View Full Version : The Barrow-Downs

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  1. Welcome to the Barrow-Downs Discussion Forum.
  2. The Barrow-Downs Guestbook
  3. There are 18 registered users?
  4. Reader's Section
  5. Tar-Elenion! is our 50th Member!
  6. I made some Posticons
  7. I've Redesigned the Barrow-Downs
  8. Great Design
  9. More New Members
  10. Encyclopedia updates .....
  11. Bilbo Quiz
  12. Kings of Rohan Quiz
  13. How did you find the Downs?
  14. Fan Fiction
  15. MadLibs at the Barrow-Downs
  16. I dropped the popup on the main window of the site
  17. Where'd ya get that nick??
  18. Chat Room Open
  19. Member #100 !!!!
  20. Look into the Palantir
  21. Even more new member!!!
  22. We've passed the 5000 mark!!!!
  23. 5000 posts!
  24. Board Question
  25. 1500th post
  26. 2000 in The Books!!
  27. Fan Fiction at the Downs
  28. Special Character Codes
  29. The Barrow-Downs MUSH
  30. What's up?
  31. Downs among most popular Tolkien sites
  32. Newsweek guy's questions
  33. 10000 posts!!
  34. We made Entertainment Weekly!
  35. 5000 posts in Books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  36. 250 members! Yippee!
  37. Guestbook
  38. We Have A Critic!
  39. Recent Activity in THE BOOKS
  40. 300 Members
  41. I still will be lurking around...
  42. What were you in ancient Middle-Earth?
  43. Spring cleaning and reorganization
  45. The Downs is one year old today!
  46. 400 members!!!!!
  47. Over 20,000 posts!!!
  48. Barrow-Downs Middle-Earth Haiku Contest
  49. Barrow-Downs middle-Earth Haiku Contest
  50. Dwarf Name Generator
  51. Inter-Judge Haiku Contest
  52. 500 Members!
  53. Stop! For Barrow Downs Way
  54. Important Forum Information
  56. 500 members (again)
  57. 'Movie Members'
  58. We're semi-famous!
  59. The Downs is a hit in Boston!
  60. A new Barrow-Downs Milestone!
  61. 1000 Members! Congrats, BD!!
  62. Barrow-Downs Comics
  63. 1500 Members!
  64. 40,000 Posts!
  65. B-D one of seven best!
  66. Comic Contest Winners Announced
  67. No congratulations??
  68. In Memoriam - Quote Graveyard
  69. 3000 Posts!
  70. How many forum members?
  71. An Arda Recipe Book
  72. Fan Fiction redesigned
  73. New Server
  74. What do you Think the Barrow-Downers look like?
  75. Birthday Party - Barrow-Downs Style!
  76. All About You
  77. Canadian Barrow Downers
  78. Fan Fiction is OPEN
  79. Fan Fiction Proofreaders Progress
  80. I met a fellow BDer!!
  81. So why bother to answer?? (Estelyn's Rant)
  82. How do YOU deal out your bones?
  83. Dreams
  84. Where is everyone from??
  85. Show us your true self...
  86. London BD get-together
  87. Thank you, Mister Underhill
  88. Find your best location in Middle-earth...
  89. The "Search" Feature
  90. ** Signatures **
  91. T-Shirt Contest Winners announced!!!
  92. The import of Autumn
  93. The Two Towers Missing Story Contest
  94. It CAME!
  95. The Tolkien Coming of Age Club
  96. Alabamian BDers?...
  97. The Tolkien Under Age Club
  98. The Tolkien Middle Age Club
  99. Applause! Applause!
  100. Chat
  101. The First Annual Seattle Barrow-downs Festival
  102. Bay Area/Northern California Downer's meeting?
  103. Family
  104. The loss of knowledge
  105. (sp?): The Phantom Menace
  106. To Administrarion - Proposal
  107. The Agony of Poor Spelling
  108. Nominations: Best Thread Names
  109. A idea about the "fangirl" Problem we've been having
  110. Comparing www.barrowdowns.com to the rest of the internet
  111. The Gathering of the Fellowship
  112. Duplicate Threads
  113. Incorrect Sam image on main page
  114. Can somone tell me about the Silmarillion they are working on?
  115. 5000 members!
  116. txt msg style ritng wiv no cptlzation or pnctuation...grrr!
