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Old 01-05-2013, 10:59 AM   #14
Shade of Carn Dûm
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cellurdur has just left Hobbiton.
Originally Posted by Galadriel View Post
Eärendil, for the simple reason that this is largely a patriarchal society we're talking about.

If the choice was between Eärendil and Beren, however, it may be a bit more complicated. I suppose, though, that Eärendil still seems to hold more favour among his descendants than does Beren. I kind of see Beren as representing bravery and chivalry, and Eärendil as representing a kind of ethereal monarchy with astounding, almost god-like strength. And in Tolkien's ME, the ones with an air of kingliness/queenliness tend to be remembered more than those who are brave/courageous. E.g. Frodo being almost forgotten despite carrying the fate of ME in his little hands. Not saying that Beren isn't remembered, because we all know he is, but I'd say Eärendil still wins this one.

And I'm probably talking nonsense because I haven't read the books in forever, so correct me if I went horribly wrong. :P
I have quoted a lot of information already. Luthien was considered the head of the line by virtually ALL of her descendants. She was named first and her descendants were named after her. Her only competition in this matter is Earendil and it was because he was the saviour of Middle Earth and second in nobility to Luthien.

Finwe, Elwe, Ingwe and Olwe gained their royal status, because they were brave enough to make the journey to Valinor. The Noldor did seem to only pass the High Kingship through the male line and to males, but that is not true with the Sindar. Dior is Thingol's heir/

As for other matriarchs there is Haleth, the head of her family.

Lastly the reason queens are not mentioned, because Tolkien is focusing on the ruling monarch.
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