynical, and everything he does has some sort of thought behind it. Herding knows how to take advantage of people. He has done it ever since he can remember. The result is often good, but it can be devastating, something Herding doesn’t handle very well. Herding always try to find a solution to the problems he meets, but still he want to find a solution that will, if possible, be best for himself even though there are others involved. He doesn’t care as long as he gets it his way. He always waits for the right moment and then he strikes, but of course it is carefully calculated. Herding is quite proud of his own "cleverness", which leads to nothing but humiliations and defeats. This is definitely one of his weaknesses. He is simply too proud and selfish. Even though he is selfish and proud his own kind respects him, part of if because he is a great warrior.

Herding is quite good at hiding his intention towards others. But even though he laughs with others, and not of them, and socializes, there is always something he hides. Apart from that, he loves to watch other people mistakes and then later on use it against them. This man is in other words nothing but trouble and scam, so watch out.

HISTORY: Herding can't really remember much of his past, nor does he care. The only thing he really cares about is the future and the presence and how he is going to take advantage of the people around him. But if there is something to be told about this young man's past then here it is; Herding was always reckoned to be a very clever boy. Already from his childhood he showed sign of great leadership, terrible, but great. He leaned to handle weapons from a young age, and he was good at it. It made him feel strong and unbeatable. He was an only child, and therefore he was used to getting things his way. This has of course, has it's marking today.

The Southron Captain, as he is, is now a part of the Dol Guldur main forces.

Orofaniel's post

The rays of sun hit Herding in the face. He spit and looked down. His eyes needed some time to get used to the light before he looked up again. It wasn't hard for him to imagine a world without any light, not just a little. The thought was ever tempting, he figured. Maybe it would come too pass? he thought as he got up. He smirked. His hand moved to his forehead and he then removed his yet black hair that was ruining his vision. Now it was clearer.

The sight that met him was the usual; Haradrims. He despised them all, but he knew that they were excellent to use for his own purposes. And since he, himself was a powerful Captain everything was perfectly fine. Although Herding was a cruel man, he was respected by his followers. Well, after all, it was expected of them to respect their Captain. He moved slightly from his spot and he noticed that a Hardarim was now walking towards him. "Captain," he said as he approached him. His face was slightly miss formed (probably from earlier battles), and his voice was harsh and unfriendly. His armour was dirty and slightly too big for him, which made him move slower than usual Men - It wasn’t hard to spot. "Who will lead the force that splits of the main army, sir?" He asked now sounding a bit friendlier than before.

Herding looked at him for a moment. "Koran Cenbryt, will lead them, if I remember correctly," he said stiffly even though he had no difficulties remembering who was going to lead them. His voice inflicted nothing but jealousy. Herding was jealous indeed; he had hoped that he wouldn't have to stick around with these foul men for eternity, but it looked like he would, even though he wanted to or not. "Why do you ask such a question?" Herding asked suspiciously. "No reason, sir," the man said and was about to turn away from Herding. But of course, such an answer wasn't acceptable with Herding. "I want a real answer!" he said sternly and looked at him with great disgust. The sweat from his forehead was now pouring down his face. He used his hand to wipe it away. The man looked astonished by what the Captain had said, since he didn’t mean anything is specific by the question. He kept quiet for a moment.

"We, me and the others in the camp, were just discussing it, that’s all, sir," he forced unwillingly. He was also sweating now. It was probably because of the big armour he was wearing, but Herding wasn't certain. Herding didn't want to discuss the matter anymore so he raised his hand and told the Haradrim that he was free to go. "Thank you sir," he said calmly and bowed.

Herding was left alone again as he watched the Haradrims slowly awakening from their deep sleep.


Okay, that was it.

I lost my old sig...somehow....*screams and shouts* ..............What is this?- Now isn't this fun? >_<
.....and yes, the jumping mouse is my new avatar. ^_^

Last edited by piosenniel; 06-09-2004 at 09:36 AM.
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