  117. A Memorial of Members
  118. Several New Subsections Required By Cranky Old Windbag
  119. my profile
  120. A message to our members
  121. Private Messages
  122. Members pics & Barrowdowns family Tree
  123. Why consort with the dead?
  124. It's Tolkien's One-Hundred and Eleventyth Birthday!
  125. Serious suggestion for the languages forum
  126. The Fellowship of the Ring Essay Contest
  127. Winter: Lorien, Anduin, Emyn Muil...
  128. BD Tolkien FAQ
  129. Nominations for Best Nicks!
  130. Skwerlz
  131. 23 Jan 2003 - Problems with Forum
  132. Question to the mods
  133. East Coast BD
  134. Barrow-Downs Time
  135. London BD
  136. Well, what about the midwest? (Indiana to Utah, Dakota to Texas)
  137. Redundancy on the rise
  138. Tolkien, The Barrow-Downs, and Flyover Country
  139. Favorite Roleplaying Characters!
  140. Geriatric Club
  141. "Borrowed" avatars
  142. Calling all cookery experts!
  143. The South (Farthing) Shall Rise Again!
  144. Translations from the Elvish - update
  145. Fan Art
  146. A curious evening in Oxford
  147. Preview Your Posts
  148. Feel like competing with www.minastirith.com?
  149. The rest of Europe!
  150. Barrowdowner from the Asia?
  151. * LotR TCG * The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game
  152. "What BarrowDowner do you most resemble?"Quiz... ! ;-)
  153. "When Spring unfolds the beechen leaf"
  154. What's happened to the Languages Forum?
  155. Chat Room
  156. Private [members only] Forum
  157. Essays on The History of Middle-earth
  158. The most Tolkien-Oriented music you make
  159. BDers in the area?
  160. What do you like about people?
  161. Are you a stalker?
  162. How did you find out about the Barrowdowns?
  163. Your favorite forum
  164. Which LOTR character are you? (Quiz)
  165. I'll be back!
  166. Random Themes
  168. About the new comic
  169. IP: logged ?????
  170. The RPlague
  171. Russian/ Russian Speaking Downers?
  172. "Walk To Crickhollow" aka "The Fatty Bolger Challenge"
  173. Clear your PMs, please
  174. Avatar file sizes
  175. Grave Matters
  176. *** IMPORTANT *** Limt set on number of PMs
  177. Discussion vs Chat
  178. The Downs Needs Your Support
  179. Banner Ads and Barrow-Buttons
  180. Icons - a question
  181. Help with youre Fan Fictions
  182. The Ranger on Lush's European Trail
  183. Barrow-Benefactors
  184. Barrow Downs Photo Gallery / Avatar page
  185. Who’s got the best Title? (Do I hear some Nominees?)
  186. The Best Best Topic
  187. ** Must Read ** Explaining STORAGE SPACE and SAVING BANDWIDTH
  188. The Slow Season: What Now?
  189. What do you love about the Barrowdowns?
  190. The Gathering of the Fellowship
  191. Double Identity
  192. Australia BD
  193. Wierd?
  194. Last 50 posts
  195. Hobbit Ceili Dances (The Barrow-Downs Springle Ring)
  196. Our renowned clatterer
  197. Missing a topic???
  198. Alaskan BDers
  199. All About You (Part II)
  200. BDers of New England
  201. Anyone from Kansas?
  202. Are there any corpses out there from Philadelphia?
  203. Southeastern U.S. BD
  204. Anybody out there from Virginia or North Carolina?
  205. Ancient History
  206. are there any bd's from tenneesse
  207. A Side of the Barrow-Downs you haven't seen...
  208. LotR Mini Busts
  209. I'm going to London
  210. Tech probs with forum
  211. Calling all BD fan filmmakers!!!!
  212. Signs
  213. Email notification
  214. Guide to creating an alternate BD account.
  215. Some info on e-mail, spam, and viruses
  216. Crossword Puzzles
  217. middle-earth total war?
  218. The Tolkien Coming of Age Club 2
  219. Quotable Quotes header
  220. Ten Grand Celebration
  221. Hobbit Day
  223. Missing Story Contest- ??
  224. Is there honestly much left?
  225. Reason for recent problems with the site and forum...
  226. Barrow-Downers from South Africa
  227. The Search Function (Or, "Is it just MY computer...??")
  228. Posting Images on the Downs
  229. The Gaffer's Mixed-up Proverbs
  230. Forum Search Function Tutorial
  231. Today's Active Topics changes
  232. Problems
  233. An apology
  234. The Gathering of the Fellowship Members
  235. Early-teen fans on the Barrow Downs?
  236. We are all nerds now
  237. Fan Fiction Missed!! Where's "Interview With The Elf"?
  238. Page Portraying Parade Pics
  239. Mary-Sue???
  240. New Year Resolutions
  241. Golden Ring Marathon?
  242. is there any south-east asians here?
  243. Unusual Games Workshop Miniatures
  244. Adûnaic Name Generator
  245. The Barrow-Downs Scavenger Hunt
  246. Frodo is graphic designer living in LA?!
  247. Intrigued by the Revised Silmarillion Project?
  248. Vbulletin Questions
  249. ** Barrow-downs Forum Policies **
  250. VBulletin Discoveries