Thread: Outrage?
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Old 06-22-2005, 12:05 AM   #100
Hookbill the Goomba
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Hookbill the Goomba is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Hookbill the Goomba is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Hookbill the Goomba is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Hookbill the Goomba is lost in the dark paths of Moria.
Pipe Thoughts from the pipe.

Is it that Potter is the latest boogeyman for (primarily) Christians who (1) have little better to do, (2) require an enemy for something *to* do, (3) see the Devil in lots of things (like a evil being Rorschach's test?), (4) know little to nothing about what their religion actually says, and (5) are more energized and exciting about fighting the Devil in the pages of Rowling than fighting the 'demons' that exist in their souls?
Unfortunately, many of you're points there are too true. There are few enough Christians in the world today, and those who claim to be, many are not true Christians. Many have chosen to see it as a sign of the times... Sometimes I agree.

Looking at Church history it’s easy to see where you are coming from. I do not mean to insult any Catholics that are here, but point (4) is very true. My father was brought up a Catholic before he got saved, and he tells me that the reading of the Bible is not banned, but neither is it encouraged. Its only in relatively recent history that the Bible has been allowed to be read in secular Catholicism, so there are bound to be many people who do not know a lot about what the Bible actually says. This is what My Father tells me from his experience; please correct me if I am wrong...

I do sometimes wonder about the demonic nature of H-P, to my mind, Satan's teachings would be much more subtle. On the other hand, one could look at it this way; The church has become less and less significant in modern society, plus sin has become, slowly, more acceptable. The best example of this is Blasphemy; 100 years ago you would be stoned for it, but now its just common slang to use the name of God in vain. So, the very fact that something like H-P is around goes some way to support this. Yes, there are worse books around; it is the fact that H-P is aimed at Children that causes unsettlement.

Of "The Demons that exist in their souls" I can sympathise. From my Bible studies, I get the impression that full on Demonic possession takes many daemons, but one on his own can plant thoughts. The story of when Jesus cast out a legion of Daemons from the wild man is a good example of it taking many daemons to posses someone fully. Still, one has to realise what daemons acutely are, that is fallen angels. They can easily deceive people. The comical image of Satan as the Lord of Hell, wearing all red and with a trident is misleading. Firstly, Satan isn't the master of Hell. For Hell, the lake of fire, is the prison set aside for him and his angels at the end of time, and of course, all those who have sinned and do not have their name in the Lamb’s book of life.

Well, that’s all I can think of just now. *Sleeps*
I think that if you want facts, then The Downer Newspaper is probably the place to go. I know! I read it once.
THE PHANTOM AND ALIEN: The Legend of the Golden Bus Ticket...
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